NABOKV-L posts by year: 2015
- Gradus, Izumrudov, Queen Disa & Shade in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Red Riding Hood revisited: Kassel's "the Woodsman" and VN's
"Lolita"byJansy Mello - passage a niveau, numbers & queen of spades in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- swine law,
Ferdinand & Nina's death in Spring in Fialta; Franz in King,
Queen, Knave; gold aces in FamebyAlexey Sklyarenko - swine law,
Ferdinand & Nina's death in Spring in Fialta; Franz in King,
Queen, KnavebyAlexey Sklyarenko - BBC interviewbyrobert roper
- evil old schoolmate, head spy,
Balkan Novella & fakir in Fame; railway stations in Spring in
Fialta & in The EyebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Christmas and Berlin in the twentiesbyJansy Mello
- Re: CFP on Pnin, ASEEES 2016byNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Christmas time tales and NabokovbyJoseph Schlegel
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyJansy Mello
- CfP on Pnin, ASEEES 2016byNABOKV-L, English
- Re: QUERY: Lolita: [C]harlotte's "maroon slacks,
yellow silk blouse"byfrances assa - Christmas time tales and NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Balkan Novella in VN's poem Fame & Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Ada - bar graphbyMahmoud Aliamer
- defiler of flowers, crown jewels,
Russian spies & Balkan King in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating
PninbyMaurice Couturier - Re: QUERY: Lolita: [C]harlotte's "maroon slacks,
yellow silk blouse"byMalynne Sternstein - Re: QUERY: Lolita: [C]harlotte's "maroon slacks,
yellow silk blouse"bySadie Powers - ANNC: Zembla temporarily hiddenbyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: QUERY: Lolita: [C]harlotte's "maroon slacks,
yellow silk blouse"byHyman, Eric - Re: Christmas time tales and NabokovbyEric NAIMAN
- Re: QUERY: Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"bySadie Powers
- [SIGHTING] A reference comparing Lispector,
Angela Carter and V. NabokobbyJansy Mello - Hamlet in LolitabyMichael Marcus
- Fleur de Fyler, Tuscany, Albanoland, Lang & coda in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byMichael Marcus
- Probing into biblical versions againbyJansy Mello
- QUERY: Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byNABOKV-L, English
- Hurricane Lolita,
Mars & Sybil's portrait in Pale Fire; lightning,
Aunt Sybil & Charlotte's letter in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks,
yellow silk blouse"byJansy Mello - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating
Pninbyjoseph Aisenberg - THOUGHTS - Pnin and intentional cruelty SET NABOKV-L REPRObyWill
- Lolita: harlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byDidier Machu
- Christmas time tales and NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Perrault & Benjamin in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating
PninbyMaurice Couturier - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyJansy Mello
- nostragram; Bera range & Great Beaver in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Great Beaver, motorboat, umyaks, bogtur, Tanagra dust,
great Starover Blue & Bera Range in Pale Fire; anagradusy
(anagrams with Gradus)byAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyJansy Mello
- CFP: Annual Nabokov Conference in St.Petersburg (April and June
2016)byNABOKV-L, English - Kinbote's beard & religion in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyMaurice Couturier
- RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyJansy Mello
- L sightingbyBarrie Karp
- crystal to crystal & crystal land in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- L Turns 60 Ten writers reconsider Nabokov’s novel, page by page. BY LOLITA BOOK CLUB December 14, 2015byBarrie Karp
- Monday, Caroline Lukin, Aunt Maud,
link-and-bobolink & ode to suicide in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - German version of Shade's poem; Hazel Shade,
Starover Blue & Zembla in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] retranslating PninbyJansy Mello
- Re: retranslating Pninbymargaridagato .
- RES: [NABOKV-L] VN & L sighting, & translation issuesbyJansy Mello
- numbers, streetlamps & Tamerlane in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN & L sighting, & translation issuesbyBarrie Karp
- AdaOnline, Part 1 Chapter 38byBrian Boyd
- Re: retranslating PninbyMaurice Couturier
- Netochka & Yeslove in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- diarrhea in Pale Fire & in The Gift; Netochka in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- diarrhea in Pale Fire & in The Gift; Netochka in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Izumrudov, Gerald Emerald,
Oleg & Peter Gusev in Pale Fire; Yasha Chernyshevski in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko - transparent thingum & moondrop title in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Has this quiz been sent out already?byJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Shade, Shakespeare & Shelley in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Will & light in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Shade, Shakespeare & Shelley in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: discussion of editing Nabokov by Roger Angell in podcast from
The New YorkerbyAlexander Drescher - discussion of editing Nabokov by Roger Angell in podcast from The
New YorkerbyBarrie Karp - RES: [NABOKV-L] Shade & schade in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Shade & schade in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Brian Boyd on 'Pale Fire,' Evolutionary Literary Studies & More:
Russian InterviewbyShvabrin, Stanislav - PF mentioned (radio interview today):byBarrie Karp
- Katherina B Kokinova "The Role of Parentheses in Gombrowicz's and
Nabokov's worksbyJansy Mello - mockingbird, Professor Pnin,
Queen Disa & Russian humorists in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Izumrudov in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Colonel Peter Gusev & Gide the Lucid in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Colonel Peter Gusev & Gide the Lucid in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- CFP - Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of MemorybyNabokv-L
- Nabokov, Nabokov Wittgenstein Tolstoy, a Post ScriptbyJansy Mello
- Nabokov, Wittgenstein and TolstoybyJansy Mello
- new publisher neededbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Thank you JeffbyMaurice Couturier
- cats, dog, Fleur de Fyler, Colonel Gusev & alibi in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- "Nabokov’s unique contribution to political theory as seen primarily through the lens of his novel Invitation to a Beheading"byBarrie Karp
- Bittersweet news about ZEMBLAbyNABOKV-L, English
- Lolita as a study in tyranny - Martin AmisbyJansy Mello
- Pale Fire, Timon of Athens and George ChapmanbyMichael Marcus
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Galatea in Solus Rex; Galatov in Lips to Lips;
Keats in Pale FirebyJansy Mello - Galatea in Solus Rex; Galatov in Lips to Lips; Keats in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- CFP "Lolita at 60"bymarie bouchet
- naughts & units in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in Pale
FirebyJansy Mello - VN at loose in the web...byJansy Mello
- A & B in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Lolita, Mona DahlbyJansy Mello
- Lolita, Mona DahlbyMichael Marcus
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in Pale
FirebyJansy Mello - Velveeta Lolita in The Paris ReviewbyJoseph Schlegel
- knight, Pope, erlking & coda in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lolita, Humbert's diarybyMichael Marcus
- Life as We Write It - Interviw with Brian BoydbyGraziela
- July & Gradus in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- two ping-pong tables & erlking in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in
Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin - crime & Botkin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- L* sighting ~ 12 Great Movies About Forbidden RomancebyBarrie Karp
- Re: July, October, February & March in Pale FirebyBarry Warren
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- L* sightingbyBarrie Karp
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- July, October, February & March in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in Pale
FirebyJansy Mello - Fwd: VN sightingbyBarrie Karp
- RES: [NABOKV-L] lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- EDITORIAL: Seeking new co-editors for NABOKV-LbyNABOKV-L, English
- EDITORIAL: Back to our regular programming, already in progressbyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- Sybil Shade, champagne & crapula in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Karlists & anti-Karlists in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- QUERY: The "two titles" of LOLITA?byJansy Mello
- Botkin's birthday, Gradus & Kinbote's love for boys in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Chess in English?byJansy Mello
- QUERY: The "two titles" of LOLITA?byNABOKV-L, English
- Re: lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Missing links - Oglobo cartoonbyJansy Mello
- Nabokov in a cartoon, "O Globo"byJansy Mello
- lastochka & other birds in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Chess in English?byCarolyn Kunin
- Big Review SightingbyRobert Boyle
- war-plus-armistice anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: birds, nests & Gradus in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Interview & PronunciationbyCarolyn Kunin
- Nabokov Society 2015 Memberships and call for Nabokovian
submissionsbyNabokv-L - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] PronunciationbyJansy Mello
- Re: Brian Boyd rates VN's Greatest...byHyman, Eric
- birds, nests & Gradus in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Brian Boyd rates VN's Greatest...bypiers smith
- Returning to VN's erotic "sleight of words" in a Playboy
interview and "dormant patterns"byJansy Mello - Re: starik Perro in Izobretenie Val'sabyA. Bouazza
- Re: Brian Boyd rates VN's Greatest...byNightingale, Elizabeth
- coda & oda in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Brian Boyd rates VN's Greatest...byHyman, Eric
- starik Perro in Izobretenie Val'sabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- waltz-plus-Waltz anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] PronunciationbyJansy Mello
- Re: Traductionbyjoseph Aisenberg
- Brian Boyd rates VN's Greatest...byJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*lita - distortions,
mistakes, suppositions...byJansy Mello - kolenkor,
Son & Zon in The Waltz Invention; Shchyogolev in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Vladimir N. holding a carnationbyJansy Mello
- TraductionbyCarolyn Kunin
- Nabokov's Tyutchev Online; Pushkin Link UpdatedbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- RES: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*litabyJansy Mello
- 40 Arabian thieves & Hrushchov in Pale Fire; Tsar Nikita & his 40
daughters in Pushkin's poembyAlexey Sklyarenko - Fwd: NYTimes.com: My 10 Favorite Books: Terrence McNallybyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: The name of LolitabyMaurice Couturier
- Sighting - Fwd: Saturday, 11/07: Speak, MemorybyBarrie Karp
- man-into-worm anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
L*lita... Occam's Razor? IIbyJansy Mello - Schiff reviews "Letters to Véra" NY TimesbyJansy Mello
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] ENC: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*lita... Occam's
Razor?byStadlen - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] ENC: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*lita... Occam's
Razor?byjoseph Aisenberg - RES: [NABOKV-L] ENC: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*lita... Occam's
Razor?byJansy Mello - Pale Fire as parody of history & ShakespearebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- poem on NabokovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- first word & last line in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: The name of LolitabyBruce Stone
- Salvator Waltz & his cousinsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: L*lita and TWbyKristina Sutherland
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] The name of L*litabyJansy Mello
- Re: The name of LolitabyMaurice Couturier
- Re: The name of L*litabyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: L*lita and TWbyJansy Mello
- Re: The name of LolitabyCarolyn Kunin
- The name of LolitabyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: The name of L*litabyBrian Boyd
- RES: [NABOKV-L] BIB: On the name "Lolita" ... Maar and Dorothy
Parker RSbyJansy Mello - BIB: Infante's illustrations of LOLITAbyNABOKV-L, English
- The name of LolitabyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: L*lita and TW (Trigger Warnings)byKristina Sutherland
- Thoughts: Two LolitasbyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] BIB: On the name "Lolita" ... Maar and
Dorothy ParkerbyCarolyn Kunin - John Francis Shade, Queen Disa & Odon in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Odon, Nodo & narstran in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- L*lita and TW (Trigger Warnings)byJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] BIB: On the name "Lolita" ... Maar and Dorothy
ParkerbyJansy Mello - sighting (sort of)byHyman, Eric
- Percy Elphinstone RevisitedbySimon
- ex-roi de Zembla & Ombre in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOVV-L] Back to Lolita covers, Conversation by Siobhan LyonsbyJansy Mello
- narstran, Leningradus & his peashooter in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: BIB: On the name "Lolita"byCarolyn Kunin
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] [Query] L*lita's homelessness and
inheritancebyJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] BIB: On the name "Lolita"byJansy Mello
- Odon, Nodo & narstran in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Correction: Livry presentationbyNabokv-L
- BIB: On the name "Lolita"byNABOKV-L, English
- Charski,
Lunacharski & Mortus in The Gift; moon & Leningradus in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Bezdna & Dno in The Gift; Odon & narstran in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] [Query] Lolita's homelessness and
inheritancebyJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] [Query] L*lita's homelessness and inheritance IIIbyJansy Mello
- CFP: Nabokov's poetics of translationbySara Pankenier Weld
- RES: [NABOKV-L] [Query] Lolita's homelessness and inheritancebyJansy Mello
- Black Rose Paladins & gamblers in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [Query] Lolita's homelessness and inheritancebyBarrie Akin
- Re: [Query] Lolita's homelessness and inheritancebyCarolyn Kunin
- Hazel Shade & hope in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- BIB: VN and NietzschebyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Botkin as prisoner of Zembla in Pale FirebyStadlen
- [Unruly THOUGHTS] Full moon and ampersandbyJansy Mello
- From the "Academia" site - Brodsky's Sextet and "Ada"byJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Botkin as prisoner of Zembla in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Re: Botkin as prisoner of Zembla in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- Botkin as prisoner of Zembla in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Hurricane Lolita & Hazel Shade in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Query] Lolita's homelessness and inheritancebyJansy Mello
- Re: Philomela and Pale Fire?byRoth, Matthew
- Query for Matt RothbyCarolyn Kunin
- Kater Murr, Philomela and Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- The Folio Society and Lo-lee-tabyJansy Mello
- New illustrated Lolita -/Federico Infante, Folio editionsbyJansy Mello
- mirrors & reflections in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Philomela and Pale Fire?byJansy Mello
- Gradus, Shade & mirrors in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Philomela and Pale Fire?byCarolyn Kunin
- RES:[NABOKV-L] More on Kater MurrbyJansy Mello
- Sorry about that!byCarolyn Kunin
- Fwd:БРАВО СТО ТЫСЯЧ РАЗ БРАВОbyЕвгений Белодубровский
- Shade & Hades in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- More on Kater MurrbyCarolyn Kunin
- Aunt Maud & Caroline Lukin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] more about Disa & SybilbyJansy Mello
- pets, invalids & cats in Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- underworldly names: Shade, Sybil and HazelbyCarolyn Kunin
- Nova Zembla & Judge Goldsworth in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: VN's "Bedside" PushkinbyCarolyn Kunin
- VN's "Bedside" PushkinbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- pets & invalids in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: VN's "Bedside" Edition of Pushkin in High-ResolutionbyBrian Boyd
- Zina Mertz in The Gift; great Starover Blue & poor Botkin in Pale
FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] more about Disa & SybilbyJansy Mello
- VN's "Bedside" Edition of Pushkin in High-ResolutionbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- Re: narstran, Odon & Nodo in Pale FirebyFet, Victor
- narstran, Odon & Nodo in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- more about Disa & SybilbyCarolyn Kunin
- BIB: Maxim Shrayer on Letters to VerabyNABOKV-L, English
- Villa Paradisa, Frost & Onhava in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Four more likely origins of the
name DisabyJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] [Thoughts] The real and the semblance in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Re: Eurema Lisa in ChateaubriandbyDidier Machu
- sighting L - "Reading Lolita at Twelve"byBarrie Karp
- Nabokov-plus-Bog-plus-nikto anagram; blednyi ogon' (pale fire)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- {Thoughts] The real and the semblance in Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Red Admirable in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Four more likely origins of the name DisabyCarolyn Kunin
- Bog-plus-Nabokov anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Disa, Duchess of Payn & Mone in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: Gilgamesh and "Pale Fire"byMullins, Dyche
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Four more likely origins of the name DisabyJansy Mello
- [THOUGHTS] Associations related to a TV series: compassion and
pity?byNabokv-L - Four more likely origins of the name DisabyNabokv-L
- Re: Balthasar, Prince of LoambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Balthasar, Prince of LoambyNabokv-L
- Rodnaya Zembla, Botkin & Queen Disa in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [THOUGHTS] Associations related to a TV series: compassion
and pity?byJansy Mello - A. Bouazza re: Eurema lisa in ChateaubriandbyNabokv-L
- B. Boyd re: Eurema lisa in ChateaubriandbyNabokv-L
- Balthasar, Prince of Loam & crown jewels in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: Gilgamesh and "Pale Fire"byRoth, Matthew
- Re: {Sighting] Berlin after NabokovbyNabokv-L
- Eurema lisa in ChateaubriandbyDidier Machu
- THOUGHTS: Gilgamesh and "Pale Fire"byMullins, Dyche
- Embla & Emblem in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [THOUGHTS] Associations related to a TV series: compassion
and pity?byfrances assa - Nabokov Museum Reduxbyfrances assa
- Heliotropium turgenevi in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [THOUGHTS] Associations related to a TV series: compassion and
pity?byJansy Mello - Iris Acht & Thurgus III in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RLS: Heather Ale & Pale FirebyCarolyn Kunin
- versipel & Arcady in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- coda in Pale Fire & elsewherebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Lines 1000-1001 in Pale Fire & ampersandbyJansy Mello
- Iris Acht in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lines 1000-1001 in Pale Fire & ampersandbyJansy Mello
- syllogism, shaving & bicycling in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- lemniscate in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lines 1000-1001 in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Lines 1000-1001 ( John Shade's in Pale Fire )byJansy Mello
- Tokay wine & Count Komarovski in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Lines 1000-1001 in Pale FirebyIan Leader-Elliott
- SIGHTING: Pale Fire in Mistress AmericabyNabokv-L
- Re: Lines 1000-1001 in Pale FirebyNabokv-L
- {Sighting] Berlin after NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Getting sstarted: the most recent issue of NOJbyJansy Mello
- Lines 1000-1001 in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Shakespeare, dogs, Zembla & coda in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Against L*litabyNabokv-L
- ANNC: Nabokov Online Journal (Vol. IX, 2015)byNabokv-L
- Queen Yaruga & Uran the Last in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Tanagra dust & Chapman's Homer in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a
Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byHyman, Eric
- Shade & waxwing in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byjoseph Aisenberg
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byjoseph Aisenberg
- Kinbote's vegetarianism, Gradus & Russian humorists in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- Re: Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byjoseph Aisenberg
- kot or, green & red, solus rex in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- VNBIB: A. Livry on Nabokov, Nietzsche, MandelstambyNabokv-L
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- Great Beaver, great Starover Blue & vegetarianism in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- Re: Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byBrian
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] Another song "L*lita" by BelindabyJansy Mello
- Re: Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byjoseph Aisenberg
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- CFP reminder: Nabokov International Conference - Biarritz,
France - April 28-May 1, 2016bymarie bouchet - Sosed, Karlik & blednyi ogon' in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Additional information about Moravia's "Lolita-like student"byJansy Mello
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byJansy Mello
- Sherlock Holmes, parachuting & spies in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Karlik, conchologists & maimed hand in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ANNC: Julia Trubikhina book, "The Translator's Doubts"byNabokv-L
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- EDITORIAL: Reminder on formatting postsbyNabokv-L
- Re: Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byStadlen
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byNabokv-L
- Was Nabokov a Hebephile\Ephebophile?byMo Ibrahim
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Nabokov’s allusions to Midsummer Night’s Dream AND Mansfield Park in L_o_l_i_t_abyNabokv-L
- keys in The Gift; door in Lik; skeleton key in Postscript to L o
l i tabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Lo----'s 60th AnniversarybyNabokv-L
- Nabokov’s allusions to Midsummer Night’s Dream AND Mansfield Park in L_o_l_i_t_abyArnie Perlstein
- Ilya Ilyich in Krug; Leshino & gorb istiny in Dar; Gorb in
Izobretenie Val'sa; krug in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - fishing in Lik, in The Circle & in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- The Connected Enchanted Hunters of Mansfield Park & L_o_l_i_t_abyJansy Mello
- Sasha in Lik & in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Gavrilyuk in Lik; Chernyshevski in The Gift; koldun & bashnya in
The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Vegetarian Kinbote's appositives...byJansy Mello
- SIGHTING: quotes in August 2015 - S.M.L.XLbyJansy Mello
- Commemoration of the Sixty years of Lolita's publication in Paris
at "The Enchanted Researchers" SocietybyJansy Mello - A.Kuznetsova reads a sample of Nabokov's Short-Stories and poetry
in MoscowbyJansy Mello - Re: The Connected Enchanted Hunters of Mansfield Park &
L_o_l_i_t_abyNabokv-L - “…which might have tickled my pride, had it not incensed my jealousy”— Nabokov’s ultra-sly wink at Pride & Prejudice in L_o_l_i_t_abyArnie Perlstein
- The Connected Enchanted Hunters of Mansfield Park & L_o_l_i_t_abyArnie Perlstein
- Fioletov junior & perpetual motion in The Gift; telemor,
sultan & old newspapers in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Professor Esser in The Event; homo feuerbachi in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- My "enchanted hunting" for veiled allusions in L_o_l_i_t_abyArnie Perlstein
- metamorfozy mysli in Lik & in DarbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- THOUGHTS: Arnie Perstein; My "enchanted hunting" for veiled
allusions in L_o_l_i_t_abyJansy Mello - THOUGHTS: Arnie Perstein; My“enchanted hunting” for veiled allusions in L_o_l_i_t_abyNabokv-L
- Ranta & Livida in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Robert Roper's VN in Americabyrobert roper
- Barbara Wyllie on NabokovbyJansy Mello
- A non-Nabokovian visual puzzle related to "Despair" (three images)byJansy Mello
- Re: Robert Roper's VN in AmericabyNabokv-L
- Rapid considerations about Fassbinder's "Despair"byJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Nabokov’s LOLITA winks at Mansfield Park’s “shocking trick for a young person to be always LOLLING UPON A SOFA.” & “easier to SWALLOW than to speak”byJansy Mello
- mark, fleas, Chose, Lute, Avenue Guillaume Pitt, floramors in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov’s LOLITA winks at Mansfield Park’s “shocking trick for a young person to be always LOLLING UPON A SOFA.” & “easier to SWALLOW than to speak”byArnie Perlstein
- RES: [NABOKV-L] EDNote: L disasterbyJansy Mello
- EDNote: L disasterbyNabokv-L
- TODAY: "On Point" (NPR show) on Roper's Nabokov in AmericabyNABOKV-L, English
- Re: Nabokov’s LOLITA winks at Mansfield Park’s “shocking trick for a young person to be always LOLLING UPON A SOFA.” & “easier to SWALLOW than to speak”byNabokv-L
- Nabokov’s LOLITA winks at Mansfield Park’s “shocking trick for a young person to be always LOLLING UPON A SOFA.” & “easier to SWALLOW than to speak”byArnie Perlstein
- euphorion, a precious metal,
rue Gounod in Nice & 'German' Mark Kennensie in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Podvig & SlavabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Bubnov & Columbus in PodvigbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- sightingbyBarrie Karp
- 10 key places from Nabokov's Lolita on a map of the US | Russia
Beyond the HeadlinesbyJansy Mello - Ada and Despair: " a clash of cymbals"byJansy Mello
- parachuting in PFbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lolita and book cover redesigns of the book ( Huffington post)byJansy Mello
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] A strange comparison becomes more so...byJansy Mello
- Re: Painting NabokovbySweeney, Susan Elizabeth
- Painting NabokovbyNabokv-L
- Amphitheatricus & Uranograd in PFbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Amphitheatricus & Uranograd in PFbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Indirect SIGHTING: Vladimir's cousin,
Nicolas Nabokov reviews at The New YorkerbyJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] Just an amiable happy photograph/link and bobolinkbyJansy Mello
- bobolinks/tattoosbyNabokv-L
- Re: Just an amiable happy photograph/link and bobolinkbyNabokv-L
- another L and "L" sighting ~byBarrie Karp
- Amphitheatricus & Uranograd in PFbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Just an amiable happy photographbyJansy Mello
- Onhava in PF; Padukgrad in BSbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- link-and-bobolink in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- L & "L" sightingsbyBarrie Karp
- komar in Lik; Turgenev in SobytiebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- "how I live & work" in Lik; blondinka s bolonkoy in SobytiebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SIGHTING: Nabokov Family Estate (Rozhdestveno)byNabokv-L
- Teaching L***** (but not necessarily in Tehran)byNabokv-L
- Slate Review of Clarice Lispector: "a genius on the level of
Nabokov."byJansy Mello - Brussels & Lavrentiy Ivanovich Kruzhevnitsyn in Lik's English
versionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Slate Review of Clarice Lispector: "a genius on the level of
Nabokov."byJansy Mello - SIGHTING: Lo-sighting ~ Fwd: Trigger Warnings Spark Debate Over
Free SpeechbyNabokv-L - Koldunov's gun in Lik; tip s revolverom in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Fwd: Mary Karr interview mentions Nabokov’s Speak, Memory and L.....byNabokv-L
- LikbyJansy Mello
- Sighting: Eavesdropping Eden and Eve's two apples - resendingbyJansy Mello
- tragic actor, nadryv & Troshcheykin in The Event; bezdna in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Sighting: one more: eavesdroppingbyJansy Mello
- Sighting: Reference to Nabokov in a Brazilian literary suplement.byJansy Mello
- talent in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- muzhchina & shtany in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Sighting: Reference to Nabokov in a Brazilian
literary suplement.byJansy Mello - Sighting: Reference to Nabokov in a Brazilian literary suplement.byJansy Mello
- kobchik in Lik; Kuprikov in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Moliere & Angelique in Lik; pominki & chess in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- A link to a Chess Magazine in FrenchbyJansy Mello
- Nabokovterists at large: Sansom "Like April in Arizona"byJansy Mello
- young Tell,
apples & twins in The Event; apple of discord & Angelique in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko - idiotic tea in The Event; idiotic end in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] Orson Welles and NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Vladimir Nabokov’s Hand-Drawn Sketches of Mind-Bending Chess Problems in Literature| July 30th, 2015 Leave a CommentbyBarrie Karp
- SIGHTING: reference to V.N and "Lo..." in M.Drabble's "The Pure
Gold Baby" 'byNabokv-L - Vladimir NabokovBook of the day Nabokov in America: On the Road to Lolita by Robert Roper – reviewbyBarrie Karp
- Texture and component patternsbyJansy Mello
- Valeria & Maximovich in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Literary Hoaxes in Ada and Pale Fire. Gender.byJansy Mello
- July 15/28--St. Vladimir's Day (x1000): BarabtarlobyNabokv-L
PFbyJansy Mello - discovered by Russian author Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- velika voina & dosvidania in Lik; bezrukiy in Ultima ThulebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Naturalization Papers,Wall Street JournalbyJansy Mello
- heart ailment & stutterer in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Report about an interview with V. Nabokov: Neil
HickeybyJansy Mello - savior in Lik & Salvator Waltz in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Report about an interview with V. Nabokov: Neil KickeybyJansy Mello
- following Lik's new white shoes...byJansy Mello
- old fatalist, dyadya, Koldunov's first wife & crocodile in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- decadent dreams & crocodile in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Koldunov's wife & son in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- new shoes in Lik & new boots in Tolstoy's What Men Live bybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Translating wordplay: domestication or foreignization? Verbal
competitions?byJansy Mello - Suire & abyss in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- korona-vorona-korova series in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SIGHTING in Daily BeastbyNabokv-L
- Lik's expensive wrist watchbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] VN mentionedbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Lik in The Abyss & vice versabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN's Slava vs. Pushkin's PoltavabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN mentionedbyBarrie Karp
- RES: [NABOKV-L] a branch...will bloom in the smoke-colored air.byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Apollo & fakir in FamebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lolita, Soeur du lecteur: S. Legrand, Le Magazin Littéraire,2015byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Fotos Les PerversbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers? A coincidence?byNabokv-L
- Stillicide and Roman lawbyJansy Mello
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line
Numbers? A coincidence?byJansy Mello - foreseeing finale in Invitation to a BeheadingbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Mamay in On Rulers; actors in The Paris PoembyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ciphered night in FamebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- evil old schoolmate, Akakiy Akakievich, mockery of conscience,
incognito in FamebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: [SIGHTING] Lolita and Salter's last novel "All there is"byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line
Numbers? A coincidence?byMahmoud Aliamer - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire -
Length And Line Numbers? A coincidence?byJansy Mello - protagonist's last words in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line
Numbers? A coincidence?byJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers? (resending)byJansy Mello
- [SIGHTING] Lolita and Salter's last novel "All there is"byJansy Mello
- Koldunov's patronymic in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers?byMahmoud Aliamer
- gogol & new white shoes in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- rearranged furniture & barin in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Word games and psychologizing - a follow upbyJansy Mello
- Re: Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers?byBarrie Akin
- Interview with Zsuzsa Hetényi (in Russian) - "130 polygenic and invariant patterns" in Hungarian!byFet, Victor
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers?byJansy Mello
- Pale Fire - Length And Line Numbers?byMahmoud Aliamer
- velika voina & loneliness in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Word games and psychologizingbyJansy Mello
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Dom Quixote: a world of cruelty and the
author...byAnthony Stadlen - RES: [NABOKV-L] Dom Quixote: a world of cruelty and the author's
taskbyJansy Mello - Lesser Lethe & Angelique in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- apple of discord in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Dom Quixote: a world of cruelty and the author's taskbyJansy Mello
- Actual article Nabokov vs HemingwaybyNabokv-L
- CFP Nabokov International Conference - Biarritz,
France - April 28-May 1, 2016bymarie bouchet - Nabokov''s tenuous connections to the Alpha Delta Phi--resending
J. SchlegelbyNabokv-L - Lik's real name, Koldunov, Gavrilyuk & fountain in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov’s America ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Re: Nabokov''s tenuous connections to the Alpha Delta PhibyMary H. Efremov
- Re: Nabokov''s tenuous connections to the Alpha Delta PhibyJoseph Schlegel
- EDSwitchbyNabokv-L
- Nabokov''s tenuous connections to the Alpha Delta PhibyMahmoud Aliamer
- Nabokov influence (google alert to Ursula le Guin's Blog)byJansy Mello
- Abusing a name: have Lolicon news been posted yet?byJansy Mello
- Mrs Tapirov & Captain Tapper in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko