NABOKV-L posts by year: 2009
- Re: Vadim's parents in LATH: a querybyfrances assa
- LATH: Vadim's year of birthbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- TOoL: Brazilian translationbyNABOKV-L
- Re: TOoL: Formal Experimentsbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Formal ExperimentsbyJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] "a compound effect"byjansymello
- “Unquencha ble Russia ”, or Forb idden Them es in Nabo kov’s Pros e ...bySandy P. Klein
- Jornal do Brasil review of TOoLbyClaudio Soares
- VN reviews in "The New REPUBLIC" in 1940 ...bySandy P. Klein
- I blame Clare Quilty ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fragments from the master ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Vadim's parents in LATH: a querybyVladimir Mylnikov
- TOoL: Formal ExperimentsbyNABOKV-L
- TOoL: Brazilian translationbyNABOKV-L
- Vadim's parents in LATH: a querybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- suite101.com review: "The Original of Laura" ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: VNBIB: Introduction to Stevenson's Jekyll and HydebyCarolyn Kunin
- Person from PorlockbyNABOKV-L
- VNBIB: Introduction to Stevenson's Jekyll and HydebyNABOKV-L
- Re: VNBibliographybyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Merry Christmasbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL and a Person from PorlockbyJansy
- Michael Wood review of TOoLbyJames Twiggs
- VNBibliography: Correctionbyjansymello
- Dmitri Nab okov’s int roduction begins com pellingly ...bySandy P. Klein
- VNBib: Pivanova; Harmony of belletristic text in VN's metapoeticsbyDon Johnson
- VNBibliographybyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] An amusing contrast in PF's lines about "human
life"byAnthony Stadlen - Translation: a proposal (was QUERY: VN's opinion of Constance
Garnett)byWalter Miale - Re: [NABOKOV-L] An amusing contrast in PF's lines about "human
life"byCarolyn Kunin - Nabokov Society electionbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: VN's opinion of Constance GarnettbyNABOKV-L
- Bulgarian allusionsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] An amusing contrast in PF's lines about "human life"byjansymello
- TOoL date mistakebyNABOKV-L
- Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] TOoL Query: Title pagebyb.boyd@auckland.ac.nz
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL Query: Title pagebyjansymello
- LATH and MayakovskybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN Erasers...byPhillip Iannarelli
- Re: QUERY: VN on Garnett's translation of Anna Karenin(a)byVladimir Mylnikov
- QUERY: VN on Garnett's translation of Anna Karenin(a)byNABOKV-L
- REMINDER: Vladimir Nabokov Society ballots due todaybyNABOKV-L
- Pnin's name-and-patronymicbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- name-and-patronymic of the hero of VN's LATHbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- architect Nikolay Na bokov acco rding to t he Empress’s order . ..bySandy P. Klein
- Government's internet censorship trials ...bySandy P. Klein
- Translated, with a commentary, by Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- VN Sighting: Nabokov in _I Love You, Man_byJuan Martinez
- Amis-James debate: CORRECTIONbyjansymello
- Nabokov Giveaway ...bySandy P. Klein
- Cover Designs for Nabokov Classics ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Images from "Bravo" (Dec.2009) Reviewbyjansymello
- Orhan Pamuk Reads Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Amis-James debate is available for download at:
http://www.themanchesterreview.co.uk Click podcasts ...bySandy P. Klein - Fw: [NABOKV-L] David Lodge on LaurabyJansy
- [NABOBOV-L] ToOL and a sighting about an expedition to Xingu
(Brazil).byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] ToOL in "Bravo"byjansymello
- David Lodge on LaurabyCarolyn Kunin
- TOoL: Foetally foldedbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL and Wild's Homunculusbyjansymello
- one of the most interesting short stories Nabokov never wrote ...bySandy P. Klein
- How Do You Solve A Problem Like Lolita? ...bySandy P. Klein
- Dostoevsky: the essential Russian ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Dmitri Nabokov has had an interestingly varied career as an
opera singer ...byfrances assa - SIGHTING: TLS review of TOoLbyjansymello
- Dmitri Nabokov has had an interestingly varied career as an opera
singer ...bySandy P. Klein - [NABOKOV-L] [TOoL] O Original de Laura, coverbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL - reviews in Portuguese and various linksbyjansymello
- 21 of Vlad imir Nabok ov’s title s ...bySandy P. Klein
- SIGHTING: TLS review of TOoLbyJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting: 1977 Obituary ( "VEJA" magazine )byjansymello
- Re: [TOoL] Laura Number One in Russiabyjansymello
- [QUERY] On trasnlating On Translating Eugene OneginbyJansy
- Re: [TOoL] Laura Number One in Russiabyjansymello
- Re: Laura Number One in Russiabyfrances assa
- Re: Nabokov's last novel presented ...byfrances assa
- Re: Laura Number One in RussiabyVladimir Mylnikov
- TOoL review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Laura Number One in Russiabypiers smith
- Nabokov's last novel presented ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Lets: sounds, inlets and doubletsbyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] TOoL, Longwood and a silent seedbyJansy
- QUERY: Inverted imagesbyNABOKV-L
- Portia Doubleday looks like Lolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov Online Journal: New designbyYuri Leving
- TOOL: "Times Dec 18 75"byClaudio Soares
- Re: Hubert H. HubertbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] TOoL, Longwood and a silent seedbyjansymello
- TOoL: CommentbyNABOKV-L
- The Last of Laura a first for Wylie (i.e., a failure)? ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Christmas Season bustle and Nabokov
revisited:correctedbyjansymello - Hubert H. HubertbyMatthew Roth
- Posthumous work by 'Lolita' author bends book standards ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighintg: discussing Lolitabyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Villa Neptune,circa 1920: Cloud,CAstle,Lake?byjansymello
- Chip Kidd:Covers for Brazilian edition of Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: Laura Number One in RussiabyNABOKV-L
- Nabokov butterfliesbyjansymello
- Nabokov was accused of being an arrogant narcissist ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] St.Peterburg Times, ToOLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV_L] Boticelli's Flora and Laurabyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Chip Kidd on VN Covers ...byjansymello
- TOoL: Number One in RussiabyNABOKV-L
- Re: Re : [NABOKV-L] "-lets"byjansymello
- REMINDER/ ANNC: Nabokov Society Vice-Presidential Election
Ballot: Dec. 18 deadlinebyNABOKV-L - Chip Kidd on VN Covers ...bySandy P. Klein
- Speak, Memory, By Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov’s Manuscript s Don’t Bu rn ...bySandy P. Klein
- Immortality and Art in the Writings of Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Holograph and copied text: To Pushkin (On Translating
Eugene Onegin)byjansymello - By All Means, Judge These Books by Their (New) Covers ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Re : [NABOKV-L] "-lets"byClayton Smith
- Re: Nabokov's incomplete work in Russia after New York, London ...byJulian Connolly
- Re: Nabokov's incomplete work in Russia after New York, London ...byPifer, Ellen
- Nabokovs letzter Roman ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Vladimir Nabokov in "To Pushkin" (On Translating
Eugene Onegin)byJansy - Re : [NABOKV-L] "-lets"byyannicke chupin
- goblets?byCarolyn Kunin
- Nabokov all'asta, figlio sott'accusa per bramosia ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: "-lets" IIbyjansymello
- Re: "-lets"byJerry Friedman
- Additional corrections: Independent articlebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Nabokov's incomplete work in Russia after New York, London ...byb.boyd@auckland.ac.nz
- Re: "-lets"byHafid Bouazza
- Nabokov's incomplete work in Russia after New York, London ...bySandy P. Klein
- Posthumous publication: Austen, Tolkien and more ...bySandy P. Klein
- Another (Misbegotten) Treasure... Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- It is of immense value ...bySandy P. Klein
- Not a last word ...bySandy P. Klein
- Weighing in on Laura, two weeks too late ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: TOoL--two more reviewsbyjansymello
- Re: "-lets"byjansymello
- QUERY: Poshlost in TOoLbyNABOKV-L
- DN on Playboy mispellingbyNABOKV-L
- "-lets"bySiri Vane
- Unfinished Nabokov novel published in Russia ...bySandy P. Klein
- TOoL--two more reviewsbyJames Twiggs
- In “Pnin,” Nabokov o nce wrote ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Master's Sputum ...bySandy P. Klein
- Original Sin: Vladimir Nabokov's eagerly awaited (and
controversial) unfinished last novel ...bySandy P. Klein - Nabokov For Posterity ...bySandy P. Klein
- A last word worth having? ...bySandy P. Klein
- BIB : Vladimir Nabokov, Fictions d'ecrivains.bycyannicke
- Fw: VNBIB-translingbyD. Barton Johnson
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L}Playboy mispels TOoLbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] From TOoL's lyric backs to KQK's Lollobrigidabyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Note on iambic rhythm and correctionbyjansymello
- TOoL: Note on iambic rhythm and correctionbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Gogol & Nabokovbyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: Note on iambic rhythmbyHafid Bouazza
- TOoL: Note on iambic rhythmbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Gogol&NabokovbyNABOKV-L
- celebrated abstrusen ess of Nab okov’s voc abulary .. .bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Non-schlarly Sighting: Playboy's TOoLbyjansymello
- A pale fire is still a fire ...bySandy P. Klein
- Thanks (VN and Svevo; Tatiana in TOoL)byNABOKV-L
- Re: Gogol & NabokovbyMeghan Kiihnl
- Bouzza review of TOoLbyNABOKV-L
- SIGHTING: Redesigning NabokovbyNABOKV-L
- Re: QUERY: VN and Svevo?byb.boyd@auckland.ac.nz
- [NABOKOV-L] Evanescent Kings according to Dave Haan and TOoLbyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Small notes on Pale Fire and TOoLbyJansy
- QUERY: VN and Svevo?byNABOKV-L
- Nabokov backlist gets a face lift ...bySandy P. Klein
- Reading the Original of Laura is like watching a fine old movie
...bySandy P. Klein - Question TOOLSbyVladimir Mylnikov
- Gogol & NabokovbyRobert H. Boyle
- The Nabokov Mess ...bySandy P. Klein
- Why a good cover makes a good book better ....bySandy P. Klein
- Dmitri Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- University College Dublin Review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: TOoLbyjansymello
- Re: Brian Boyd review of TOOL in Financial Timesbyb.boyd@auckland.ac.nz
- Tool in RussiabyVladimir Mylnikov
- Re: REVIEW: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight ...byR S Gwynn
- Re: TOoLbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Piecing Together Nabokov's Last Novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- A last word worth having? ...bySandy P. Klein
- REVIEW: The Real Life of Sebastian Knight ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] John Shade and hyperprismatic crackpotterybyjansymello
- Re: TOoL: elliptical self-portraiture ...byjansymello
- Best to revisit old Nabokov than fragments ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov's incomplete last novel shows flashes of brilliance ...bySandy P. Klein
- against Na bokov’s ex pressed wi shes ...bySandy P. Klein
- TOOL Review in Dutch PaperbyA. Bouazza
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin a l of Laura” Go on the Auction Blo ck -and a SIGHTINGbyjansymello
- TOolbyHafid Bouazza
- TOoL: A few thoughtsbyMatthew Roth
- TOoL: elliptical self-portraiture ...byDave Haan
- Re: Laura ReviewbyChristopher Guerin
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin a l of Laura” Go on the Auction Blo ck -and a SIGHTINGbyMark Bennett
- How to ruin a great writer's good name ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] TOoL ( reviews)byjansymello
- TIME Magazine review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: TOoL: Thank you to Dmitri VladimirovichbySamuel Schuman
- A posthumous piece of fiction ...bySandy P. Klein
- Michael Dirda reviews Vladimir Nabokov's 'Original of Laura' ...bySandy P. Klein
- Laura enters my life ...bySandy P. Klein
- Brian Boyd & Leland de la Durantaye discuss "T.O.o.L." ...bySandy P. Klein
- A Strange Picture of Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov bibliographybyDon Johnson
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin al of Laura” Go on the Auction Blo ck -and a SIGHTINGbyjames studdard
- TOoL: Thank you to Dmitri VladimirovichbyNABOKV-L
- TOol: Burn after Reading (Boston Review)byNABOKV-L
- Nabokov fans and scholars have reason to thank Dmitri ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fwd: SIGHTINGbyRobert H. Boyle
- Perverse Nabokov Characters ...bySandy P. Klein
- TOoL: Boyd interviewbyNABOKV-L
- Martin Amis Visits the 92nd Street Y to Pay Tribute to Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- One Stroke Past Midnight, Vladimir Meets Sarah ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] NEWSbyjansymello
- Critics have joined Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Hemon review of TOoLbyJames Twiggs
- NEWSbyJ Zalbidea
- Guardian - Laura review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Laura review ...bySandy P. Klein
- LA Times review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov’s biographer Brian Boy d and grap hic design er Chip Ki dd ...bySandy P. Klein
- Cornell St ore Sells Nabokov’s Draft Prio r to Globa l Release ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Independent review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Guardian review ...bySandy P. Klein
- RIA Novosti review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Washington Times review ...bySandy P. Klein
- BBC review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Cornell Daily Sun review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] NY Times "Original of Laura" Review ...byjansymello
- NY Magazine review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Dmitri Nab okov ha in cluido ade más una in troducción ...bySandy P. Klein
- CFP Insects and Texts: Spinning Webs of Wonderbymarie bouchet
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Balagur/ Balaganchikbyjansymello
- N/AbySandy P. Klein
- QUERY: Request from DN for help obtaining Banville reviewbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Yours Truly: reviewbyjansymello
- The book i tself— th e physical object yo u hold in your hands — is a wo rk of art ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Balagur/ BalaganchikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Martin Amis: The problem with Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- NY Times "Original of Laura" Review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origin al of Laura” Go on the Auction Block -and a SIGHTINGbyjansymello
- Lolita exiled from Second LifebySusanelizabeth Sweeney
- Pushkin, Chekhov and NabokovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: TOoL review by John BanvillebyJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Balagur/ Balaganchikbyjansymello
- Autograph manuscript of The Original of Laura ...bySandy P. Klein
- In the Cards, A Last Hand ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Punch and Judy in relation to Punchinello:wild leapsbyjansymello
- Nabokov’s Notes For “The Origi nal of Lau ra” Go on the Auctio n Block .. .bySandy P. Klein
- posthumous publication ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov book covers ...bySandy P. Klein
- Sighting - Nabokov,
Meet 50 Cent: Zadie Smith's Changing My Mind ...bySandy P. Klein - Nabokov's last novel is being published contrary to his wishes.
Is that right? ...bySandy P. Klein - LA Times - BOOK REVIEW ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: The Nabokov Collection ...byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Harlequin as Quilty?byJansy
- The book opens at a party and there follow four continuous scenes
...bySandy P. Klein - ANNC: Nabokov Society Vice-Presidential Election Ballot: Dec. 18
deadlinebyNABOKV-L - QUERY: Harlequin as Quilty?byNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire and Vrubel's six winged Seraphim;
Lolita and Mirandolabyjansymello - the original of laura, playboy, december 2009 ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Nabokov Collection ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov’s novel, Lol ita, creat ed a storm ...bySandy P. Klein
- Sighting -- Great writers never die, they just fade away ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov's unfinished -- and unburned -- novel reappears ...bySandy P. Klein
- In “The Or iginal of Laura” — f ragments o f a novel that Nabok ov left un finished . ..bySandy P. Klein
- Un'antepri ma interna zionale de l romanzo postumo di Vladimir Nabokov “T he Origina l of Laura ” ...bySandy P. Klein
- [ NABOKOV-L] Pierrot and Harlequin by Picassobyjansymello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Harlequin as Quilty?byjansymello
- Lolita: how a lawyer's cunning plan paid off ...bySandy P. Klein
- an embryonic masterpiece ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: ex Pontobyjansymello
- Re: ex PontobyNaomi B. Pascal
- [NABOKOV-L] SIGHTING Image from article by France Presse,
Nova York, about TOoLbyjansymello - Re: THOUGHTS: Frost, Tigrisbyjansymello
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Frost/Shade QuerybyR S Gwynn
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Frost/Shade QuerybyR S Gwynn
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Frost/Shade QuerybyClayton Smith
- more islandsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- New novel pays homag e to ‘Loli ta’ ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: ANNC: Reader's Guide to Nabokov's Lolitabyjansymello
- ANNC: Reader's Guide to Nabokov's LolitabyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Frost and Shade/ Morlan essaybyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Frost/Shade Querybyjansymello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Frost, TigrisbyJerry Friedman
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyMark Bennett
- QUERY: Frost and ShadebyNABOKV-L
- Ada's first lines; Pontiusbyjansymello
- Ayn Rand and the World She Made ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyR S Gwynn
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyR S Gwynn
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyCarolyn Kunin
- SIGHTING: TOOL on On the MediabyNABOKV-L
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyMICHAEL GLYNN
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Egobyjansymello
- What's Anne Rice reading ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyVladimir Mylnikov
- Sighting -- Lolita on the Bosporus ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Frost/Shade QuerybyJerry Friedman
- Frost/Shade Querybyfrances assa
- Tina Brown's Must-Reads: The Dead And The Undead ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] [Correction] Goldsmithi, not Wordsmithi...byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia EgobyVladimir Mylnikov
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Ego IIbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia EgobyJansy
- Dmitri announced in April 2008 that he would publish the novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- Recordando a Véra Na bokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Ego, correction and addition.byjansymello
- Nabokov's last work ...bySandy P. Klein
- Dmitri Nab okov, figl io del gra nde Vladim ir autore di“Lolita ” ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia EgobyMatthew Roth
- Pamuk reads Nabokov's "My Russian Education"byJuan Martinez
- When death triumphs over the writer's art ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Ada as an islandbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] Et In Arcadia Egobyjansymello
- QUERY: No posthumous publication?byNABOKV-L
- Nabokov's untold story ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Ada as an islandbyjansymello
- Re: Lastochkabyjansymello
- Ada as an islandbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Best books ...bySandy P. Klein
- dead have come back ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyHafid Bouazza
- article in Zvezda by VN's first Soviet correspondentbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- The puritanical will condemn Dmitri for defying his dad. But the
rest of us should thank him. ...bySandy P. Klein - LastochkabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- One last correction on Youtube source: The SwiftbyNABOKV-L
- Playboy begins serialization of "Laura" in the 10 Nov 2009 issue
...bySandy P. Klein - Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyMatthew Roth
- Decisions, decisions … Dmitri Nabokov, i n front of a portrai t of his f ather ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyCarolyn Kunin
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyJay Livingston
- Fwd: [NABOKV-L] SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyMatthew Evans
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules VernebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov SightingbyAlphonse Vinh
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyClaudio Soares
- Re: SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyClaudio Soares
- SIGHTING: The Swift on YoutubebyNABOKV-L
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyfrances assa
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- Re: Nabokov and Jules VernebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov and H G Wellsbyfrances assa
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- VN SIGHTING: Salter poem in The AtlanticbyNABOKV-L
- Nabokov and Jules Vernebyjansymello
- The 3rd Russian Film Festival ...bySandy P. Klein
- Penguin classics, including Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita,
have been pulled from the shelves of Australia Post retail
outlets. ...bySandy P. Klein - Re: [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjoseph Aisenberg
- [ NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] favorite characters and novelsbyjansymello
- Nabokov and Jules VernebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov and H G WellsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] A Viennese in Pale Fire: "Bera" and "Fountain"
transformationsbyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] A Viennese in Pale Fire: "Bera" and "Fountain"
transformationsbyjansymello - Fw: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines:
Tolstoy's ouroborusbyjansymello - A Note on two books on VN & paintingbyD. Barton Johnson
- Bibliography: Adam Thirwell re VN translationbyD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Ada and Lucettebyjansymello
- Re: Sergei Nabokov--responses to GrossmanbyJames Twiggs
- Re: Lolita and Gone with the Wind?byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: Ada's first lines; Pontiusbyjansymello
- Ada and LucettebyNABOKV-L
- Ada's first lines; PontiusbyNABOKV-L
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- Lolita and Gone with the Wind?byNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- The “disas trous” in US literar y culture ...bySandy P. Klein
- Ron Rosenbaum's response to his perusal of the Nabokov Original
of Laura manuscript ...bySandy P. Klein - Lolita cover contestbyJuan Martinez
- [NABOKOV-L] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Lolita Conference in Toulouse, France,
October 23, 2009bymarie bouchet - Re: [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: PontiusbyGavriel Shapiro
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] [QUERY] Ada's first lines: Pontiusbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: SPEAK, MEMORYbyjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: QUERY: SPEAK, MEMORYbyjansymello
- [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byStringer-Hye, Suellen
- VN sightings ...bySandy P. Klein
- ADA's Walter C. Keyway, Esq.byAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Vladimir Nabokov = Lolitabyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- Nabokov allowed that the real Gogol was found only in "The
Overcoat." ...bySandy P. Klein - Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY: SPEAK MEMORY]byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Sherlock, Bend Sinister,
Footprints...byjansymello - EDITORIAL: Appointed roundsbyNABOKV-L
- Kenneth Fearing--Pale Fire, Sherlock Holmes, tracks in the snow...byJansy
- Kenneth Fearing--Pale Fire, Sherlock Holmes, tracks in the snow...byNabokv-L
- NEWS: Copyright case (Joyce)byNabokv-L
- new in ZemblabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov Tweaks Kafka ...bySandy P. Klein
- [Fwd: Kenneth Fearing--Pale Fire, Sherlock Holmes,
tracks in the snow...]byNabokv-L - Fw: [NABOKV-L] QUERY: Who killed Shade, clarification needed]byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Who killed Shade, clarification needed]byJerry Friedman
- Re: Minor McFate sightingbyjansymello
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>byChristopher Guerin
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- QUERY: Who killed Shade, clarification needed]byNabokv-L
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byMatthew Roth
- Minor McFate sightingbyAndrea Pitzer
- Fw: SIGHTINGS: When Writers Speakbyjansymello
- SIGHTINGS: When Writers SpeakbyDave Haan
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- The NabokovianbyPriscilla Meyer
- Re: A sighting, a recommendation, a thanksbyjansymello
- That’s Vla dimir Nabo kov on my computer s creen ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- Lolita has always been a tricky text to dramatise ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byjansymello
- wave of posthumous releases from authors like Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- from Ron Rosenbaum re: an encounter with <Laura>]byNabokv-L
- Re: A sighting, a recommendation, a thanksbyJames Twiggs
- Re: [Query] [THOUGHT] E.Wilson, Freud, Nabokovbyjansymello
- ANNC: VN's EO commentary in GermanbyNabokv-L
- Re: [Query] [THOUGHT] E.Wilson, Freud, Nabokovbyjansymello
- Nabokov SightingbyAlphonse Vinh
- [NABOKOV-L] More about book covers and Chip Kiddbyjansymello
- Re: Book designer: Jackets are his racket ...byjansymello
- SIGHTINGS: Lolita, Diana's lettersbyNabokv-L
- Re: Boyd: Machado and Nabokovbyjansymello
- Tarnopolsk y on Vladi mir Naboko v’s first novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- Book designer: Jackets are his racket ...bySandy P. Klein
- Boyd: Machado and NabokovbyNabokv-L
- [NABOV-L] Sighting: VN and Kubrickbyjansymello
- Cave 'inspired by Nabokov, Amis, Roeg' ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Bend Sinister and infidelitybyjansymello
- Clarice Lispector and Nabokovbyjansymello
- ANNC: Boyd on Nabokov and Machado live on Internet]byNabokv-L
- Brian Boyd speaks on Nabokov and Machado at the Brazilian Academy
of LettersbyClaudio Soares - Re: THOUGHTS: Pale Fire and The Cream of the JestbyJansy
- Re: THOUGHTS: Pale Fire and The Cream of the Jestbyjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Ouspenskybyjansymello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting,
Events] Brian Boyd on Machado de Assis and Nabokov, Rio, 2009byClaudio Soares - THOUGHTS: Pale Fire and The Cream of the JestbyJerry Friedman
- QUERY: OuspenskybyNabokv-L
- Brian Boyd speaks on Nabokov and Machado at the Brazilian Academy
of LettersbyClaudio Soares - Nabokov’s advice is straight f rom Buddhi sm ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Fragments about Hitchcock/Nabokovbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighiting] Shteyngart mentions Nabokov through
G.Greenebyjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting,
Events] Brian Boyd on Machado de Assis and Nabokov, Rio, 2009byjansymello - [NABOKOV-L] [ Explorers, Madmen, Mystics] NYT on hoaxes,
Cook and Peary, Johnson and Humbertbyjansymello - "Lolita" review ...PS ( a correction)byjansymello
- Sighting - Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Lolita’s I thaca conn ection ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: "Lolita" review ...byjansymello
- Re: "Lolita" review ...byAnthony Stadlen
- Re: "Lolita" review ...byjansymello
- (Brief) VN Sighting: Alan Bennett's _The Uncommon Reader_byJuan Martinez
- "Lolita" review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov’s “Pale Fire ,” a virtu oso astoni shment ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov in passenger seatbyjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [Synasthetic and Kinesthetic Caprices: Tchekhov,
Gogol, Nabokov]byjansymello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Anton Chekhov and synesthesiabyjansymello
- Lolita is being transformed into a 90-minute monologue for the
stage ...bySandy P. Klein - In a tough year, publishers are betting on Dan Brown,
Philip Roth and Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein - [NABOKOV-L] [TANGENTIAL NABOKOV] Anton Chekhov and synesthesiabyjansymello
- Re: Review of "Verses and Versions"byJansy
- Review of "Verses and Versions"byD. Barton Johnson
- Re: Brian Cox plays Humbert Humbert in Lolita ...byJansy
- Brian Cox plays Humbert Humbert in Lolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- Professor Tolstoy, I Presume? ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov was an avid butterfly-lover ...bySandy P. Klein
- Reading of VN'sbyDon Johnson
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] Nab okov and ChostakóvitchbyJansy
- Brian Cox will perform an adaption of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
...bysandy klein - Re: [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] Nab okov and ChostakóvitchbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN Bibliography: MarinannebyDon Johnson
- Nabokov taught "Madame Bovary" to his college students ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] [ Sighting] Nabokov and Chostakóvitchbyjansymello
- Re: Von Humboldt/Humbert reply to the reply of my query.byjansymello
- lost in publicationbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Von Humboldt/Humbert reply to the reply of my query.byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Lolita and Galatea circularitiesbyjansymello
- Von Humboldt/Humbert reply to the reply of my query.byNabokv-L
- Re: QUERY: Alexander von Humbert.byjansymello
- Re: QUERY: Alexander von Humbert.byjansymello
- article on ADA in RussianbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- QUERY: Alexander von Humbert.byNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUOTES] Funnybone future and a mosaicbyjansymello
- Vladimir N abokov\\udc92s c ollection of bu tterf ly genital ia ...byjansymello
- [NABOKOV-L] Unrelated similar references; plot and weavebyJansy
- Vladimir N abokov’s c ollection of butterf ly genital ia ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Sincerest Form of Lawsuit Bait ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Can we blame Kinbote?byjansymello
- Re: Driving in the Snow:Chemical ReagentbyJansy
- Re: Driving in the Snow:Chemical ReagentbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: dates in THE GIFT, Yuri Leving's concordancebyjansymello
- VNBIB: LO's 50th in UKbyNabokv-L
- Writings by & about VN in The NEw RepublicbyDon Johnson
- THOUGHTS: dates in THE GIFT, etcbyNabokv-L
- Yuri Leving's online concordance to Nabokov's "The Gift" (second)byjansymello
2002] Driving in the Snow: Ithaca and N...byjansymello