NABOKV-L posts by year: 2011
- [SIGHTING] A Margin of Error - Google alertbyJansy
- Re: [SIGHTING] Martin Amis on Stalkers IIbyJansy
- [SIGHTING] Martin Amis on StalkersbyJansy
- Truth about TerrabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [QUERY] Metaphysical time (a kind of PS)byJansy
- Bede and Pushkin; Swallows, cicadas and butterflies, Cecília Meireles, Rilke, Nabokov...byJansy
- Re: 8 New Nabokov's Blues Species NamedbyKurt Johnson
- QUERY: Zembla and Tibet?byNABOKV-L
- Margarita GofmanbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Fet and Grigoriev in "The Event"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: devil's joke in The EventbyJansy
- EDITORIAL: Season's greetingsbyNABOKV-L
- devil's joke in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [SIGHTING} Rudy Rucker and the novel Pale FirebyJansy
- PS: the Russian original and a possible reference to BedebyJansy
- Bede and Pushkin; Swallows, cicadas and butterflies, Cecília Meireles, Rilke, Nabokov...byJansy
- Re: ADAonline updates (I.31 and illustrations) and Nabokov Upside
Down ProgrammebyJansy - Re: ADAonline updates (I.31 and illustrations) and Nabokov Upside
Down ProgrammebyJansy - Fw: [NABOKV-L] EO's illustration, epigraph and a bottom linebyJansy
- Leonid Barbashin and Alfred BarboshinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov's classic novel ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- devil, eagles and dogsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [SIGHTING] A prefatory remark...byJansy
- Leonid Viktorovich BarbashinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ADAonline updates (I.31 and illustrations) and Nabokov Upside
Down ProgrammebyBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG) - Barbashin-plus-devil anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Alfred Afanasievich BarboshinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Writer's passportsbyJansy
- [old SIGHTING] Vladimir Nabokov in "Circles of Influence"byJansy
- a kind of quiz...byJansy
- Re: From Darwin to baseball, or what Nabokov’s butterflies have to do with living the American dream …sbyJansy
- Re: From Darwin to baseball, or what Nabokov’s butterflies have to do with living the American dream …sbyJansy
- Pale Fire, John Shade ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Lolita CartoonbyA. Bouazza
- stupidity of the devilbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- From Darwin to baseball, or what Nabokov’s butterflies have to do with living the American dream …sbySandy Pallot Klein
- [SIGHTING] Bounty Must-Reads: Memoirs and FictionbyJansy
- Where are they now?byG S Lipon
- maidservant Martha and Shakespeare in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [SIGHTING] Cover of "Despair" in the facebookbyJansy
- Giles Harvey's soccer and Nabokov/PelebyJansy
- The Exceptional Creation of Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Despair's "merger/murder"byJansy
- Unreal Life of Sergey NabokovbyNABOKV-L
- STALKING NABOKOV: Selected Essays ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- article on The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Dmitri Nabokov wins Italian award ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- two faces of the devilbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- {SIGHTINGS] A miscellany: Bradbury,Giles Harvey,Coetzee: spinal
tingles.byJansy - Pale Fire, the poem, as myth, 2byG S Lipon
- Italicized "if" in Pale FirebyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire, the poem, as mythbyfrances assa
- Re: Pale Fire, the poem and its mythic readingbyJansy
- [SIGHTING] Writer's Digest: "Reject a Hit: Lolita by Vladimir
Nabokov"byJansy - CFP: Panel for ASEEES 2012: Vladimir Nabokov and ConsciousnessbySergey Karpukhin
- Re: Pale Fire, the poem, as mythbyRoth, Matthew
- Nabokov had someone like him in mind ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Re: Pale Fire, the poem, as mythbyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire, the poem and its mythic readingbyR S Gwynn
- Pale Fire, the poem and its mythic readingbyJansy
- Pale Fire, the poem, as mythbyG S Lipon
- Letter: Nabokov Defines PornographybyNABOKV-L
- Re: Prisons, Cages and Neon-barsbyJansy
- “PALE FIRE,” THE POEM ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- [SIGHTING] Pale Fire, the poembyJansy
- Vladimir Nabokov Defines Pornography ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- [Quotes] Literature, Painting and Musicality: readers and writersbyJansy
- Re: Prisons, Cages and Neon-barsbyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHTS [Bend Sinister: escaping a singular consciousness]byJansy
- [sighting] An Anthology of Russian Short-StoriesbyJansy
- THOUGHTS [Bend Sinister: escaping a singular consciousness]byCollin Tobin
- Vladimir Nabokov on "poetry"byJansy
- Is “Lolita” his favorite book? ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Kafka's No Way Out - Prisons, Cages and Neon-barsbyJansy
- DVD Review: 'Despair' ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- [SIGHTING} from google-news,
an Irish Gogol as imagined by Nabokov?byJansy - VN and Baum's Tin Woodman (Holiday Gift for Nabokovians!)byNABOKV-L
- [THOUGHTS] Inventing RealitybyJansy
- VagabundovabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] The Guardian 2001 List of Fictional
Poets, a commentary, a satire.byJansy - Re: AntidulcinistbyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire's "facsimile edition"byJansy
- Pale Fire's "facsimile edition"byJansy
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] The Guardian 2001 List of Fictional
Poets, a commentary, a satire.byJansy - tapeworms in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- three fifths of a carrotbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Coincidences] Gradus in Pale FirebyJansy
- Aunt Zhenya and Uncle PaulbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ArshinskibyAlexey Sklyarenko
- two devilsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- on intimate terms with the devilbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Meshaev the SecondbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- devil and his babies in "The Event"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- smell of the devilbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- nechist' (evil spirits) in "The Event"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- [old SIGHTINGS] ...and hoity-toitiybyJansy
- Re: BachmannbySteve Norquist
- [Re-readings] Nabokv and Wilson on Kafka...byJansy
- solution of "The Event" riddlebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Correction re: Pictures of VN etc.byNABOKV-L
- VNBibliography: ХасинbyDon Johnson
- musical commentary on Vladimir Nabokov's novel Ada ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- VNBIB: On Nabokov's The GiftbyNABOKV-L
- Pictures ofVN etcbyDon Johnson
- Nabokov, who failed to mention Sergey’s existence until the third version of Speak, Memory.” ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Fassbinder filmed a story by Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- in the archives of HellbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Double Darkness in Pale Fire and in Speak,Memory.byJansy
- Re: Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyRoth, Matthew
- BachmannbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- circus in "The Event" and Chekhov's "The Teacher of Literature"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyR S Gwynn
- The Word (Nabokov,1923) Aleph (Borges,
1960) and Zembla's infinite mirrorsbyJansy - in vino veritasbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyRoth, Matthew
- Re: Echoes of VN's father's death in PFbyJansy
- Adam KrugbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- KrugbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Echoes of VN's father's death in PFbyVladimir Mylnikov
- Re: Boyd on Stalking NabokovbyJansy
- Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyNABOKV-L
- 'Lolita' perfume ad --- 'sexually provocative' ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Re: Nabokov and Edward de Vere (Re: [SIGHTING] "Anonymous" and
authorial controversies/ Van Veen and "Perfect Sense")bypiers smith - Boyd on Stalking NabokovbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Echoes of VN's father's death in PFbyPhyllis Roth
- Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos by John ShadebyBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- Re: Nabokov and American "freedom"byJansy
- e: [NABOKV-L] Van's pregnancy in AdabyDidier Machu
- portrait-painter Troshcheykin and Ilya RepinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov and Edward de Vere (Re: [SIGHTING] "Anonymous" and
authorial controversies/ Van Veen and "Perfect Sense")byNABOKV-L - Echoes of VN's father's death in PFbyNABOKV-L
- Seduced by the prose ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- EM Forster's and Lawrence's bathing scenes and Sebastian's
blossoming candlesbyJansy - {SIGHTING] As American as April in ArizonabyJansy
- namesakes in "The Event"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Van's pregnancy in AdabyJansy
- fiction of literary friendship ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Nabokov and American "freedom"byEmily Sours
- Re: Boyd, My Daily Read (Oct 28 2011)byBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- Meshaev twins in VN's play "The Event"byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Van's pregnancy in ADAbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [SIGHTING] "Anonymous" and authorial controversies/ Van Veen
and "Perfect Sense"byBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG) - Laura clue for Pale Fire!byNABOKV-L
- Quand Nabokov invente Lolita ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- grandiloquent neighborbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [SIGHTING] "Anonymous" and authorial controversies/ Van Veen and
"Perfect Sense"byJansy - BarbashinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Musings] Pale Fire's verses out of contextbyJansy
- Re: VN on translationbyJames Twiggs
- TynyanovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov's MonismbyJansy
- Re: Van's pregnancy in ADAbyDidier Machu
- [QUERY] Nabokov's MonismbyJansy
- [QUERY] Nabokov's MonismbyJansy
- Sirin-plus-orgitron anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Van's pregnancy in ADAbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov'byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Sirin-plus-orgitron anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Hans Christian Anderson's "Ole Lufoie"byJansy
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byJansy
- press release from the Columbia University Press ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov sightingbySamuel Schuman
- VNBIB: New BooksbyStephen Blackwell
- SIGHTING: VN clothing!byNABOKV-L
- Re: Boyd's Stalking Nabokov availablebyBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Nabokov on Stenson and more.byJansy
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Nabokov sightingbyHyman, Eric
- Nabokov’s 1947 novel about political tyranny ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- New Book on VN's The GiftbyA. Bouazza
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byJansy
- Hans Christian Anderson's "Ole Lufoie"byDon Johnson
- "Time and personal immortality in J.L Borges,
H.Bergson and W. James in relation to V.Nabokov's Ada and Pale
Fire."byJansy - Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byA. Bouazza
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byJansy
- Re: QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byA. Bouazza
- 18 de octubre: Vladimir Navokov publicó ‘Lolita’ ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- QUERY: Orgitrons in ADA?byNABOKV-L
- -- copyrights of a large number of foreign works, such as … books by Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- architect is too blamebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [TRIVIA] Beckett's and Nabokov's graves and stairs.byJansy
- Analysis: Stanley Kubrick’s “Lolita” ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Last call for CFP for Literature Since 1900 Panel (Louisville,
KY Feb 23-25, 2012)byCotugno, Marianne Dr. - Re: SIGHTING: VN and GynandromorphsbyJansy
- vn and gynandromorph articlebyDarryl Schade
- SIGHTING: VN and GynandromorphsbyNABOKV-L
- SIGHITING: Nabokov in Glenn Kenny's Review of The Big YearbyFulmerford
- Re: Hazel Shade-Lolita and Dorothy ParkerbyJansy
- [Fwd: Nabokov List Request]byStephen Blackwell
- [SIGHTING] Autos de fé - Lolita and Martyn LyonsbyJansy
- Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov'byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Query: Anthony Adverse and Pale Fire?byRoth, Matthew
- Re: Hazel Shade-Lolita and Dorothy ParkerbyRoth, Matthew
- Re: Hazel Shade-Lolita and Dorothy ParkerbyJansy
- AntidulcinistbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Hazel Shade-Lolita and Dorothy Parkerbyfrances assa
- Nabokov of the Deadbyzero
- Hazel Shade-Lolita and Dorothy ParkerbyJansy
- Today in Literature presents Edgar Allan Poe, Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Klein
with a sexual predilection for Lolita ...bySandy Klein - [NABOKOV-L] {QUERY} Nabokov's "shaggy dogs"byJansy
- New Graphic Novel Looks at 'Forbidden Art' Trial...bysandy klein
- [SIGHTING] Nabokov's poem "The Snapshot"byJansy
- The NabokovianbyMeyer, Priscilla
- Re-Richard LockebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Old GentlemanbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- AmfiteatrovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokvian TimescapesbyJansy
- [SIGHTINGS] Speaking of wheels and time reversal...byJansy
- Re: AntidulcinistbyJansy
- Re: AntidulcinistbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- ChernomordikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- AntidulcinistbyJansy
- Chekhov's gun in VN's play The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [SIGHTING] Richard Locke ...reexamines classic novels "Critical
Children"byJansy - Re: surrender and exile...byJansy
- An Evening at the Nabokov MuseumbyNabokv-L
- Live Blogging the BergbyNabokv-L
- Pyotr NikolaevichbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- AntidulcinistbyJansy
- podzhilochki (knee tendons)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: surrender and exile...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- antidulcinistbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] One of Tennyson's translations and Pale FirebyJansy
- Vladimir Nabokov and the Issue of ExilebyJansy
- Re: FW: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKV-L] One of Tennyson's translations
and Pale FirebyJansy - Nabokov, Marquez 'paedophile link' worries Russian church ...bySandy Klein
- AmfiteatrovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- FW: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKV-L] One of Tennyson's translations and
Pale FirebyStan Kelly-Bootle - Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] One of Tennyson's translations and Pale FirebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: rotnpez, battezlbySergey Karpukhin
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] One of Tennyson's translations and Pale FirebyJansy
- One of Tennyson's translations and Pale FirebyJansy
- Re: surrender and exile...byJansy
- rotnpez, battezlbyVioleta Stojmenovic
- The Enchanter: Nabokov And Happiness ...bySandy Klein
- NikoladzebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: surrender and exile...byJansy
- Re: surrender and exile...byFet, Victor
- Re: surrender and exile...byDon Stanley
- [Sighting] Simon Stow on Nabokov's contribution to literary
criticismbyJansy - OdonbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- CFP for Literature Since 1900 Panel (Louisville, KY Feb 23-25,
2012)byCotugno, Marianne Dr. - Nabokov HotelbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- surrender and exile...byJansy
- Dr Froit of Signy-Mondieu-MondieubyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [Fwd: Title of Pale Fire]byDerek Mahlburg
- QUERY: Legality of selling hand-annotated and illustrated copies
of Pale Fire]byNabokv-L - Re: Nabokov's Ada,birthdates and Van BockbyJansy
- TaurusbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Teen "Pretty Little Liars"byJansy
- Re: [Fwd: Jane Austen's Ha-Ha in Nabokov's Ada]byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [Fwd: Jane Austen's Ha-Ha in Nabokov's Ada]byJansy
- In Which Vladimir Nabokov Says It All ...bySandy Klein
- Re: Vladimir Nabokov¹s memoir Speak, Memory that is full of his love of the butterfly ...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- The Revenge of Lolita ...bySandy Klein
- Re: [Fwd: Jane Austen's Ha-Ha in Nabokov's Ada]byRachel Trousdale
- [Fwd: Jane Austen's Ha-Ha in Nabokov's Ada]byNabokv-L
- Re: ha-habyJansy
- News of a NabokovianbySamuel Schuman
- Re: [Fwd: Title of Pale Fire]byHyman, Eric
- Vladimir Nabokov’s memoir Speak, Memory that is full of his love of the butterfly ...bySandy Klein
- [Fwd: Title of Pale Fire]byNabokv-L
- Re: ha-habyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov's "The Vane Sisters" hits Iranian bookshelves ...byRebecca Giersiefen
- [NABOKOV-L] {SIGHTING] 2006 Rosenbaum in a 2011 Brazilian
editionesebyJansy - Re: ha-habyJansy
- [Fwd: Pale Fire featured on "Songs About Books"]byNabokv-L
- ha-habyAlexey Sklyarenko
- 'Pale Fire' released in Persian ...bySandy Klein
- Re: [Fwd: AdaOnline updates, especially images]byJansy
- TroshcheykinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Fwd: AdaOnline updates, especially images]byNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Triptych: from Umberto Eco towards E. Farral's "Les Arts poétiques"byJansy
- Nabokovilia: Sam Savage's Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan
LowlifebyFulmerford - [NABOKOV-L] [TRIVIA] Spinal horripilation in Pale Fire and
aesthetic blissbyJansy - pendulumbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- plenilunebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: candied fruit jelliesbyJansy
- {NABOKOV-L] Marmelade and Pate de Fruits: from Dostoevsky to
NabokovbyJansy - Re: candied fruit jelliesbyJansy
- Re: candied fruit jelliesbylaurence hochard
- candied fruit jelliesbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: marmaladebyJansy
- Re: marmaladebyStan LIOB
- EVENT at Nabokov Museum, Sept 23byNabokv-L
- Re: marmaladebyJansy
- marmaladebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Pushkin's weddingbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Katharine Weber in The Music LessonbyJansy
- Re: Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byJansy
- Re: Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byStan LIOB
- Re: Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byJansy
- Re: Boyd's new essaybyJames Twiggs
- Re: Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byStan LIOB
- Re: Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byJansy
- Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fic..byNabokv-L
- Nabokov's "The Vane Sisters" hits Iranian bookshelves ...bySandy Klein
- article on VN's play The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [TRIVIA] Ramsdale and a road sign to cities in fictionbyJansy
- VN & chessbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov being a“rare Russian butterfly” ...bySandy Klein
- SobytiebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Chose/shtuchkabyJansy
- Chose/shtuchkabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- article on VN's play The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-Ll] Crystals and icicles...byJansy
- Re: [NABOKOV-Ll] Crystals and icicles...byRoth, Matthew
- QUERY: 1989 documentary, 1988 album by Aleksandr GradskybyNabokv-L
- VN/JJ and Naughty PostcardsbyStan LIOB
- Bibliography itembyDon Johnson
- cousin of Russian famous writer Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Klein
- Re: [NABOKOV-Ll] Crystals and icicles...byJansy
- [NABOKOV-Ll] Crystals and icicles...byJansy
- Re: Charm and GracebyJansy
- Re: A Clockwork Orange Consumed at a Naked Nakobov Lunch: Anthony Burgess & William S. Burroughs, Two (More) “Strange Bookfellows” in Covert Janeism]byJansy
- Charm and GracebyNabokv-L
- A Clockwork Orange Consumed at a Naked Nakobov Lunch: Anthony Burgess & William S. Burroughs, Two (More) “Strange Bookfellows” in Covert Janeism]byNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L][ SIGHTING] Epstein's Fred Astaire!byJansy
- VN and HerzenbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L][Sighting] A very minor onebyJansy
- Re: The Raven & Pale FirebyJansy
- The Raven & Pale FirebyG S Lipon
- Re: Another oblique referencebyJansy
- “Literature and butterflies are the two sweetest passions known to man,” said Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Klein
- Another oblique referencebyNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] recent translation of "Cleaning Nabokov's
House" by Leslie DanielsbyJansy - Golliwogs, Camera Obscura, NamesbyJansy
- The Unreal Life of Sergey Nabokov ...bySandy Klein
- VNBib: Nabokovilia: References to Vladimir Nabokov in British and
American Literature and culture, 1960--2009byJuan Martinez - Sighting-Leston HavensbyNabokv-L
- [Nabokov-L] [TRIVIA] Waxwings and windowpanes...byJansy
- Re: Persian version of LolitabyRebecca Giersiefen
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Figures of speechbyJansy
- Re: GolliwogsbyJansy
- Re: GolliwogsbyHafid Bouazza
- Re: GolliwogsbyStan LIOB
- Re: GolliwogsbyJansy
- Re: Persian version of LolitabyGholam-reza Shafiee
- Persian version of LolitabyRebecca Giersiefen
- Re: GolliwogsbyDidier Machu
- NeMLA 2012 panel on Nabokov and Exile (abstracts due Sept. 30)byJackie Cameron
- GolliwogsbyNabokv-L
- Dostoevski, author of The Double, etc.byAlexey Sklyarenko
- saklyabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- REMINDER: CFP for volume on Nabokov and Morality,
abstracts due by 8/15byNABOKV-L - Re: SKB re CoincidencesbyVictoria N. Alexander
- Nova Zembla, Golovnin, Dr Holland, Darkblue, DarkbloombyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Golliwogs and NabokovbyJansy
- SKB re: sudak and statisticsbyNabokv-L
- GolliwoggbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov's golliwogsbyDon Johnson
- Re: Golliwogs and NabokovbyAndrea Pitzer
- sudakbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Nabokov-L] [Sighting] Sebald, Walser, Golliwogg and NabokovbyJansy
- more fishbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: sudakbyJansy
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] SKB re CoincidencesbyJansy
- sudakbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SKB re CoincidencesbyNabokv-L
- Re: ezhovye rukavitsybyJansy
- Re: ezhovye rukavitsybyJansy
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] An armless painter and coincidencesbyJansy
- VNBibliography:?????? ?.?.byDon Johnson
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] An armless painter and coincidencesbyTori Alexander
- [Fwd: VN & Mayne Reid's Headless Horseman]byNabokv-L
- Re: Nabokov's "prenatal abyss"byPhilip Klop
- Re: Nabokov's "prenatal abyss"byJansy
- ezhovye rukavitsybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov's "prenatal abyss"byJansy
- Re: rukabyStan LIOB
- Nabokov's "prenatal abyss"byAnthony Stadlen
- gloves and mittensbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: rukabyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] An armless painter and coincidencesbyJansy
- Camera Obscura & Iza KremerbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- rukabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] Lauther in the Dark and fairy storiesbyJansy
- Re: rukabyJansy
- Vladimir Nabokov & the butterflies video ...bySandy Klein
- rukabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Don-plus-Quixote anagrambyJansy
- Re: [Fwd: Re: question re NOJ]byBarbara Wyllie
- A musician interprets Nabokov through song ...bySandy Klein
- Re: one-armed d'OnskybyJansy
- VNBibbyDon Johnson
- Re: one-armed d'OnskybyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Don-plus-Quixote anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] the Art of the Self-Interview and top ten
fruit scenes...byJansy - Re: Kyoto Reading CirclebyJansy
- [Fwd: VN in Gaspra]byNabokv-L
- Re: one-armed d'OnskybyJansy
- Saavedra: addendumbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ZudbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- one-armed d'OnskybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Kyoto Reading CirclebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- [Fwd: Re: question re NOJ]byNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] British "Express", a sightingbyJansy
- Re: Kyoto Reading CirclebyJansy
- Re: Kyoto Reading CirclebyJansy
- SIGHTING: VN-Wilson letters at This RecordingbyNabokv-L
- Kyoto Reading CirclebyNabokv-L
- Book announcementbyNabokv-L
- Mascodagama's grinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ConsolobyJansy
- Annotations to ADA (1.30)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- ValiadisbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ConsolobyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Book Of A Lifetime: Lolita, By Vladimir Nabokov ...byJansy
- Re: CFP: Volume on Nabokov and MoralitybySamuel Schuman
- Re: Imaginary book titlesbyDon Stanley
- ChateaubriandbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: AdamastorbyJansy
- Imaginary book titlesbyDon Johnson
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Musing about orbiclesbyJansy
- AdamastorbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ConsolobyHafid Bouazza
- StonelowerbyNabokv-L
- Who’s Got Milkweed, Vladimir Nabokov, Seedballs and Monarch Butterflies Roosting? ...bySandy Klein
- Re: Book Of A Lifetime: Lolita, By Vladimir Nabokov ...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: R. G. StonelowerbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- ProserpinabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ADA Online 1.30, more pics, and Stein-StonebyBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- Article in Lepidopterists' NewsbyKurt Johnson
- [NABOKOV-L] Musing about orbiclesbyJansy
- Re: R. G. StonelowerbyJansy
- democrat-to-aristocrat anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- domkrat-to-plutocrat anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: SKB on 'mesiats' & intelligent & EDNotebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: SKB on Stein-StonebyJansy
- Re: SKB on Stein-StonebyJansy
- SKB on Stein-StonebyNabokv-L
- Book Of A Lifetime: Lolita, By Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy Klein
- Re: R. G. StonelowerbyDon Johnson
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] krasnyibyJansy
- R. G. StonelowerbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: On Shade's memorybyJansy
- Re: l'ardeur de la caniculebyJansy
- SKB on 'mesiats' & intelligent & EDNotebyNabokv-L
- On Shade's memorybyG S Lipon
- Re: VDN's BirthdaybyNabokv-L
- krasnyibyAlexey Sklyarenko
- k chertyam sobach'imbyNabokv-L
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] k chertyam sobach'imbyJansy
- l'ardeur de la caniculebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] k chertyam sobach'imbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- [NABOKOV-L] A retake on black-ruby in "Ada"byJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] k chertyam sobach'imbyJansy
- k chertyam sobach'imbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] More of SteinerbyJansy
- nurse BellabestiabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Dr Nikulin & nurse BellabestiabyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] More of SteinerbyJansy
- Dr Nikulin & nurse BellabestiabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] Ancient sightingsbyJansy
- Re: more dogsbyJansy
- Re: red dogs and Dan VeenbyJansy
- more dogsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Mademoiselle CondorbyJansy
- red dogsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Mademoiselle CondorbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [Nabokov-L] Lucette-tetebyJansy
- jamaisbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ViedmabyJansy
- Re: Red dogsbyJansy
- Re: Lucette - tetebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Red dogsbyJansy
- ViedmabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Red dogsbyJerry Friedman
- CFP: Volume on Nabokov and MoralitybyNABOKV-L
- Re: VN en Apostrophes . . .byNABOKV-L
- Red dogsbyNABOKV-L
- one-armed d'OnskybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Bohemian ladybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Lucette - tetebymarie bouchet
- Re: Red dogsbyJansy
- Google Alert - vladimir nabokov - July 9,2011byJansy
- Red dogsbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: Count Tolstoy, a Russian or PolebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Lucette - tetebyJansy
- And the winner is … “Lolita”!bySandy Klein
- Re: Lucette - tetebyJansy
- Ivan GolovinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Lucette - tetebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Fwd: Re: [NABOKV-L] Mascodagama]byNabokv-L
- EDSwitch--almostbyNabokv-L
- Headless HorsemanbyNabokv-L
- MascodagamabyNabokv-L
- Headless HorsemanbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] {Sighting?] O'Connell - O' DonellbyJansy
- Nabokov and the moment of truth {video} ...bySandy Klein
- Vladimir Nabokov en Apostrophes ...bySandy Klein
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] {Sighting?] O'Connell - O' DonellbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Headless HorsemanbyAlexey Sklyarenko