NABOKV-L posts by year: 2010
- QUERY: VN, Ada Lovelace, Babbage, index cards,
and the history of computingbyNABOKV-L - Re: Books of 2010: A Best Of List ...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Jane Austen, Mark Twain and Vladimir Nabokov ...byJansy
- Happy New Year 2011byNABOKV-L
- Re: Books of 2010: A Best Of List ...byJansy
- Top 10 Banned Books You Need to Read ...bySandy P. Klein
- "Waiting On" Wednesday: Cleaning Nabokov's House ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Query on Nabokov and the comicsbyNABOKV-L
- Books of 2010: A Best Of List ...bySandy P. Klein
- [SIGHTING] Banville-Nabokov in "The Believers book of..."byJansy
- Re: Jane Austen, Mark Twain and Vladimir Nabokov ...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: "Mariposa Road" a recent compendium of NabokovianabyPanayoti Kelaidis
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting and Nabokov-Vera letters, a cluebyJansy
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Jane Austen, Mark Twain and Vladimir Nabokov ...byJansy
- Re: Jane Austen, Mark Twain and Vladimir Nabokov ...byJansy
- Re: Butterfly Factory ...byBarrie Karp
- Jane Austen, Mark Twain and Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- QUERY: Letters to Vera?byNABOKV-L
- Season's greetingsbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Frills, quills and thrills:Newport frill,
torquated beauty, pierrotbyJansy - [NABOKOV-L] Query Libellula wings: Pale Fire, AdabyJansy
- Re: Butterfly Factory ...byBarrie Karp
- Re: Butterfly Factory ...byJames Twiggs
- Peterson's grousebyDon Johnson
- Re: KQKn & Inception & ChristiebyJansy
- Butterfly Factory ...bysandy klein
- [NABOKOV-L] MERRY CHRISTMAS: Why translations matter...byJansy
- VNBIBbyDon Johnson
- KQKn & Inception & ChristiebyDarryl Schade
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Peterson's Grouse, Pierrot, rufflesbyJansy
- Re: QUERY: Magda Nachmann and NabokovbyDon Johnson
- [NABOKOV-L] Peterson's Grouse, commedia fakes, scientific names...byJansy
- Re: QUERY: Magda Nachmann and NabokovbyBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- QUERY: Magda Nachmann and NabokovbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: Query on Nabokov and comicsbyDidier Machu
- [NABOKOV-L] [WORDS] "Toska" one of Pushkin's three favorite wordsbyJansy
- “Tһе Goalkeeper” іѕ a חеw scholarly almana c devoted tο tһе art οfVladimir Nabokov ...bysandy klein
- Nabokov's "Butterfly" might be "Tximeleta"byNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING]: 20 Awesomely Untranslatable WordsbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Die Lorelei and Kinbote's wistful mermaidbyJansy
- Tokyo Gov. Ishihara backtracks on 1972 sex ed book ...bySandy P. Klein
- 'Speak, Memory': Eckland, Liss, Kachouh: review ...bySandy P. Klein
- Stacy Schiff Shares Advice for Aspiring Biographers ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov and musicbyNABOKV-L
- Re: "Death of the Author" and its prehistorybyStan
- Query on Nabokov and comicsbyKristina Sutherland
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Tne New Yorker:a baroque mandarinbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Die Lorelei and Kinbote's wistful mermaidbyJansy
- Re: Nabokov and musicbyJansy
- Nabokov and musicbyDon Stanley
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyJansy
- EDITORIAL: Reminder to address your posts to everyone; other
voices welcomebyNABOKV-L - Re: query; music and NabokovbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Book covers and LilithbyBarrie Karp
- VN Bibliography: Nabokov and PasternakbyGrigori Utgof
- QUERY: Nabokov and NietzschebyNABOKV-L
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyJansy
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyDon Stanley
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Book covers and LilithbyJansy
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyDon Stanley
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyDon Stanley
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Book covers and LilithbyJulian Connolly
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyBarrie Karp
- Re: Nabokov and DarwinbyVictoria N. Alexander
- VN -- audiobookbyNABOKV-L
- VN on audio ...& KQKn & InceptionbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Book covers and LilithbyJansy
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyJansy
- Re: Nabokov and DarwinbyJansy
- Re: Nabokov on audiobook ...byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyG S Lipon
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyA. Bouazza
- Re: Sogliadatai/The EyebyA. Bouazza
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: query; music and NabokovbyJansy
- Re: Nabokov and DarwinbyVictoria N. Alexander
- Re: Butterflies Made a Darwin Doubter of Vladimir Nabokov ...byJansy
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Go nçalo M. Tavares "Bib lioteca"byJansy
- QUERY: La Fontaine was wrong?byNABOKV-L
- The 'Lolita' clutch, ants and other itemsbyJansy
- sightingbySteve Norquist
- artticle on ADA in ToposbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Gonçalo M. Tavares "Bib lioteca"byStan Kelly-Bootle
- Re: Butterflies Made a Darwin Doubter of Vladimir Nabokov ...byEmily Sours
- query; music and NabokovbyDon Stanley
- Butterflies Made a Darwin Doubter of Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- QUERY: LaFontaine was wrong?byG S Lipon
- THOUGHT: The Little Scissors...byG S Lipon
- Sogliadatai/The Eyebyirina.marchesini2
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Gonçalo M. Tavares "Bib lioteca"byJansy
- R: [NABOKV-L] News about The Nabokovian -- get well soon to Steve
Parkerbyirina.marchesini2 - Frost and Pale FirebyNABOKV-L
- The 'Lolita' clutch ...bySandy P. Klein
- Natalie Portman's 'Lolita' clutch ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Nabokov letters to set the spirit of Pale Fire...byJansy
- Nabokov on audiobook ...bySandy Klein
- Rehearsal of Laura ballet based on Nabokov's last novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Nabokov and Frost,
2004/05 reviews by Rosenbaum and some more...byJansy - [NABOKOV-L] Nabokov and Frost,
2004/05 reviews by Rosenbaum and some more...byJansy - Postcards: Transparent Things Fawcett Crest 1972 paperback cover,
by Ted CoC...byFulmerford - Re: News about The Nabokovian -- get well soon to Steve ParkerbyJansy
- forthcoming article on ADAbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- News about The Nabokovian -- get well soon to Steve ParkerbyNABOKV-L
- A "stillicide" (Hardy) and "dewdrops from the eaves" (Frost) ,
a clarification (sorry!).byJansy - Vladimir Nabokov's unpublished love letters released ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov's autographed unfinished manuscript ...bySandy P. Klein
- great 20th century writer Vladimir Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Hardy's "stillicide" and Robert Frost's "dewdrops
from the eaves...eavesdropping on a haze".byJansy - Bella AkhmadullinabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] Frost on cover of Life-Magazine, 1962.byJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Hardy's "stillicide" and Robert Frost's "dewdrops
from the eaves...eavesdropping on a haze".byJansy - Publ: Lol ita: Exami ning "he U nderside o f the Weav e" - Miran\n da n\\udcb03bymarie bouchet
- [NABOKOV-L] Mademoiselle O: a translaton from the French and
"style"byJansy - Laborious old ChosebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Mademoiselle's FrenchbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] [QUERY] Mademoiselle's FrenchbyJansy
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Death of the authorbyJansy
- Re: Death of the AuthorbyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Death of the authorbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Dead and living authorsbyJansy
- Dead and living authorsbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Updike and NabokovbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] ""The Muse"byJansy
- Re: "Death of the Author" and its prehistorybyJansy
- Death of the AuthorbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Dead and living authorsbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Novelist and lepidopterist Vladimir...
(2002)byJansy - Nabokov's unpublished love letters ...bySandy P. Klein
- "Death of the Author" and its prehistorybyStephen Blackwell
- Re: Dead and living authorsbyJames Twiggs
- [Nabokov-L] Spirals in a marble: evolutions ,revelations and
revolutionsbyJansy - 1967 interview with Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- Nabokov Love Letters To Be Published This Weekend (VIDEO) ...bySandy P. Klein
- 50 Most Hated Characters in Literary History ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Dead and living authorsbyJansy
- THOUGHTS: Beau & ButterflybyMatthew Roth
- NABOTRIVA: WRIter MArk Helprin (The Winter Tale) meets VN (sort
of))byDon Johnson - Dead and living authorsbyNABOKV-L
- {NABOKOV-L] general ideas, ring and a love of detailsbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: NOJ Vol. IVbyA. Bouazza
- Omissions, or UnsightingsbyNABOKV-L
- Re: [THOUGHTS] Dead and Living authors...byJansy
- Re: Nabokov and Iris Murdoch?byJansy
- Re: Nabokov and Iris Murdoch?byBrian Boyd (ARTS ENG)
- Solov'yov and Ada's L disasterbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [THOUGHTS] Dead and Living authors...byJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] short referencefound in "Eugênio Oneguin"byJansy
- Kant: addendumbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] {Sighting] Orpham Pamuk,2008 "Other Colors",
a critical review in 2010byJansy - Immanuel KantbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: St Priest & Caran d'AchebyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] French snobisme 2010: read Nabokov?byJansy
- St Priest & Caran d'AchebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Dead and Living authors...byJansy
- St Priest of ChosebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Russian Ma gazine to Publish Na bokov’s Le tters to h is Wife .. .bySandy P. Klein
- Vladimir Nabokov, Butterfly Hunter ...bySandy P. Klein
- AndronnikovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokover Bunny???byJansy
- Re: Nabokover Bunny???byStan LIOB
- Nabokover Bunny???byJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Lost polar bears in tropical settingsbyJansy
- Letters to VerabyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Havelock Ellis and Andre Breton: Chromesthesia.byJansy
- Re:“Unquencha ble Ru ssia ”, or Forb idden Them es in Nabo kov’s Pros e ...byJansy
- Naobkov on Anna KareninabyKoen Vanherwegen
- Re: nagol'nïy tulupbyJansy
- “Unquencha ble Russia ”, or Forb idden Them es in Nabo kov’s Pros e ...bySandy P. Klein
- most intensely musical novels I have read is Lolita by Vladimir
Nabokov ...bySandy P. Klein - Aron Simanovich on AndronnikovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: BotkinbyJerry Friedman
- Re: ginkgo bilobabyJansy
- AndronnikovbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Downlodable copy of essays on VNbyDon Johnson
- Christie auction sale of VN's TOOLbyDon Johnson
- What Is It About Butterflies that Drives Men to Doubt Darwin? ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: ginkgo bilobabyMatthew Roth
- The GoalKeeper: The Nabokov Almanacbymarie bouchet
- nagol'nïy tulupbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: ginkgo bilobabyJansy
- Corey Lee, Like Nabokov, Has "Exquisite Technique" ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: BotkinbyStan LIOB
- Re: ginkgo bilobabyJansy
- ginkgo bilobabyStephen Blackwell
- Re: QUERY: Source for Nabokov passage from love letterbyPaul Nulty
- Re: BotkinbyJerry Friedman
- ginkgo bilobabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Best Last Lines.. and a que ry on nagol'nïy tulupbyJansy
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] [Sighting] Wikt ionary on LOGODAEDALY & PF's" lien dédalien"byJansy
- Re: QUERY: Source for Nabokov passage from love letterbyDidier Machu
- Re: QUERY: Source for Nabokov passage from love letterbyLudger Tolksdorf
- Re: QUERY: Source for Nabokov passage from love letterbyHafid Bouazza
- [NABOKOV-L] [Sighintg] Wiktionary on LOGODAEDALY & PF's" lien dédalien"byJansy
- NABOKOV-L] Havelock Ellis in Appel's notesbyJansy
- QUERY: Source for Nabokov passage from love letterbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Fet's NightingalebyNABOKV-L
- Fet's Nightingale PoembyAlexey Sklyarenko
- QUERY: Fet's Nightingale PoembyMatthew Roth
- [NABOKOV-L] More on Ronsard's and Belleau "slit" in Lolita.byJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Havelock Ellis and Lolita's Eyes ( Ronsard's Verd)byJansy
- Elefant's Lolita: Inspired by Nabokov's Controversial Novel ...bySandy P. Klein
- Classic Book: Lolita by Vladimir Nobokov ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Kubrick Challenge ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: NiagarinbyJansy
- Pale Fire's omniscience (and italics)byNABOKV-L
- NiagarinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- THOUGHTS: Nates and ensellurebyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire's omnisciencebyJansy
- Re: Pale Fire's omniscience (and italics)byG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHTS: Nates and ensellurebyJansy
- Pale Fire's omniscience (and italics)byNABOKV-L
- THOUGHTS: Nates and ensellurebyNABOKV-L
- Re: SIGHTING--Reading Lolita at TwelvebyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] [THOUGHTS] Shade's and Hazel's "faint hope"byJansy
- Re: Pale Fire's omnisciencebyG S Lipon
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Pale Fire's omnisciencebyJansy
- Re: SIGHTING--Reading Lolita at TwelvebyStan Kelly-Bootle
- Fw: [Nabokov-L] Sirin and SirènebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- spies in Pale Fire and The AdolescentbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SIGHTING--Reading Lolita at TwelvebyJames Twiggs
- owes a gre at deal to Vladimir Nabokov’sLolita ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKJOV~L] Addendum to "synthesis of sun and star" and Shade
as...Ganymede?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: Andronnikiov and Niagarin: Dostoevsky in Pale FirebyJansy
- Re: Vair and sizïy, columbine, shade: what is the shade of Gradus greyness?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Andronnikiov and Niagarin: Dostoevsky in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Vair and sizïy, columbine, sha de: what is the shade of Gradus greyness?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- CFP: 'Nabokov and Morality' SymposiumbyMichael Rodgers
- doyen of literary lepidopterists ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Hazel's moving lights and its prophetic words?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Vair and siz\\udcefy, columbine,\n sha de: what is the shade of Gradus greyness?byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Vair and sizïy, columbine, shade: what is the shade of Gradus greyness?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Pale Fire poembyAndrea Pitzer
- two anagramsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Vair and siz\\udcefy, columbine,\n sha de: what is the shade of Gradus greyness?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Hazel and Vair eyes (quotes)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] Proper names... HazebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Wahl had t aken class es with th e Russianémigré at Cornell Un iversity . ..bySandy P. Klein
- Unfinished Work & Literacy ...bySandy P. Klein
- [NABOKOV-L] Sylvia O'Donnel, Haan, Boyd and being far,far away....byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: LukinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Botkin & ZoshchenkobyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: LukinbyMatthew Roth
- Invitation to a Beheading | Facebook ...bySandy P. Klein
- The Whole Codology; methodsbyG S Lipon
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byR S Gwynn
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Botkin again and several queriesbyR S Gwynn
- Re: Botkin & ZoshchenkobyR S Gwynn
- Pale Tour: Exploring Pale Fire's paratext with Google EarthbyNABOKV-L
- QUERY: Derrida, deconstruction, and PFbyNABOKV-L
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- QUERY: Derrida, deconstruction, and PFbyNABOKV-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Botkin again and several queriesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Botkin & ZoshchenkobyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byHyman, Eric
- SIGHTING: Nabokov in the Financial Times' weekend book sectionbyDave Haan
- [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Norman DouglasbyG S Lipon
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Demon Veen, Lisianski and Kruzensthern,
Nabokov and Baron von Langsdorff: circumnaviagations.byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byStan LIOB
- [NABOKOV-L] A recurrent typo or a pun?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOVOV-L] Ex[SIGHTING] a trip to a Loch to greet James
Macpherson, through Norman Douglas's commentaries.byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - [NABOKOV-L] Zemblan sightingbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] Sighting: Leslie Daniels FictionbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- VN bibliographybyBarbara Wyllie
- Humbert Hu mbert’s na rration co ntains the best mode rn example of allite ration ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Re: DJ WestbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyJames Twiggs
- and speaking of KeatsbyG S Lipon
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- DJ WestbyDave Haan
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyStan
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] THOUGHT: the whole codology PSbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- THOUGHT: the whole codologybyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- experienced jeweler neededbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- THOUGHT: the whole codologybyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Clarification: Recent Post on "Ada poems" publicationbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Botkin]byJerry Friedman
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyJames Twiggs
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- BIB: Nabokov scholarship reviewbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHT: the whole codologybypiers smith
- THOUGHT: the whole codologybyG S Lipon
- Re: Poltergeists and DJ WestbyG S Lipon
- Re: Nabokov's eyesbyJansy
- Re: Poltergeists & DJ WestbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Poltergeists and DJ WestbyJames Twiggs
- Re: Poltergeists and DJ WestbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Ada poems publicationbyNABOKV-L
- Re: Nabokov's eyesbyStan
- [Nabokov-L] {Sighting] Casual find in the internet about Japanese
writer Kanai Mieko (Austen& Nabokov)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: Poltergeists & DJ WestbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] Hazel and Vair eyes (quotes)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Poltergeists & DJ WestbyJames Twiggs
- Lolita's eyes? vair!byG S Lipon
- Vladmir Nabokov: A yen for paperbacks ...bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Nabokov's eyesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Desultory finds in Thirlwell. & one recondite
sightingbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: Nabokov's eyesbyStan
- [NABOKOV-L] Desultory finds in Thirlwell... old postings and one
indirect sightingbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Crashing and Burning in Montreux.bySandy P. Klein
- Re: Poltergeists & DJ WestbyMatthew Roth
- EDSWITCHbyNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Desultory finds in Thirlwell. & one recondite
sightingbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - EDITORIAL: Change of watchbyNABOKV-L
- Re: THOUGHT Botkin, two allegoriesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Searching after a pair of hazel eyes...(cont.)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Hazel eyes: "tantot bleu, tanto vert"byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] Searching after a pair of hazel eyes...(cont.)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Nabokov's eyesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Nabokov's eyesbyStan
- New Nabokov translations in FrenchbyAlphonse Vinh
- THOUGHT Botkin, two allegoriesbyG S Lipon
- Nabokov's eyesbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- THOUGHTS Re: Hazel--Matt RothbyNabokv-L
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Botkin, with a PS to "bimanist"byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: one sentence neededbyAndrea Pitzer
- Re: BotkinbyJames Twiggs
- one sentence neededbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- paragraph in EnglishbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Botkin, with a PS to "bimanist"byJansy
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Botkin PSbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Botkin, with a PS to "bimanist"byR S Gwynn
- Re: Exhibit of Alfred Appel's collection of Baskin's artbySteve Norquist
- Garrison Keillor on VN et aliabyDon Johnson
- VNBIB: Gertrude Stein & VNbyDon Johnson
- Re: BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Nabopop: Bored to DeathbyFulmerford
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Botkin and GogolbyFet, Victor
- Re: Botkin--CORRECTIONbyJames Twiggs
- Re: BotkinbyJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] Botkin, with a PS to "bimanist"byJansy
- Re: BotkinbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Tidbits and quotesbyJansy
- Re: BotkinbyG S Lipon
- Re: [Fwd: Re: [NABOKV-L] Botkin]byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- [Fwd: Re: [NABOKV-L] Botkin]byNabokv-L
- Re: BotkinbyR S Gwynn
- Re: BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: BotkinbyMatthew Roth
- [NABOKOV] Kuprin's oriental legend and miraculous Saint Zenobius,
in "Ada"byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Exhibit of Alfred Appel's collection of Baskin's artbyPifer, Ellen
- Re: film review of Despair containing phrasebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Nattochdag, Netochka, Belye nochibyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN SIGHTING: Berlin tennis courtsbyNabokv-L
- VN SIGHTING: Berlin tennis courtsbyChristoph Heuke
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Spring in Fialta and ETA HOffman's "The
Automata."byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: film review of Despair containing phrasebyDarryl Schade
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Spring in Fialta and ETA HOffman's "The
Automata."byBruce Stone - Re: Oscar NattochdagbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: QUERY re: DespairbyDavid Powelstock
- Oscar NattochdagbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- QUERY re: DespairbyNabokv-L
- Re: Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Spring in Fialta and ETA HOffman's "The
Automata."byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Fw: [NABOKOV-L] Spring in Fialta and ETA HOffman's "The Automata."byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L][ Sighting] Translating Salinger and Nabokov: an
interview with Jorio DausterbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - three allusions to Dostoevsky in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- {NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Lolita's fame ...Bernard SchlinkbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING??] Spring in Fialta and...a vacillating
VanessabyJansy - Re: SIGHTING: Playboy, Flaubert, NabokovbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: SIGHTING: Playboy, Flaubert, NabokovbyJames Twiggs
- [NABOKOV-L] Gumilov (Boyd/Sklyarenko) Dante's "Rime Petrose" and
the theme of La Belle Dame Sans Merci.byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - missed one from SKB re: Sacher-MasochbyNabokv-L
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Guido Cavalcanti's Ballatetta in retrospect (from
Ada onto Lolita, through T.S.Eliot)byJansy - Reminder re: Seeking proposals for the Nabokov panel at the
Literature Since 1900 conferencebyCotugno, Marianne Dr. - [NABOKOV-L] Guido Cavalcanti's Ballatetta in retrospect (from Ada
onto Lolita, through T.S.Eliot)byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Gogol's Poprishchin and ZemblabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SIGHTING: Machado and NabokovbyNabokv-L
- Sacher-MasochbyNabokv-L
- Sacher-MasochbyNabokv-L
- Re: Botkin and GogolbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Sacher-MasochbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Gogol's Poprishchin and ZemblabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- THOUGHTS: AmpelosbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Botkin and GogolbyA. Bouazza
- Fwd: Sept. 15 - Tennyson, McKay, Nabokov, RochefoucaldbySteve Norquist
- [NABOKOV-L] [SIGHTING] Sadomasochism in Suehiro Maruo,
with a mention to Nabokov and BalthusbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - [NABOKOV-L] Idling about the Ides of MarchbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- yawning, Mt Yawn, She Yawns Castle in ADAbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Botkin and GogolbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Phanes and Vanessa: Phenocopying - Shade and Kinbote????byJansy
- Re: Phanes and Vanessa: Phenocopying - Shade and Kinbote????byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Uranograd and EinsteinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Phanes and Vanessa: Phenocopying - Shade and Kinbote????byMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyMatthew Roth
- Phanes and Vanessa: Phenocopying - Shade and Kinbote????byNabokv-L
- Re: Uranograd and Einsteinbyfrances assa
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Butterflies, moths: "mariposa bruxa"byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: No mystery in MollitudebyA. Bouazza
- Uranograd and EinsteinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Alfin, Shade: Swift and a correctionbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [NABOKOV-L] Butterflies, moths: "mariposa bruxa"byR S Gwynn
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: Alfin, Shade: Swift and a correctionbyJerry Friedman
- [NABOKOV-L] Butterflies, moths: "mariposa bruxa"byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] Butterfly-Botfly-Bluebottles-BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Uranograd and EhrenburgbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Parasitesbyb.boyd@auckland.ac.nz
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyFet, Victor
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyStan
- THOUGHTS: ParasitesbyMatthew Roth
- Alfin, Shade: Swift and a correctionbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] Alfin, ShadebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- [NABOKOV-L] D.B.Johnson, Chernychervsky, Gorky and Ayn RandbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyJansy
- evanescentbyEduardo Falcão
- Re: BotkinbyJames Twiggs
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyStan
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: from world to wordbyStan
- PNIN's fluorescent corpsebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyMatthew Roth
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- from world to wordbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- THOUGHTS: Phanessa/Vanessa, more dark and lightbyMatthew Roth
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- "Ada poems" publicationbyNabokv-L
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyMatthew Roth
- Re: from world to word: the alternative waybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- V. Fet re: Amphitheatricus, UranogradbyNabokv-L
- Re: Botkin]bySteve Norquist
- Re: from world to word: the alternative waybyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Alfin, ShadebyMatthew Roth
- Re: Botkin]byNabokv-L
- Re: from world to word: the alternative waybyStan
- Amphitheatricus, UranogradbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: from world to word: the alternative waybyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- from world to word: the alternative waybyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Botkinbylaurence hochard
- Re: Botkin]byNabokv-L
- Re: BotkinbyG S Lipon
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: THOUGHTS: World - L = Wordactually,byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: BotkinbyDavid Powelstock
- Re: BotkinbyR S Gwynn
- THOUGHTS: World - L = WordbyNabokv-L
- Re: BotkinbyAnthony Stadlen
- Re: BotkinbyNabokv-L
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- THOUGHTS re: BotkinbyNabokv-L
- Re: Friedlander, "America by Car"]bySteve Norquist
- Re: Scry and mysteriesbyG S Lipon
- ADA's BessborodkobyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Friedlander, "America by Car"]byNabokv-L
- [NABOKOV-L] Word Golf and Steward's Scry and number/word
connections and mysteriesbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello - Re: Quine's 1964 satire with Noel Coward and a whiff of Kinbote?]byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: Quine's 1964 satire with Noel Coward and a whiff of Kinbote?]byNabokv-L
- more Esenin in ADAbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Quine's 1964 satire with Noel Coward and a whiff of Kinbote?byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: BotkinbyJerry Friedman
- ADA's Khristosik and EseninbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Lolita, Non-Darwinian evolutionary theory & blues newsbyKurt Johnson
- Re: VN Audio booksbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: VN Audio booksbyR S Gwynn
- VN Audio booksbyNabokv-L
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Botkin]byG S Lipon
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Botkin]byAnthony Stadlen
- [NABOKOV-L] Belated sighting: Zimmer's Lolita covrs in BrazilbyJansy
- Re: [Fwd: Re: Botkin]byJansy
- [Fwd: Re: Botkin]byNabokv-L
- Re: BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- SIGHTINGS: Botkin had a mad, beautiful visionbyDave Haan
- Re: BotkinbyR S Gwynn
- Re: BotkinbyR S Gwynn
- Re: BotkinbyJohn Morris
- Lolita and Non-Darwinian evolutionary theorybyVictoria N. Alexander
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] PF and Burton and starsbyJansy
- Re: [Fwd: from Ron Rosenbaum re Botkin, Oswald and Hochard]]byJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- Re: [Fwd: from Ron Rosenbaum re Botkin, Oswald and Hochard]]byJerry Friedman
- BotkinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] BotkinbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- SIGHTING: VN & Howler BluebyRobert H. Boyle
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] BotkinbyCharles Nicol
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] PF and Burton and starsbyJansy Berndt de Souza Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] PF and Burton and starsbyJansy
- Re: PF and Burton and starsbyGholam-reza Shafiee
- [NABOKOV-L] Butterflies and Stars, terrors,
doubts and wrath: from Shade's dazzling synthesis to HH's
"sundered shadows"?byJansy - PF and Burton and starsbyStephen Blackwell
- RES: [NABOKV-L] BotkinbyJansy
- [NABOKOV-L] Advertising in America and John Shade's "Pale
Fire":psoriasis, halitosis, gillettebyJansy - Re: PF's "little scissors", BotkinbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: BotkinbyJohn Morris
- RES: [NABOKV-L] SKB re: Allan Ginsburg in PFbyJansy
- Re: PF's "little scissors", BotkinbyR S Gwynn