NABOKV-L posts by year: 2016
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Did Victor X and Italian Nymphet Prostitutes
Influence Nabokov?byMo Ibrahim - RES: [NABOKV-L] Did Victor X and Italian Nymphet Prostitutes
Influence Nabokov?byJansy Mello - five balls & ugol in The Event; China & ugolok in The Wanderers;
five whores & ugly in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Cossack pony of Klass vodka in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Did Victor X and Italian Nymphet Prostitutes Influence Nabokov?byMo Ibrahim
- priobretenie izobreteniya & million in The Waltz Invention;
memory & apple in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - dying in Gray StarbyRobert M. Fagen
- Fujiyama & Grob in The Waltz Invention; smoking & dvornik in The
EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - CFP--Nabokov Readings 2017byNabokv-L
- mongrel of fancy & screw in The Waltz Invention; decollete &
roses in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - roses in The Event; radio cabinet in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Buddhist wisdom & papiroska in The Event; five whores & papiroska
in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - new book on the end of Bunny & VolodyabyCarolyn Kunin
- flags,
roses & NN in The Event; Grob & thirteen in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - merry-go-round in The Event & in The Gift,
Gorb in The Waltz Invention & in The GiftbyAlexey Sklyarenko - merry-go-round in The Event & in The Gift; gorb istiny in The
Gift, General Gorb & old Perrault in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - svetilo in The Waltz Invention; sun & moon in The Event; holey
saintliness in The WanderersbyAlexey Sklyarenko - mooing,
harakiri & human language in The Waltz Invention; painted ghosts,
zad & harakiri in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - i in Sobytie; event, sailor & old gadina in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Hall of Mirrors, eyes,
soul & old Perrault in The Waltz Invention; antidulcinist & ferz'
in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Silvio in The Waltz Invention; Sylvia in The Wanderers; Mme
Opayashin in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - optical glow & Son in The Waltz Invention; restaurant & suitor in
The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - ape,
ears & cognac in The Event; inventor of submarine lifeboat in The
Waltz Invention; Jack London & Dostoevski in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko - Pushkin in Ada; Mickiewicz in The Gift; poor,
poor Dantes in The Luzhin DefensebyAlexey Sklyarenko - electricity, ha-ha of doubled ocean, gap of hundred years,
teuton, houri & peri in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - electricity, ha-ha of doubled ocean,
hundred-year gap between Terra & Antiterra, teuton,
houri & peri in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - circles, silhouette, roubles, burka, Perun,
vibrational vibgyors & black rainbow in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - circles, silhouette, Latin, Lithuanian,
vibrational vibgyors & black rainbow in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - [Sighting] "Lolita" fashions in Muslim worldbyR.S. Gwynn
- new life & old newspapers in The Waltz Invention; Queen,
pawns & paradoxical situation in The EventbyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] Times Literary Suplement
August/October 2016byJansy Mello - Illustration related to the postings by SES and MobyJansy Mello
- beau milieu, Casanovanic situation,
eight compliments in Ada; Tom in King, Queen, KnavebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: Nymphets Who Read LOLITAbySweeney, Susan Elizabeth
- Monsieur de Pastrouil, Colonel St Alin, Skonky & Gavronsky in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] Times Literary Suplement
August/October 2016byRS GWYNN - Nymphets Who Read LOLITAbyMo Ibrahim
- RES: [NABOKV-L] [SIGHTING] Times Literary Suplement
August/October 2016byJansy Mello - Re: [SIGHTING] Times Literary Suplement August/October 2016byRoth, Matthew
- Hairy Alpine Rose & Desdemonia in Ada; Golconda in Pale Fire;
Mona Dahl in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko - corsets, chrestomathies, Sterva,
Bohemian lady & carte de van in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - corsets, chrestomathies, Sterva,
Bohemian lady & carte de Van in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - tongues, Negro lad, Aardvark, progulka,
diamonds & Boris Godunov in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Sighting: Was Lolita about race?byRachel Stauffer
- vivisectional alibi, Patagonia & Captain Grant's Horn in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- “Some neighbor’s gardener, I guess – goes by...”byLjiljana Cuk
- Erlkoenig in Pale Fire; shuler in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- elmo, stone-heavy-dead St Zeus, chelovek & L disaster in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Vladimir Christian of Denmark & Dr Sig Heiler in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nurse Joan the Terrible, Demonia, male nurse Dorofey,
Golos Feniksa & Ruby Black in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Adam Krug in Bend Sinister, Sudarg of Bokay in Pale Fire,
Mrs. Tapirov & Valerio in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Heliotropium turgenevi in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- “For I have the key”byLjiljana Cuk
- gorillas, vultures, wrestlers & bicycling in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Elder Edda & promnad vespert in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- John Ray, Jr. & Kumir moy in Russian LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- promnad vespert mid J. S. in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- St. Swithin's Day in Pale Fire; Christmas Day in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Shade's death in Pale Fire; John Ray, Jr. in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Rymer, Botkin, Gradus,
Fleur de Fyler & Historia Zemblica in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: Couturier's new novelbyMaurice Couturier
- Re: [SIGHTING] Times Literary Suplement August/October 2016byJansy Mello
- flat pale parents in Ada; Flatman in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Maude Sween, rotting rat, Scotch veterinaries,
Drongo & Marion Armborough in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: [SIGHTING] Galya Diment Times Literary Suplement August 2016byjoseph Aisenberg
- lawyers, critics & surgeons in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [SIGHTING] Galya Diment Times Literary Suplement August 2016byJansy Mello
- water & air, bibles & brooms,
red-shirted Yukonets & expected chervonetz in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Sighting: Ruth Bader GinsburgbyAlexander Drescher
- Re: [SIGHTING] Galya Diment Times Literary Suplement August 2016byAlexander Drescher
- [SIGHTING] Galya Diment Times Literary Suplement August 2016byJansy Mello
- Van in the nude & diet of champagne in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Mascodagama & Vanda Broom in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Dorofey, Ardis tap water, teetotalists, torturing angel,
Paradox & Christopher Vinelander in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - [SIGHTING] [from 2011 ] Ian Duhig's Pandorama ReviewbyJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] LOL: Laughing Out Loud Moments While Reading
NabokovbyJansy Mello - Re: LOL: Laughing Out Loud Moments While Reading Nabokovbyjoseph Aisenberg
- Dorofey Road, Lakeview Hospital,
male nurse Dorofey & Dorothy Vinelander in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Reflections in Sidra, Miss Kim Blackrent,
fluffy slopes & Mr. Brod or Bred in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - LOL: Laughing Out Loud Moments While Reading NabokovbyMo Ibrahim
- [SIGHTING] Speak, MemorybyJansy Mello
- Ragusa, Palermontovia & Kremlin in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- la feve de Diane, romantic Turk & Bob Bean in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- bals masques, passing angel & Cendrillon in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- diner a quatre & Eve on the Clepsydrophone in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Sighting] Nabokov's lecture on Kafka and the metamorphosis into a Brazilian emperor today by Luiz Fernando VeríssimobyJansy Mello
- de gustibus (shaftment of carpenter & Mascodagama in Ada)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- Varvara, Vanda,
Cordula & Grace in Ada; Alfin the Vague in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Adora, ryuen',
purest sanglot in Ada; parachute & Colonel Gusev in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - shadow of Sirin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Sighting] Letters from The New Yorker readersbyJansy Mello
- silent liner, sunglassers & Beirut in Pale Fire; sunglasses,
biryuch & purest sanglot in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - All-girl punk group Dolores Haze front Monki’s latest denim campaignbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- Gradus, Shade, Sosed & Pope in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov's GhostsbyJansy Mello
- Zembla as Wonderland, or kot or in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- The Beau & the Butterfly in Pale Fire, in Ada & in LATHbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Matthew Arnold, inviolable shade,
Onhava & the Shadows in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - The Untamed Seahorse & Hebe's Cup in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- The LecturesbyOle Nyegaard
- nabokovonline informs...(article NYT by E. White)byJansy Mello
- Law of the Muscovite in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ANNC: Gavriel Shapiro's new bookbyGavriel Shapiro
- Milton, Flatman & Altamira animals in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Milton, Flatman & Altamira animals in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- 11111 in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SightingbyJansy Mello
- SightingbyAlexander Drescher
- great shade & numbers in The Gift; Zembla & Gradus in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Oscar Nattochdag in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Racemosa: fluffy flowers of the cheryomuha [Query]byFet, Victor
- coda, Lang & Wagner in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Racemosa: fluffy flowers of the cheryomuha
[Query]byJansy Mello - PEN/Nabokov award relaunched to promote 'global voices' in USbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- telephone & Odon in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Racemosa: fluffy flowers of the cheryomuhabyJansy Mello
- telephone in Pale Fire & in PninbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Queries] Tension film: Staring fish and amusement parks in PF
and TT. Engine Power stereotypes - correctionbyJansy Mello - molitva-into-bitva, bitva-into-britva, roza-into-moroz anagramsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- prayers & dates in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Timon of Athens in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Mrs. Z., Mont Blanc & Blue Review in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [Queries] Tension films - musings on "combinational fate"byJansy Mello
- Academia.edu: recently downloaded papers on NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Shade's, Kinbote's & Gradus' years of birth in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- korona vs. vorona in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] [Queries] Tension film: Staring fish and
amusement parks in PF and TT. Engine Power stereotypes - musingsbyJansy Mello - [Queries] Tension film: Staring fish and amusement parks in PF
and TT. Engine Power stereotypes - correctionbyJansy Mello - Jakob Gradus & Sybil Shade in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- misprint in The Enchanter & in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- heart attack, fountain, misprint & crown jewels in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov's 1923 Alice translation for sale in UKbyFet, Victor
- miragarl & Baron Mandevil in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- coda, fountains, camels & Fleur de Fyler in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- man in green & man in brown in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Pink, epitaph, Fleur de Fyler & red-capped Steinmann in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- : [NABOKV-L] Cold enlightment: Ultima Thule and morebyJansy Mello
- versipel, carrel & car in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Semberland and TransmirroriabyFet, Victor
- Re: Omega, Ozero & Zero in Pale FirebyMary H. Efremov
- Semberland as land of reflections,
Yeslove & Bera Range in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - ?!byWalter Miale
- Re: Omega, Ozero & Zero in Pale FirebyBob Fagen
- Professor Pardon & parasite of genius in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Omega, Ozero & Zero in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Sprinkled Hebephilia and Ephebophilia in ADAbyMo Ibrahim
- [ Query] Variations related to "Northern Territories" in ADAbyJansy Mello
- Re: Sprinkled Hebephilia and Ephebophilia in ADAbyBrian Boyd
- Sprinkled Hebephilia and Ephebophilia in ADAbyMo Ibrahim
- Lydia Davis' translation of Swann's Way - opinions?byCotugno, Marianne
- zhiletka blades in Pale Fire, Baron Klim Avidov in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- horses & hats in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Red caps and Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Aardvark in Ada; Jakob Gradus,
red caps & zhiletka blades in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] [old SIGHTING] List of 10 funniest books
(Publishers Weekly,May 2016)byJansy Mello - Aardvark in Ada, mammoths in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Aardvark in Ada, Nova Zembla in Pale FirebyBob Fagen
- Re: [old SIGHTING] List of 10 funniest books (Publishers
Weekly,May 2016)byHyman, Eric - [old SIGHTING] List of 10 funniest books (Publishers Weekly,May
2016)byJansy Mello - Aardvark in Ada, Nova Zembla in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- microscopic point & killing a flea in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- microscopic point of euphorion in Ada; Charles the Beloved in
Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Cedarn & King Alfin in Pale Fire, Alph & Lenore Colline in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the
Index of Pale Fire - QuerybyJansy Mello - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale
Fire - QuerybyBob Fagen - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the
Index of Pale Fire - QuerybyJansy Mello - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale
Fire - QuerybyBob Fagen - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale
Fire - QuerybyRS GWYNN - RES: [NABOKV-L] Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale Fire
- QuerybyJansy Mello - burning barn in Ada; haunted barn in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ENC: Google Alert - vladimir nabokovbyJansy Mello
- Re: Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale Fire - QuerybyBob Fagen
- Two substantive entries in the Index of Pale Fire - QuerybyJansy Mello
- Re: One more Brown in ADA and Pale FirebySteve Norquist
- Pushkin's "The Sonnet" and CamoesbyJansy Mello
- old-fashioned melodrama in Pale Fire; Thousand-and-One Best Plays
in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - VN citedbyBarrie Karp
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Moving Lips... Misquoting Nabokov?byJansy Mello
- Judge Goldsworth & Roman Law in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Goldsworth, Wordsmith & Shakespeare in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- One more Brown in ADA and Pale FirebyJansy Mello
- Marion Armborough,
motorboat & flying fish in Ada; Botkin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Sunday leisure: exploring the "equatorial theme" in a prismatic
connection to VN's works - excerptsbyJansy Mello - Belladonna, Braun & Brown in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Moving Lips... Misquoting Nabokov?byJansy Mello
- Keats, arethusoides, evensong & martyrdom in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- picture painted on air in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Aqua, howling creatures, gradual shade & Quelques Fleurs in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- L Polaroid photo by William WegmanbyBarrie Karp
- RES: [NABOKV-L] VN & book cover, NYC Broadway book vendor tablebyJansy Mello
- VN & book cover, NYC Broadway book vendor tablebyBarrie Karp
- poshlyak & pastor in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: [Query] Pierre Dommergue's interview with VNbyWyllie, Barbara
- furchtbar feeling, dead man, Deuil & Dr Swissair in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] "Lost similes without a string attached to
nothing"...byJansy Mello - Blanche, Philip Rack, Percy de Prey,
Goodson airport & Countess Alp in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Stephen Jan Parker memorial gatheringbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: "Tossing Hair" MOTIF in ADA and THE ENCHANTERbyMo Ibrahim
- Spell-bound... (natural phenomena in PF)byJansy Mello
- Blanche, sparrow, Tartary,
golubyanki & crescendo of international creaks in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - [sightings] Old Reviews (2014,2015),byJansy Mello
- Fwd: NYTimes.com: Steve Wolfe,
a Painter of Books by Their Covers, Dies at 60byRobert Boyle - [NABOKV] {REVIEWS]Alex Beam on "The Feud: Vladimir Nabokov,
Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful Friendship"byJansy Mello - Pandean hum, Cheshire, Fancytart & John Starling in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: "Tossing Hair" MOTIF in ADA and THE ENCHANTERbyMo Ibrahim
- [SIGHTINGS] Speaking in tonguesbyJansy Mello
- Fwd: NYTimes.com: Aileen Ward,
Author of Award-Winning Keats Biography, Dies at 97byRobert Boyle - Veen-plus-Flavita anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] "Tossing Hair" MOTIF in ADA and THE ENCHANTERbyJansy Mello
- Re: "Tossing Hair" MOTIF in ADA and THE ENCHANTERbyBrian Boyd
- ANNC: New Title from Academic Studies PressbyLauren Milka
- "Tossing Hair" MOTIF in ADA and THE ENCHANTERbyMo Ibrahim
- play-zero in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov Readings 2016byNabokov Museum
- A casual mosaic inspired by electricity and TamerlanebyJansy Mello
- Snapshot: 'Butterfly wings', by Vladimir Nabokov - FT.combyJansy Mello
- Armborough, Bessborodko, Tobak & old Robinsons in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- More resuscitations, Nova Zembla and the Brocken SpecterbyJansy Mello
- bobolink-into-Botkin anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- from mebyDana Dragunoiu
- Samuel Shade & Caroline Lukin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- B in Zembla's bonnet; bee in Kinbote's bonnetbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- B in Zembla's bonnetbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Novaya Zemlya and Kuzma's motherbyJansy Mello
- Re: Novaya Zemlya and Kuzma's motherbyFet, Victor
- Novaya Zemlya and VN's refrigerator: resuscitationsbyJansy Mello
- Lieutenant Starov, Irida Osipovna & Patria in LATHbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Bas and bots in LolitabyJansy Mello
- motor landaulet to Radugalet in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- our ebats in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: NYT Travel: On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West by
Landon Y. JonesbyMary H. Efremov - Re: Bas and bots in LolitabyEric NAIMAN
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Modern Zemblan CuisinebyAndrea Pitzer
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Modern Zemblan Cuisinebyfrances assa
- Eric's Cyprian dreams & ciel mirror in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Bas and bots in LolitabyDidier Machu
- Re: NYT Travel: On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West by
Landon Y. JonesbyRobert Boyle - On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West On his cross-country trips chasing butterflies and researching“Lolita,” the Russian-born novelist saw more of the United States than did Fitzgerald, Kerouac or Steinbeck.byBarrie Karp
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Modern Zemblan CuisinebySadie Powers
- Re: NABOKV-L Digest - 23 May 2016 to 24 May 2016 (#2016-111)byЕвгений Белодубровский
- NYT Travel: On the Trail of Nabokov in the American West by
Landon Y. JonesbyShvabrin, Stanislav - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Modern Zemblan Cuisinebyfrances assa
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Modern Zemblan CuisinebyJansy Mello
- Re: Modern Zemblan Cuisinebyfrances assa
- vue d'oiseau & Eric Veen in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Modern Zemblan CuisinebyRoth, Matthew
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Rack's dental problemsbyJansy Mello
- destroy & forget in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Rack's dental problemsbyJansy Mello
- Re: (Question) Ada's Age vs Her Lover's AgesbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- arethusoides, Philip Rack, Percy de Prey & aquatic peacock in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Manual whisper: Kinbote and FreudbyJansy Mello
- (Question) Ada's Age vs Her Lover's AgesbyMo Ibrahim
- [NABOKV] More information on "On dit que l'on te marie..." (SF) -
Ay, Chiquita, lyrics and scorebyJansy Mello - Spring in Fialta... ADA: "tu sais que j'en vai mourir"byJansy Mello
- Dr Fitzbishop, Philip Rack & Elsie de Nord in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Vladimir Nabokov on Europe in a Spectator BlogbyJansy Mello
- point of insanity, music, conscience & Gamlet in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES:[NABOKV-L] Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional
certaintiesbyJansy Mello - New article of Nikolai Mel'nikovbyМельников Николай
- point of insanity & music in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional certaintiesbyRoth, Matthew
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKV-L] Quiz: unreliable narrators and
fictional certaintiesbyJansy Mello - books by Nikolai Mel'nikov is available in electronic formbyМельников Николай
- books by Maxim D. ShrayerbyMaxim D. Shrayer
- Re: Fw: [NABOKV-L] Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional
certaintiesbyRobert Boyle - Fw: [NABOKV-L] Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional
certaintiesbyShvabrin, Stanislav - The Gift II: from Andrei BabikovbyShvabrin, Stanislav
- Re: Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional certaintiesbyMary H. Efremov
- janizary & music in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional certaintiesbyRobert Boyle
- Quiz: unreliable narrators and fictional certaintiesbyJansy Mello
- mutes, kennel girl, stable boy, peignoir & bretteur in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: The Suicide of Claire BishopbyMary H. Efremov
- The Suicide of Claire Bishopbyfrances assa
- Eleonora Shnap & Tamara Grekov in The Event; Anabella & old
Perrault in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko - {NABOKV-L] Noctis equi and magic...byJansy Mello
- Note from ModeratorsbyDana Dragunoiu
- car pet & Diana in Lolita; Rita & Lolita in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Magicarpets, pets, Garden God, Flora & Diana in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Plagiarism and Inspiration - Ian McEwanbyJansy Mello
- [Query] Pierre Dommergue's interview with VNbyKatherina Kokinova
- Re: Circuitous RoutesbyBrian Boyd
- Magicarpets, romantic Turk, alibi & Brantome in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- gueridon & thumb spring in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nina in Spring in Fialta; Angelique in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Humbert Humbert's manuscript,
forty years and Franz Reichelt: HH's spiritual death?byJansy Mello - Circuitous Routesbyfrances assa
- Valeria's maiden name in "Lolita" Zborovski - and a chauffeur
called Isboriski.byJansy Mello - Ida Lariviere, her penname, pointe assassine,
King Wing & Chose in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - [SIGHTING] Moshfegh's first novel "occasionally" reminiscive of
Nabokov - and a reviewbyJansy Mello - About butterflies and elephantsbyJansy Mello
- Re: sighting ~ Who Wrote Lolita First? An Interview with Michael
Maar April 19, 2016 | by Daniel KehlmannbyMary H. Efremov - Nina & Ferdinand in Spring in Fialta; Angelique in LikbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- [ TRIVIA] [SIGHTING] Dipods (Jerboa Mice) in "The Jungle Book"
(Kipling)byJansy Mello - sighting ~ Who Wrote Lolita First? An Interview with Michael Maar
April 19, 2016 | by Daniel KehlmannbyBarrie Karp - BIB: Nabokov and the Question of Morality (with discount for N-L
subscribers!)bySweeney, Susan Elizabeth - gowpen, Agavia Ranch, Sumerechnikov & Palermontovia in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] More on NOJ Vol. X-XI,
2016/2017 from Nassim W. BalestrinibyJansy Mello - More on NOJ Vol. X-XI, 2016/2017 from Nassim W. BalestrinibyShvabrin, Stanislav
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Spring in FialtabyJansy Mello
- guinea pig, vivisectional alibi & India in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov International Conference in Biarritz -- April 28 - May
1st, 2016bymarie bouchet - RES: [NABOKV-L] Spring in FialtabyJansy Mello
- Kim Beauharnais & his toilet roll of Carte du Tendre in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Arson/baernet , burning barn and arsenal ...soundsbyJansy Mello
- Vanda Broom, Pierre Legrand & Bouteillan in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov Online Journal Vol. X-XI, 2016/2017byShvabrin, Stanislav
- [Query] "Barn" in Russian, in contrast to "zhurnal" - a correctionbyJansy Mello
- happy events, simultaneous twins & dummy mummy in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- minuscule red pawn in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Dainty jellies and warm gulesbyJansy Mello
- Dainty jellies and warm gulesbyJansy Mello
- Athens of Graphic Arts in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- citing: "when Lolita was published" ..."followed by Lolita in 1955"byBarrie Karp
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Mississippi Rose,
Ruby Black & libelulla long wings in AdabyJansy Mello - Mississippi Rose, Ruby Black,
libelulla long wings & Headless Horseman in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Mississippi Rose, Ruby Black & libelulla long wings in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Cossack pony, pet & aprons in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov Conference in Biarritz - 28-30 April 2016 - Program and
registrationbymarie bouchet - Trofim Fartukov & his leathern apron in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- (Nabokv-L) Lex Luthor.byJansy Mello
- Google Alert - Lolita: Text, paratext, and translationbyJansy Mello
- L disaster, hundred-year gap between Terra & Antiterra,
Lyaska in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - L Lettrocalamity and Kim's flashing bulbsbyJansy Mello
- Mascodagama, his carnival nose & masked balls in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- agents of Lemorio & mermaid of Atlantis in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Imaginary titles... "Stink bomb"byJansy Mello
- hopeless cases, Ward Five & sad nothings in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Imaginary books by Nabokov,
Borges and others (The Paris Review)byRS GWYNN - Imaginary books by Nabokov, Borges and others (The Paris Review)byStephen Blackwell
- [NABOKV-L} A PS and an added note to "Spuma"/sperm (not yet found
in AdaOnline)byJansy Mello - cart de van... stretching associations to puns.byJansy Mello
- bad dreams & Four Sisters in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- cart de van, zhidovskaya prerogativa & Three Swans in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Proustian bed and fitting into rigid standardsbyJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Proustian bed and ProcrustesbyJansy Mello
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Terra in Ada...byfrances assa
- Proustian bed & assassin pun in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Terra in Ada...byJansy Mello
- Mascodagama & Ada's castle of cardsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Fwd: Call for papers reminderbyStephen Blackwell
- L disaster, Terra, old Paar of Chose & rosy aurora in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- eucharistials & Mr Brod or Bred in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Stephen Jan ParkerbyJansy Mello
- Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Mr Brod or Bred, Kim Beauharnais, mirabilic year,
Camping Ford & beshmet in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: Stephen Jan ParkerbyBrian Boyd
- Re: Stephen Jan ParkerbyBrian Boyd
- one-armed d'Onsky & Bohemian lady in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Vatican, a Roman spa, in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Mr Brod or Bred & Goreloe in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Malbrook & Malorukino in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Ruby Black & Philip Rack in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Cora Day, soprano, Oxford & hats in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- What's in the name Clare Quilty ?byHen Hanna
- Nik. Pavlych Khokhotov, Vran, Arizona in LolitabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- V.Nabokov's autobiography as a "stereo-text" (an interesting but
not very recent quote)byJansy Mello - RES: [NABOKV-L] QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyJansy Mello
- nabelo-into-Nabokov anagramsbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Elphinstone,
Bagration Island & Dr Melanie Weiss in Lolita; Botkin in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyJansy Mello
- Re: ADAonline: Ada covers, drawing and flapsbyBrian Boyd
- AATSEEL Call for PapersbyStephen Blackwell
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyHen Hanna
- RES: [NABOKV-L] QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyJansy Mello
- Re: QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyTom Rymour
- Monparnasse, etc. in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyJansy Mello
- QUERY -- VN and checking translationsbyHen Hanna
- La fève de Diane and ...Apollo (who is the hidden baby?)byJansy Mello
- Monparnasse in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Chateau de Byron (She Yawns Castle),
Aunt Beloskunski-Belokonski & Mt Yawn in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - SEEJ 59.4 (2015): Two Articles on NabokovbyJoseph Schlegel
- Highlights of 2011 Interview with Dmitri NabokovbyMaxim D. Shrayer
- RES: [NABOKV-L] SF "amputation of an arctic" - answer to the old
querybyJansy Mello - Baron d'Onsky, Terra & Antiterra in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Demon's death & Ada's birthday in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: SF "amputation of an arctic" - answer to the old querybyjoseph Aisenberg
- SF "amputation of an arctic" - answer to the old querybyJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Dionysian origin,
un petit topinambour & Nuremberg Old Maid in AdabyJansy Mello - Tent/Palatka in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- has this been distributed?byJansy Mello
- Dionysian origin, un petit topinambour & Nuremberg Old Maid in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Bouteillan, King Wing & Grandfather Dedalus Veen in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Chose, Mascodagama, Zemski,
Temnosiniy & skunk-like squirrels in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko - ANNC--Fine Lines (Nabokov's Drawings) availablebyStephen Blackwell
- RES: [NABOKV-L] SIGHTING: VN, Guide to Berlin & Gail JohnsonbyJansy Mello
- Another issue related to translation: The Eye and O Olho; a few
more interesting excerptsbyJansy Mello - B.D. James' GHOST RIDER & PFbyRoth, Matthew
- SIGHTING: VN, Guide to Berlin & Gail JohnsonbyStephen Blackwell
- The Eye and RLSK: Thornton WilderbyJansy Mello
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Artwork From the First-Ever Illustrated Version of Vladimir Nabokov’s ‘xxlita’byJansy Mello
- Kinbote and ParachutingbyR.S. Gwynn
- Artwork From the First-Ever Illustrated Version of Vladimir Nabokov’s ‘Lolita’ BY JONATHON STURGEON FEBRUARY 11, 2016 10:00 AMbyBarrie Karp
- [SIGHTING] VN's "Letters to Véra" introduced in BrazilbyJansy Mello
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] Two old (2015) Paris Review'sbyJansy Mello
- istina-plus-vera anagram; Lucette's Buchstaben in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- LOLITA MagazinebyMo Ibrahim
- Nabokov's Primer--An Old Question AnsweredbyRoth, Matthew
- RES: [NABOKV-L] adaptation of the Vladimir Nabokov erotic
thriller ...byJansy Mello - patient Valentinian, Dr Krolik & his brother Karol in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Ivan Giovanovich Tobak in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ENC: [NABOKV-L] Oeufs à la Nabocoque: a follow up on Gastronomy and NabokovbyJansy Mello
- Patterns, fractals...curiositiesbyJansy Mello
- [SIGHTING] Nobel prize and "losers"byJansy Mello
- adaptation of the Vladimir Nabokov erotic thriller ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Ida Lariviere, lolita & Euler-typed problem in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- VN's The Eye in translation (correction)byJansy Mello
- Aunt Beloskunski-Belokonski, Dr Nikulin & Kunikulinov in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SYMPOSIUM: Nabokov's Idioms: Translating ForeignnessbySara Pankenier Weld
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Photo with VN and DictionarybyJansy Mello
- John Ray Jr sends his warning message...byJansy Mello
- Tsitsikar, Bishop of Belokonsk & nurse Bellabestia in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Photo with VN and DictionarybyJansy Mello
- Tsitsikar, Belokonsk & Bishop of Belokonsk in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Nabokov alluded in Ada to Tolstoy alluding to Jane Austen!byArnie Perlstein
- Re: Anna Pimenovna Nepraslinov & Praslin in AdabyJansy Mello
- VN sightingbyBarrie Karp
- Anna Pimenovna Nepraslinov & Praslin in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Work on Foreshadowing in NabokovbyWill Pritchard
- Nabokov on food (my favorite dishes)byAlexey Sklyarenko
- -- 'Lolita' And Lollipops ...bySandy Pallot Klein
- Re: Nabokov on foodbyEric NAIMAN
- Re: Nabokov on foodbyBrian Boyd
- Fwd: VN SightingbyAlexander Drescher
- LOLITA Sighting in MOLLY MAXWELL (2014)byMo Ibrahim
- Marina's feigned faint & Bouteillan in AdabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- George Weidenfeld, dies at 96byDana Dragunoiu
- sonorous tite in The Waltz InventionbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Litter and lists in VN's novels...Gradiva, at last.byJansy Mello
- padukgrams & anagradusbyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Reminder: CFP "Lolita at 60" / Deadline Jan. 31, 2016bymarie bouchet
- - Ultima Thule,,ToOL, The Circle and The Gift.byJansy Mello
- ANNC: The Biennial Nabokov Studies PrizesbyStephen Blackwell
- Peter Lubin querybyМельников Николай
- CfP Pnin, ASEEES 2016byKatherina Kokinova
- Gradus, his sinister journey, roofs of Paris,
Odon & Solus Rex in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] {NABOKV-L] The work of memory: The Circle, Pnin,
Firsr Love, The ReunionbyJansy Mello - {NABOKV-L] The work of memory: The Circle, Pnin, Firsr Love,
The ReunionbyJansy Mello - incurable heart ailment, Lik's real name,
Koldunov's wife & gobies in Lik; krug in The CirclebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Terms of Endearment in "Letters to Véra"byJansy Mello
- article on dreams in VN's plays & stories; Bretwit in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Duke of Aros & Ferz Bretwit in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: NABOKV-L Digest - 14 Jan 2016 to 15 Jan 2016 (#2016-15)byЕвгений Белодубровский
- Fwd: Yes, You are right, BrianbyЕвгений Белодубровский
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Moving from yellow slacks to the purples and VN's
kzspygv/ Witt.byJansy Mello - Cedarn; conchologists & grados in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- SIGHTING: in hotels, transparentlybyDave
- Moving from yellow slacks to the purples and VN's kzspygv/ Witt.byJansy Mello
- Baron Mandevil & Conmal in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Re: Nabokov documentarybyBrian Boyd
- Last Supper, ophiologial chill, pigeon's blood,
salamanders & basilisks in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Nabokov documentarybyBrian Boyd
- Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] Spring in Fialta: queriesbyfrances assa
- Re: Charlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byjoseph Aisenberg
- Re: Fwd: Re: David Bowie and NabokovbyBarrie Karp
- Fwd: Re: David Bowie and NabokovbyNabokv-L
- glorious friendship in Pale Fire & anagradusy (anagrams with
Gradus)byAlexey Sklyarenko - David Bowie and NabokovbyJoseph Schlegel
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Spring in Fialta: queriesbyJansy Mello
- Re: Charlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byMalynne Sternstein
- Re: David Bowie and NabokovbyJoseph Schlegel
- Re: Charlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byjoseph Aisenberg
- million of photographers in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Gradus,
Shade's dangerous neighbor & Charles the Beloved in Pale FirebyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: Spring in Fialta: queriesbyNabokv-L
- Re: Charlotte's "maroon slacks, yellow silk blouse"byDidier Machu
- Mount St. George in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Spring in Fialta: queriesbyJansy Mello
- ophiological chill,
ghosts... differences in translation - correctionbyNabokv-L - shellfish & stone in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- Fw: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] ophiological chill,
ghosts... differences in translation - correctionbyjoseph Aisenberg - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] ophiological chill,
ghosts... differences in translationbyJansy Mello - Ferdinand as False Orpheus in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- shellfish & stone in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] ophiological chill,
ghosts... differences in translation - correctionbyJansy Mello - Fwd: NYTimes.com: Review: Visiting a Lolita-Land of Sorts With‘Lamb’byRobert Boyle
- RES: [NABOKV-L] ophiological chill,
ghosts... differences in translationbyJansy Mello - ophiological chill, ghosts... differences in translationbyJansy Mello
- CFP: Nabokov Society panel for ASEEES 2016byStephen Blackwell
- two fianagrams (anagrams with Fialta); one buninagram (anagram
with Bunin & Nina)byAlexey Sklyarenko - Nabokov Society Business Meeting in Austin and electronic
participationbyNabokv-L - Fialta-into-Nabokov anagrambyAlexey Sklyarenko
- ophiological chill, ghosts,
eggs & pigeon's blood in Vesna v FialtebyAlexey Sklyarenko - RES: [NABOKV-L] RES: [NABOKV-L] link between hymen and death in
Spring in FialtabyJansy Mello - Englishman's aquamarine eye, youthful cabmen,
tigers & elephants in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re-sending [NABOKV-L] Red Riding Hood revisited: Kassel's "the
Woodsman" and VN's "Lolita"byJansy Mello - Re: RES: [NABOKV-L] link between hymen and death in Spring in
Fialtabyfrances assa - Segur, his car, Mme de V. & English tourist in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- reminder, CfP on Pnin, ASEEES 2016byKatherina Kokinova
- amputation of an arctic,
Nina's Pushkinian feet & Mount St. George in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko - Re: Red Riding Hood revisited: Kassel's "the Woodsman" and VN's
"Lolita"byBrian Boyd - Nina’s last ten-fingered farewell & circus in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] link between hymen and death in Spring in FialtabyJansy Mello
- New Years greetings & ANNOUNCEMENTbyNabokv-L
- link between hymen and death in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko
- RES: [NABOKV-L] Red Riding Hood revisited: Kassel's "the
Woodsman" and VN's "Lolita"byJansy Mello - Capparabella express in Spring in FialtabyAlexey Sklyarenko