Bibliographic entries by author: Boyd, Brian
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (142 in total).
- Boyd, Brian, " . . . and the eluding", Times Literary Supplement, 24-04-1987, details
- Boyd, Brian, "Ada" Nabokova: Mesto soznaniya, 2013, St. Petersburg: Symposium, details
- Boyd, Brian, "Even Homais Nods": Nabokov's Fallibility, or, How to Revise Lolita, v. 2, Nabokov Studies, 1995, details
- Boyd, Brian, "Letters Limited By Selection." Review of Selected Letters, 1940-1977 by Vladimir Nabokov, Sunday Times, 26-01-1992, London, details
- Boyd, Brian, "Pale Fire": Poem and Pattern, Boyd, Brian, ed., Pale Fire: A Poem in Four Cantos, 2010, Berkeley: Gingko Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, "Prehash". Review of The Enchanter by Vladimir Nabokov, The Listener, 22-04-1987, Auckland, details
- Boyd, Brian, "The Expected Stress Did Not Come": A Note on "Father’s Butterflies", no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details
- Boyd, Brian, A Biographer’s Life: Einhard Prize Acceptance Speech, v. 6, Biography and Source Studies, 2001, details
- Boyd, Brian, A Marsh Marigold is a Marsh Marigold is a Marsh Marigold, no. 1, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1978, details
- Boyd, Brian, A Source for the Title of Bend Sinister?, no. 48, The Nabokovian, 2002, details
- Boyd, Brian, Ada, the Bog and the Garden: or, Straw, Fluff, and Peat: Sources and Places in Ada, v. 8, Nabokov Studies, 2004, details
- Boyd, Brian, Ada, Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed., The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, New York: Garland, details
- Boyd, Brian, Ada’s Springboard, no. 41, The Nabokovian, 1998, details
- Boyd, Brian, Afterword [to Ada], 2000, London: Penguin, details
- Boyd, Brian, Aligning with Pushkin, Pushkin, Alexander, trans. Vladimir Nabokov, Eugene Onegin, 2018, San Francisco: Arion Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Annotations to Ada, The Nabokovian, 1993-, details
- Boyd, Brian, Annotations to Speak, Memory, The Nabokovian, details
- Boyd, Brian, Arts, Humanities, Sciences, Uses, v. 44, no. 4, New Literary History, 2013, details
- Boyd, Brian, Autre Rivages. Notice et Notes, Couturier, Maurice, ed., v. 2, Vladimir Nabokov, Oeuvres romanesques complètes (Bibliothèque de la Pléiade), 2010, Paris: Gallimard, details
- Boyd, Brian, Azure Afterimages: Reflections on Nabokov’s Pale Fire, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details
- Boyd, Brian, Cynthia Vane: A Source in Propertius, Elegies 4:7, no. 60, The Nabokovian, 2008, details
- Boyd, Brian, Der Schriftsteller Nabokov, Zimmer, Dieter E., ed., Vladimir Nabokov: Gesammelte Werke: Marginalien, 1987, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, details
- Boyd, Brian, Dmitri Nabokov Obituary, The Guardian, 28-02-2012, details
- Boyd, Brian, Donald Barton Johnson: The Man and His Works, v. 10, Nabokov Studies, 2006, details
- Boyd, Brian, Du doute au délice, La Revue de Deux Mondes, July/August 2010, details
- Boyd, Brian, d’O you get the joke?, no. 47, The Nabokovian, 2001, details
- Boyd, Brian, Emigré Responses to Nabokov I-IV, nos. 17-20, The Nabokovian, Fall 1986 - Spring 1988, details
- Boyd, Brian, Enchanted Hunting: Lolita and Lolita, Diana and diana, Blackwell, Stephen H., and Kurt Johnson, eds., Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art, 2016, New Haven: Yale University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Envelopes for the Letters to Véra, 2014, London: Penguin; New York: Knopf, details
- Boyd, Brian, Fiction and Theory of Mind, v. 75, no. 4, Philosophy and Literature, 2006, details
- Boyd, Brian, Foreword to Nabokov's Shakespeare, Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov’s Shakespeare, 2014, London, New York: Continuum, details
- Boyd, Brian, Foreword: Pushing us to Pushkin, Pushkin, Alexander, trans. Vladimir Nabokov, Eugene Onegin, 2018, Princeton: Princeton University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Girl Misinterpreted, The Listener, March 16-22, 2019, Auckland, details
- Boyd, Brian, Handmaid to genius, Globe and Mail, 15-05-1999, Toronto, details
- Boyd, Brian, In Honor of Dmitri Nabokov, no. 68, The Nabokovian, 2012, details
- Boyd, Brian, In Memoriam: Elena Vladimirovna Sikorski, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details
- Boyd, Brian, In Memory of Alfred Appel, Jr., no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details
- Boyd, Brian, In Memory of Simon Karlinsky, no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details
- Boyd, Brian, Introduction [to Speak, Memory], 1999, New York: Everyman, details
- Boyd, Brian, Introduction [to Verses and Versions], 2008, New York: Harcourt, details
- Boyd, Brian, Introduction: Thinker, Writer, Speaker, Person, 2019, London: Penguin; New York: Knopf, details
- Boyd, Brian, Introduzione: Nabokov: Il Gioco, L’Arte, La Vita, La Morte, Saltarelli, Francesca, trans., Vladimir Nabokov, Romanzi, I, 2008, Milan: Adelphi, details
- Boyd, Brian, L'art et l'ardeur d'Ada, no. 791, Europe, March, 1995, details
- Boyd, Brian, Laughter and Literature: A Play Theory of Humor, v. 28, no. 1, Philosophy and Literature, 2004, details
- Boyd, Brian, Literary gangsters?, The Listener, 01-10-1988, Auckland, details
- Boyd, Brian, Literature, Pattern, Lolita: Or Art, Literature, Science, Norman, Will, and Duncan White, eds., Transitional Nabokov, 2009, Bern, Oxford, and New York: Peter Lang, details
- Boyd, Brian, Lolita Among the Vandals, no. 70, The Nabokovian, 2013, details
- Boyd, Brian, Lolita, Literature, Pattern: Or The Art of Literature and the Science of Literature, Uhlmann, Anthony, Helen Groth, Paul Sheehan, and Stephen Maclaren, eds., Literature and Sensation, 2009, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Lolita: Scene and Unseen, Kuzmanovich, Zoran, and Galya Diment, eds., Approaches to Teaching Lolita, 2008, New York: MLA, details
- Boyd, Brian, Lolita: What We Know and What We Don’t, v. 24 no. 1, Cycnos, 2007, details
- Boyd, Brian, Lucette late in Ada, v. 17, Nabokov Studies, 2020-21, details
- Boyd, Brian, Making Adaptation Studies Adaptive, Leitch, Thomas, ed., Oxford Handbook of Adaptation Studies, 2017, Oxford: Oxford University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokefu Zhuan: Eluosi Shiqi, 2009, Rev. ed. 2019, Guilin: GuangXi Normal University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokefu Zhuan: Meiguo Shiqi, 2011; Rev. ed. 2019, Guilin: GuangXi Normal University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokofu den: Roshia jidai, 2003, Tokyo: Misuzu shobo, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov & Machado, no. 11, Serrote, 2012, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov and Humor, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov Archives, U.S. Library of Congress, no. 4, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, Spring 1980, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov as Psychologist: Routes for Exploration, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov as storyteller, Connolly, Julian W., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov, 2005, Cambridge University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov at Cornell, Gibian, George, and Stephen Jan Parker, eds., The Achievements of Vladimir Nabokov, 1984, Ithaca: Cornell Center for International Studies, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov Bibliography: Aspects of the Emigré Period, no. 11, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1983, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov Bibliography—A Comment, no. 10, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1983, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov Lives On, v. 79, no. 2, American Scholar, 2010, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Ada: The Place of Consciousness, 1985; Rev. ed. 2001, Ann Arbor: Ardis; Rev. ed., Christchurch: Cybereditions, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Bend Sinister, v. 41, no. 1, Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review, Spring 1991, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Lepidoptera: A Review Article on Dieter E. Zimmer’s "Nabokov's Lepidoptera", v. 2, Nabokov Studies, 1995, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Literary Legacy, v. 11, Gunzo, 2009, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Manuscripts, Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed., The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, New York: Garland, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, 1999, Princeton: Princeton University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Philosophical World, v. 14, no. 3, Southern Review, November, 1981, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Russian Poems: A Chronology, no. 21, The Nabokovian, Fall 1988, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov's Texts, no. 46, The Nabokovian, 2001, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Literature, Lepidoptera, Boyd, Brian, and Robert Michael Pyle, eds., Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings, 2000, Boston: Beacon; London: Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Pushkin and Shakespeare: Genius, Generosity and Gratitude in Dar and Pale Fire, New Zealand Slavonic Journal, 1999, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Pushkin, Shakespeare, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Time and Timelessness: A Reply to Martin Hägglund, v. 37, no. 2, New Literary History, 2006, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 10, 1995, New York: Scribner, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Eisenstadt, Peter, ed., Encyclopedia of New York State, 2005, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov: A Centennial Toast, Grayson, Jane, Arnold McMillin, and Priscilla Meyer, eds., v. 2, Nabokov’s World: Reading Nabokov, 2002, New York: Palgrave, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov: A Life in Contexts: I: Russia and Emigration, Bethea, David M., and Siggy Frank, eds., Vladimir Nabokov in Context, 2018, Cambridge University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov: A Life in Contexts: II: Beyond the Emigration, Bethea, David M., and Siggy Frank, eds., Vladimir Nabokov in Context, 2018, Cambridge University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov: Dwa Oblicza, 2006, Warsaw: Twój Styl, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov’s Blues- and His Drab-Shoelace Brown, and His Weathered-Wood Black, Holabird, Jean, Vladimir Nabokov: AlphaBet in Color, 2005, Corte Madera: Gingko Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov’s Metaphysics: Retrospectives and Prospects, v. 6, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2001, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov’s Russian Years Revisited, Flier, Michael S., and Robert P. Hughes, eds., For SK: In Celebration of the Life and Career of Simon Karlinsky, 1994, Berkeley: Berkeley Slavic Specialties, details
- Boyd, Brian, Nabokov’s Transition from Russian to English: Repudiation or Evolution?, v. 11, Nabokov Studies, 2007/08, details
- Boyd, Brian, New Light on Nabokov's Russian Years, v. 10, no. 1, Cycnos, 1993, Nice, details
- Boyd, Brian, Novel with Cocaine, Times Literary Supplement, 06-03-1987, details
- Boyd, Brian, Obituary: Véra Nabokov, The Daily Telegraph, 13-04-1991, details
- Boyd, Brian, On the Original of Cheepy: Nabokov and Popular Culture Fads, no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details
- Boyd, Brian, Pale Fire: The Vanessa atalanta, Shapiro, Gavriel, ed., Nabokov at Cornell, 2003, Cornell University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, Pierre, or the Ambiguities of Allusion, no. 50, The Nabokovian, 2003, details
- Boyd, Brian, Pinning Down Krolik, no. 48, The Nabokovian, 2002, details
- Boyd, Brian, Po sledam Nabokova, 2020, St. Petersburg: Symposium, details
- Boyd, Brian, Preface: The Haunted Enchanter, Chupin, Yannicke, Agnes Edel-Roy, Monica Manolescu, and Lara Delage-Toriel, eds., Vladimir Nabokov et la France, 2017, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, details
- Boyd, Brian, Psychology and Literature: Mindful Close Reading, Danta, Chris, and Helen Groth, eds., Mindful Aesthetics: Literature and the Science of Mind, 2013, London: Continuum, details
- Boyd, Brian, Reflections on Narcissus, v. 5, Nabokov Studies, 1998/99, details
- Boyd, Brian, Remembering Dmitri Nabokov, the Novelist’s Son and Literary Executor, The Daily Beast, 10-05-2012, details
- Boyd, Brian, Review of Nabokov’s Art of Memory and European Modernism by John Burt Foster, Jr., v. 42, no. 1, Modern Fiction Studies, 1996, details
- Boyd, Brian, Review of Nabokov’s Otherworld by Vladimir Alexandrov, v. 38, no. 2, Modern Fiction Studies, 1992, details
- Boyd, Brian, Review of Phantom of Fact: A Guide to Nabokov’s Pnin by Gennady Barabtarlo, v. 36, no. 4, Modern Fiction Studies, 1990, details
- Boyd, Brian, Review of The Quill and the Scalpel: Nabokov’s Art and the Worlds of Science by Stephen H. Blackwell, v. 69, no. 2, The Russian Review, 2010, details
- Boyd, Brian, Review of Vladimir Nabokov: A Descriptive Bibliography by Michael Juliar, v. 81, no. 3, Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 1987, details
- Boyd, Brian, Senses, Minds, Meanings and Value in Nabokov: Do the Senses Make Sense?, Bouchet, Marie, Julie Loison-Charles, and Isabelle Poulin, eds., The Five Senses in Nabokov's Works, 2020, Palgrave Macmillan, details
- Boyd, Brian, Shade and Shape in Pale Fire, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details
- Boyd, Brian, Stalking Nabokov (interview), Rorotoko, 2011, details
- Boyd, Brian, Stalking Nabokov, 2011, New York: Columbia University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, The 10 Best Vladimir Nabokov Books, Publishers Weekly, 06-11-2015, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Art of Literature and the Science of Literature, v. 77, no. 2, American Scholar, 2008, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Bloodiest Literary Brawl, Kerr, Philip, ed., The Penguin Book of Fights, Feuds and Heartfelt Hatreds: An Anthology of Antipathy, 1993, London: Penguin, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Enchanted Nabokov Hunters, N.S. 3, Krug: Journal of the Vladimir Nabokov Society of Japan, 2010, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Last Word—or Not? On Some Cards Entitled Laura, Shades of Laura: Vladimir Nabokov’s Last Novel, The Original of Laura, Leving, Yuri, ed., 2013, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Nabokov Biography and the Nabokov Archive, v. 1, Biblion, 1992, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Nabokov Centenary Festival in St. Petersburg: A Report, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Original of Vladimir, Financial Times, 21-22 November 2009, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Problem of Pattern: Nabokov's Defense, v. 33, no. 4, Modern Fiction Studies, Winter 1987, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Psychologist, v. 80, no. 1, American Scholar, 2011, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Senses in Nabokov’s Thought and Work, v. 11, Krug, 2018, details
- Boyd, Brian, The Year of Lolita, The New York Times Books Review, 08-09-1991, details
- Boyd, Brian, Tolstoy and Nabokov, v. 9, no. 1, Scripsi, 1993, details
- Boyd, Brian, Transparent Things, v. 24, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1991, details
- Boyd, Brian, Tributes to Stephen Jan Parker: Brian Boyd, no. 73, The Nabokovian, 2014, details
- Boyd, Brian, Véra Nabokov, Dictionary of Literary Biography: 1991, 1992, Detroit: Gale Research, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov 1899-1977, Eppard, Philip B., ed., First Printings of American Authors, 1987, Detroit: Gale Research, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov, Times Literary Supplement, 17-23 June 1988, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov. I. Les Années russes, 1992, Paris: Gallimard, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov. II. Les Années américaines, 1999, Paris: Gallimard, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Amerikanskie gody, 2004, St. Petersburg: Symposium; Moscow: Nezavisimaya gazeta, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Die amerikanischen Jahre, 2005, Reinbek: Rowohlt, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Die russischen Jahre, 1899-1940, 1999, Reinbek: Rowohlt, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Los años americanos, 2006, Barcelona: Anagrama, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Los años rusos, 1992, Barcelona: Anagrama, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: Russkie gody, 2001, St. Petersburg: Symposium; Moscow: Nezavisimaya gazeta, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years, 1991, Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Chatto & Windus, details
- Boyd, Brian, Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years, 1990, Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Chatto & Windus, details
- Boyd, Brian, Who Is My Nabokov?, v. 10, Ulbandus, 2007, details
- Boyd, Brian, Wholes and Holes: The Nabokov Archive and the Nabokov Biography, no. 27, The Nabokovian, 1991, details
- Boyd, Brian, Words, Works and Worlds in Joyce and Nabokov, v. 12, no. 2, Cycnos, 1995, Nice, details
- Boyd, Brian, ‘Welcome to the Block’: Priglashenie na kazn’/Invitation to a Beheading: A Documentary Record, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading: A Critical Companion, 1997, New York: Garland, details
- Boyd, Brian, “Blednyi ogon’” Vladimir Nabokova: Volshebstvo khudoshtvennogo otkryiya, 2015, St Petersburg: Ivan Limbakh, details
- Boyd, Brian, “Pale Fire”: The magic of artistic discovery, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details