NABOKV-L posts by author: George Shimanovich
- Re: Truth and Parody: "most agile"byGEORGE SHIMANOVICH
- Re: foot-noted afterthoughts about Borges et al.byGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Anniversary of Nabokov's deathbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: THOUGHTS: artists don't have to be consistent...or dobyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Russians Have Developed a Taste for Channeling Patriotism ...byGeorge Shimanovich
- Article on chess interest of VN on Russian chess web sitebyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: False Azure, CHW reply to BBbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: S.Soloviev rebyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: False AzurebyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: B.Boyd on "PF" denigrators, from CHWbyGeorge Shimanovich
- VN on LeskovbyGeorge Shimanovich
- trip to Boston: The Botkin Class & butterfies originbyGeorge Shimanovich
- two comments on Commentaries to Eugene OneginbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Shade - Sleptsov, 'Christmas' - 'Signs and Symbols'byGeorge Shimanovich
- morals and mortalsbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Help with otherworldly logicbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] "Pale Fire" JM from GS to CHWbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: R: [NABOKV-L] "Pale Fire" GS to CHWbyGeorge Shimanovich
- The Gift's "a crimson sun sinking into an azure sea" and Pale FirebyGeorge Shimanovich
- Where is Shade? Where is Gradus?byGeorge Shimanovich
- FW: [NABOKV-L] Fw: [NABOKV-L] Where is Shade writing and looking
from?byGeorge Shimanovich - backdrops: and 'The Gift'byGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Where is Shade writing and looking from?byGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Pale Fire wiki?byGeorge Shimanovich
- Vseslav -> Charles BelovedbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: Delusions and Luna mothsbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: insanity in the Slavic DepartmentbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: split personality and interior of Goldsworth housebyGeorge Shimanovich
- split personality and interior of Goldsworth housebyGeorge Shimanovich
- "you" in forwardbyGeorge Shimanovich
- versipelbyGeorge Shimanovich
- The Nature of Electricity: "Number nine-hundred-ninety-nine"byGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: prepositionsbyGeorge Shimanovich
- "not the emotions of the people in the book but the emotions of
its author"byGeorge Shimanovich - Re: Kunin reply to A.S.Brown on PFbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: NABOKOV'S DISMISSALS ...byGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: author of the mysterious line foundbyGeorge Shimanovich
- Re: CBC Radio 3 Tour With Bend Sinister ...byGeorge Shimanovich