Bibliographic entries: All
This is a complete list of Bibliography Items in the database (3319 in total).
- Baudelaire, Melmoth, and Laughter, no. 60, The Nabokovian, 2008, details ,
- The Otherworldly Role of Water, no. 41, The Nabokovian, 1998, details ,
- Top Hats, Toys, and Guillotines: Nabokov’s Methods for Triumphing over Mortality, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov's Permanent Mystery: The Expression of Metaphysics in His Work, 2010, McFarland, details ,
- Beyond the Book: Vladimir Nabokov's Metaphysics and Literary Structures, 1997, PhD diss., Case Western Reserve University, details ,
- Pushkin in Nabokov's “Inverted Limelight”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Nabokov and Tyutchev, Shapiro, Gavriel, ed., Nabokov at Cornell, 2003, Cornell University Press, details ,
- The Nabokovs and the Pushchins, v. 2, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- The Nabokovs’ relatives, the Fal’ts-Feins, v. 2, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- Will Brown, Dolores, Colo., no. 3, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1979, details ,
- Silver Spoons in their Mouths: the Legacy of the Russian Silver Age in the Works of Nabokov, Pasternak, and Viktor Erofeev, 1998, PhD diss., University of Toronto, details ,
- Nabokov and Yakobson: Approaches to the interetation of “Eugene Onegin”, v. 6, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2001, details ,
- Fictional Realism: Scaling the Twin Peaks of Art and Science, Blackwell, Stephen H., and Kurt Johnson, eds., Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art, 2016, New Haven: Yale University Press, details ,
- A history of a Nabokov family drama: An Archival Discovery, v. 2, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- V. V. Nabokov -- russkii pisatel', The Saint George Journal (Moscow Literary Edition), 1997, details ,
- Nabokov's Gift: An Apprenticeship in Creativity, Proffer, Carl R., ed., A Book of Things about Vladimir Nabokov, 1974, Ann Arbor: Ardis, details ,
- The Gift: Nabokov's Portrait of the Artist, Roth, Phyllis A., ed., Critical Essays on Vladimir Nabokov, 1984, Boston: G. K. Hall, details ,
- Game, Set, Mismatch: On the Role of Tennis and Other Sports in Nabokov's Fiction, Rollberg, Peter, eds., And Meaning for a Life Entire: Festschrift for Charles A. Moser on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1997, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Games Nabokov's Characters Play, v. 36, no. 123-24, Russian Language Journal, 1982, details ,
- The Tree with Heart-shaped Leaves in Pnin, no. 31, 1993, details ,
- On the Prosody of Nabokov’s Pale Fire, v. 15, Nabokov Online Journal, 2021, details ,
- Witnesses to the Cold War: A Literary and Cultural Analysis of Containments in 1950s Narratives by Hitchcock, Mailer, Kerouac, Ellison, Arnow, and Nabokov, 1996, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- "Lolita, Light of My Life. My Sin, My Soul" and Psalm 38, v. 8, Nabokov Online Journal, 2014, details ,
- Nabokov's Orange Night, Crone, Anna Lisa, and Catherine V. Chvany, eds., New Studies in Russian Language and Literature, 1986, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- The Long-Drawn Sunset of Fialta, Connolly, Julian W., and Sonia I. Ketchian, eds., Studies in Russian Literature in Honor of Vsevolod Setchkarev, 1986, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Nabokov, kotoryi branitsia..., v. 1, Oktiabr', 1993, Moscow, details ,
- Les Papillons de Nabokov 26 novembre 1993 - 29 janvier 1994, Litterae zoologicae, 1993, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: La Méprise, Situations I, 1947, Paris: Gallimard, details ,
- Population Dynamics and Nectar Preference of the Karner Blue Butterfly, Lycaeides melissa samuelis, Nabokov (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), 2005, PhD diss., University of Minnesota, details ,
- Litso i 'lichiko chasov' u Vladimira Nabokova, no. 4, Russkaya rech', 1998, details ,
- Field Investigations of a Facultative Mutualism Between Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov (Lycaenidae), the Karner Blue Butterfly, and Attendant Ants, 1990, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- Le Métier du poète en exil: Vladimir Nabokov, Elias Canetti et Yordan Yovkov, 2012, Paris: Champion, details ,
- The Servile Path, The Harper's Magazine, 01-05-2001, details ,
- "Translation is a Bastard Form": An Interview with Michael Scammell. Conducted by Yuri Leving, v. 1, Nabokov Online Journal, 2007, details ,
- Imitation, Mimicry, and the Performance of Americanness in Nabokov’s Pnin, v. 18, no. 4, European Journal of American Studies, 2023, details ,
- Auf den Spuren Nabokovs, 1981, Frankfurt: Ullstein Taschenbuch, details ,
- V poiskakh Nabokova, 1979, Paris: La Presse Libre, details ,
- Nabokov and Bret Harte: An Overlooked Allusion in Lolita, no. 54, The Nabokovian, 2005, details ,
- Le 'faux-double' dans La Méprise, v. 5, Q/W/E/R/T/Y, October, 1995, details ,
- Fictional Structure and Ethics in the Edwardian, Modern, and Contemporary Novel, v. 63, no. 3, Philological Quarterly, 1984, details ,
- Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Self-Translation: Samuel Beckett and Vladimir Nabokov as Doubled Novelists, 2000, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Brutal Betrayers and their Evil Translations: The Willful Reshapings of Kinbote and Conmal, Loison-Charles, Julie, and Stanislav Shvabrin, ed., Vladimir Nabokov et la traduction, 2021, Arras: Artois Presses Université, details ,
- The Conservative, the Catholic, and the Clown: John Gardner, Flannery O'Connor, and Vladimir Nabokov on the Nature and Aim of fiction, 1983, PhD diss., University of Waterloo, details ,
- Nabokov as Poet, Connolly, Julian W., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov, 2005, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Poetry, Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed., The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, New York: Garland, details ,
- "A Review of a Novel You Can't Buy." Review of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, v. 17, The Reporter, 28-11-1957, details ,
- Véra (Mrs. Vladimir Nabokov): Portrait of a Marriage, 1999, New York: Random House, details ,
- The Literary Mind: Portraits in Pain and Creativity, 1988, New York: Human Sciences Press, details ,
- Detective Stories And Aesthetic Bliss In Nabokov, v. 17, Delta, 1983, Montpellier, details ,
- Happy Birthday, Pnin: Annotations to Nabokov's Calendar, v. 5, Nabokov Studies, 1998/99, details ,
- “The Sun’s a Thief”: Nabokov and Shakespeare ― A Quantitative Approach, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details ,
- “Which is Sebastian?” What’s in a (Shakespearean and Nabokovian) Name?, Leving, Yuri, ed., The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac, 2010, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details ,
- And One More Shakespeare for the Road, no. 32, The Nabokovian, 1994, details ,
- Another 'Nova Zembla', no. 6, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1981, details ,
- Beautiful Gate: Vladimir Nabokov and Orthodox Iconography, v. 32, no. 1, Religion & Literature, Spring 2000, details ,
- Comment dit-on 'mourir' en anglaise?: Translating Shakespeare in Nabokov's Pale Fire, Hoenselaars, Ton, and Marius Buning, eds., English Literature and the Other Languages, 1999, Amsterdam: Rodopi, details ,
- Criticism of Vladimir Nabokov: A Selected Checklist, v. 25, no. 3, Modern Fiction Studies, 1979, details ,
- Curious Conjunctions in Nabokov’s Collected Stories, no. 40, The Nabokovian, 1998, details ,
- Despair and Die': A Note on Nabokov and Shakespeare's Tragedies, v. 12, no. 1, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1982, details ,
- Donald Barton Johnson: The Man and His Works, v. 10, Nabokov Studies, 2006, details ,
- Hyperlinks, Chiasmus, Vermeer and St. Augustine: Models of Reading Ada, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details ,
- Inventing Nabokov, v. 22, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1996, details ,
- Laughter in the Dark and Othello, no. 20, The Nabokovian, Spring 1988, details ,
- Monsieur Nabokov and Mademoiselle O, Chupin, Yannicke, Agnes Edel-Roy, Monica Manolescu, and Lara Delage-Toriel, eds., Vladimir Nabokov et la France, 2017, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, details ,
- Nabokov and Shakespeare: The Russian Works, Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed., The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, New York: Garland, details ,
- Nabokov and Shakespeare's Trees, v. 18, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1988, details ,
- Nabokov On Tour -- Part I, no. 68, The Nabokovian, 2012, details ,
- Nabokov On Tour -- Part II, no. 69, The Nabokovian, 2012, details ,
- Nabokov On Tour -- Part III, no. 70, The Nabokovian, 2013, details ,
- Nabokov's God; God's Nabokov, Rodgers, Michael, and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Nabokov and the Question of Morality: Aesthetics, Metaphysics, and the Ethics of Fiction, 2016, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, details ,
- Nabokov's Shakespeare, 2014, Bloomsbury Academic, details ,
- On the Road to Canterbury, Liliput and Elphinstone - The Rough Guide: Satiric Travel Narratives in Chaucer, Swift and Nabokov, Zembla, August, 1996, details ,
- Red Rocks' in Laughter in the Dark and Lolita, v. 18, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1988, details ,
- Review of The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov edited by Julian W. Connolly, v. 9, Nabokov Studies, 2005, details ,
- Review of Vladimir Nabokov by Tony Sharpe, v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details ,
- Something Rotten in the State: Hamlet and Bend Sinister, v. 24, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1991, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: A Reference Guide, 1979, Boston: G. K. Hall, details ,
- Dekonstruktion im Roman: erzähltechnische Verfahren und Selbstreflexion in den Romanen von Vladimir Nabokov und Samuel Beckett, 1991, Heidelberg: C. Winter, details ,
- Play, Epistemology and Change, Cheska, Alice Taylor ed., Play as Context, 1981, West Point: Leisure, details ,
- Metafiction, Transcendence, and Death in Nabokov's Lolita, v. 5, Nabokov Studies, 1998/99, details ,
- Sacrificing the Maiden(’s) Head: Decoding Nabokov’s Burlesque of Sex and Violence in Invitation to a Beheading, Leving, Yuri, ed., The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac, 2010, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details ,
- Typography, Poems, and the Poetic Line, Jazayery, Mohammad Ali et al., eds., v. 4, Linguistic and Literary Studies in Honor of Archibald A. Hill, 1979, Hague, Paris, and New York: Mouton Publishers, details ,
- The Cypress Veil, Appel, Alfred, Jr. and Newman, Charles, eds., Nabokov: Criticism, Reminiscences, Translations and Tributes, 1970, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details ,
- Kissing Her Ellipses: Dreams and Narrative Texture in Nabokov's "Ultima Thule Theme", v. 17, Nabokov Studies, 2020/21, details ,
- Campo Santo, 2006, Modern Library, details ,
- Chtoby rech' stala tvoei rech'iu, no. 17, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1996, Moscow, details ,
- Grösser und glücklicher als sein Jahrhundert, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 15-11-1993, Frankfurt/Main, details ,
- Nabokov and the Aesthetics of American Exile, v. 74, no. 2, The Yale Review, 1985, details ,
- Nabokov on Joyce, Shakespeare, Telemachus, and Hamlet, v. 20, no. 3, James Joyce Quarterly, Spring 1983, details ,
- Pale Fire and the Art of Narrative Supplement, v. 51, no. 4, English Literary History ELH, 1984, details ,
- Stereoscope: Nabokov's Ada and Pale Fire, Bloom, Harold, ed., Modern Critical Views: Vladimir Nabokov, 1987, New York: Chelsea House, details ,
- Nabokov's Poetics of Vision, or What Anna Karenina is Doing in Kamera obskura, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Nina’s Endings: Some Subtexts of Nabokov’s “Spring in Fialta”, v. 14, Nabokov Online Journal, 2020, details ,
- A Cambridge autograph of V.V. Nabokov, v. 1, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- On a few lexical symbols in Nabokov’s novels, v. 6, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2001, details ,
- “The distance of a free novel” in Nabokov: citation and the structuring of the text, v. 6, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2001, details ,
- Nabokov's Paradise Lost: The Family Estates in Russia, 1999, St. Petersburg: Liga Plus, details ,
- Dickens in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beaheading: A Figure of Concealment, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Aurelian i Eleonora, ili Gde Nabokov lovil svoikh babochek, no. 123, Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review), 1998, details ,
- Commentary to Nabokov’s Short Story “Lips to Lips”, v. 14, Nabokov Online Journal, 2020, details ,
- If We Put Our Heads between Our Legs: An Introduction to the Theme 'Vladimir Nabokov and Arthur Schopenhauer', v. 11, Nabokov Studies, 2007/08, details ,
- Invitation to a Beheading. Commentary on a motif, v. 1, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- Lehmann’s Disease: A Comment on Nabokov's The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details ,
- Lolita the Butterfly. Nabokov's Private Aesthetics, v. 17, Nabokov Studies, 2020/21, details ,
- Luini’s Eye, v. 14, Nabokov Online Journal, 2020, details ,
- Nabokov’s Short Story “The Potato Elf”: The Motif of Bamboozle, v. 9, Nabokov Online Journal, 2015, details ,
- Nameless Existence, Intangible Substance: John the Baptist in Vladimir Nabokov, nos. 168-170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details ,
- Po tu storonu pornografii i moralizma: tri opyta prochteniia "Lolity" V.V. Nabokova, 2021, Moscow: Izdatel'skiy Dom YASK, details ,
- Santa-Morgana: Commentary to V. Nabokov’s Play 'The Waltz Invention', v. 4, Nabokov Online Journal, 2010, details ,
- Starichok iz yevreyev (kommentariy k Priglasheniyu na kazn' Vladimira Nabokova), v. 43, no. 3, Russian Literature, 1998, details ,
- The Ghost in the Novel: André Chenier in Vladimir Nabokov, v. 78, no. 3, The Slavonic and East European Review, 2000, details ,
- The Juice of Three Oranges: An Exploration in Nabokov’s Language and World, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details ,
- The path of the exploit (A commentary on Nabokov’s novel “Glory”), v. 4, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- The poetics and ethology of Vladimir Nabokov, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- The Police Department of My Soul: Aleksandr Blok in Invitation to a Beheading, no. 40, The Nabokovian, 1998, details ,
- The Tongue, That Punchinello: A Commentary to Nabokov’s Pnin, v. 8, Nabokov Studies, 2004, details ,
- V kraiu makhaonov (Nabokov i Blok), no. 211, Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review), 1998, details ,
- V. V. Rozanov in Nabokov's “The Gift”: About the Reception of Pushkin in the Silver Age, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- Verbnaia shtuchka. Nabokov i populiarnaia kul'tura. Stat'ia pervaia, no. 24, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details ,
- Chernyshevskii v romane V. Nabokova Dar: K predistorii voprosa, Voprosy literatury, 1998, Moscow, details ,
- Sorbonnisty' i 'arkhivisty', ili eshche raz ob avtorstve Romana s kokainom, no. 24, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details ,
- Zur Thematik der Dichtung Vladimir Nabokovs: Aus Anlass des Erscheinens seiner gesammelten Gedichte, v. 25, no. 1, Die Welt der Slaven, 1980, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, details ,
- The Russian Émigré in America: Translating and Transcending Exile in Vladimir Nabokov's “Pnin” and “Pale Fire”, 2010, PhD diss., San Jose University, details ,
- Nabokov in Trinity, The Trinity Review, 1980, Cambridge, details ,
- V.V. Nabokov and A.P. Chekhov: On the matter of textual connections., v. 1, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1998, details ,
- Pushkin Subtext in Nabokov's Prose, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details ,
- The Problems of Translating Nabokov’s Pnin into Persian, v. 8, Nabokov Online Journal, 2014, details ,
- Nabokov’s Lolita in China: Its Reception and the Rise of Popular Literature, v. 10, Nabokov Online Journal, 2016, details ,
- "Homeland Stuck to the Skin of My Soles": Nabokov and Danton, no. 61, The Nabokovian, 2008, details ,
- A 'Funny Name' in Korol', Dama, Valet, no. 51, The Nabokovian, 2003, details ,
- Anagrams in Lolita, no. 27, The Nabokovian, Fall 1991, details ,
- Artists Exiled, Art Treasures Sold, no. 54, The Nabokovian, Spring 2005, details ,
- Botticelli's Primavera in Look at the Harlequins! (30th Anniversary of the Novel), no. 53, The Nabokovian, Fall 2004, details ,
- Cincinnatus as Solus Rex, no. 33, The Nabokovian, Fall 1994, details ,
- Cornell References in Pnin, no. 41, The Nabokovian, Fall 1998, details ,
- Dachshund and Borzoi - The Nabokov's favourite breed, no. 79, The Nabokovian, 2020, details ,
- Delicate Markers: Subtexts in Vladimir Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, 1998, New York: Peter Lang, details ,
- From Nabokov's Private Library, no. 42, The Nabokovian, 1999, details ,
- Gogol's tale "Nevsky Prospekt" and Nabokov's essay "Cambridge", no. 82, The Nabokovian, 2022, details ,
- Goryainov — A Fleeting Character in the Gift, no. 78, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Henry Cumming — Vladimir Nabokov’s First Drawing Master, v. 12, Nabokov Studies, 2009/2011, details ,
- Henry Lanz and His Contacts with Pasternak, Ilf and Petrov, and Nabokov, no. 75, The Nabokovian, 2018, details ,
- Hermann Lande's Possible Prototypes in The Gift, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- In Honor of Dmitri Nabokov, no. 68, The Nabokovian, 2012, details ,
- Joseph Negro, The Tennis Coach Prototype in The Original of Laura, no. 76, The Nabokovian, 2018, details ,
- Khristianskie motivy, ikh ikonografiia i simvolika v romane Vladimira Nabokova Priglashenie na kazn’, v. 33, no. 116, Russian Language Journal, 1979, details ,
- La Veneziana' Revisited, no. 55, The Nabokovian, Fall 2005, details ,
- Lolita Class List, v. 37, no. 3, Cahiers du Monde russe, 1996, details ,
- Methods of Control and Power in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, Brodsky, Anna, Mark Lipovetsky, and Sven Spieker, eds., The Imprints of Terror: The Rhetoric of Violence and the Violence of Rhetoric in Modern Russian Culture, 2006, Munich: Institut für Slavische Philologie, details ,
- Nabokov and Comic Art, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details ,
- Nabokov and Comic Art: Additional Observations and Remarks, no. 59, The Nabokovian, Fall 2007, details ,
- Nabokov and Early Netherlandish Art, Shapiro, Gavriel, ed., Nabokov at Cornell, 2003, Cornell University Press, details ,
- Nabokov and Pellico: Invitation to a Beheading and My Prisons, v. 62, no. 1, Comparative Literature, 2010, details ,
- Nabokov and the 'Other Shores', Khazan, V., I. Belobrovtseva, and S. Dotsenko, eds., The Russian Emigration: Literature, History, Chronicle of Films, 2004, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Tallinn Pedagogical University, details ,
- Nabokov’s Re-Translation Of Southey’s Ballad in Zhukovsky’s Rendition, no. 73, The Nabokovian, 2013, details ,
- Nabokov’s Tribute to His Father by way of Fet’s Poetry in Mary, no. 69, The Nabokovian, 2012, details ,
- Nabokov-Chukovsky Controversy: The Oscar Wilde Episode, no. 66, The Nabokovian, 2011, details ,
- Nabokov's Allusions: Dividedness and Polysemy, v. 43, no. 1, Russian Literature, 1998, details ,
- Nova Zembla Revisited Once Again, no. 26, The Nabokovian, Spring 1991, details ,
- Otgoloski Tiuremnykh dosugov V. D. Nabokova v Priglashenii na kazn’, v. 5, Cahiers de l'émigration russe, 1999, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Painterly Connotations in The Original of Laura, no. 64, The Nabokovian, Spring 2010, details ,
- Pictorial Origins of Three Biblical Poems by Vladimir Nabokov, v. 15, no. 1, The Slavic Almanac, 2009, details ,
- Podlets' Nabokova i 'Trus' Mopassana, v. 72, nos. 1-2, Revue des études slaves, 2000, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- References to Russian Art in The Defense, no. 50, The Nabokovian, Spring 2003, details ,
- Rembrandt’s Deposition from the Cross in The Gift, no. 58, The Nabokovian, Spring 2007, details ,
- Reministsentsii iz Mertvykh dush v Priglashenii na kazn' (Reminiscences from Dead Souls in Invitation to a Beheading), Goncharov, S. A., ed., Gogolevskii sbornik, 1994, St. Petersburg: Obrazovanie, details ,
- Robert Burness - Vladimir Nabokov's English Tutor, v. 12, Nabokov Online Journal, 2018, details ,
- Russkie literaturnye alliuzii v romane Nabokova Priglashenie na kazn', v. 9, no. 4, Russian Literature, 1981, details ,
- Setting His Myriad Faces in His Text: Nabokov's Authorial Presence Revisited, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details ,
- Several Comments on Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, no. 52, The Nabokovian, Spring 2004, details ,
- Several Emendations to One Sentence in the English Translation of “Paskhal 'nyi Dozhd”, no. 80, The Nabokovian, 2020, details ,
- Smysloobrazovatel´naia rol´ miniatiury v romane Nabokova Dar [The Semantic Role of Miniature in Nabokov's Novel The Gift], Buhks, Nora, ed., La forme brève dans la littérature russe: Mélanges offerts à André Monnier, 2010, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Tennis References in The Original of Laura, no. 67, The Nabokovian, 2011, details ,
- The "Luinesque Eye" Revisited, no. 83, The Nabokovian, 2022, details ,
- The Beneficial Role of Jews in Vladimir Nabokov’s Life and Career, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- The Salome Motif in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- The Sublime Artist's Studio: Nabokov and Painting, 2009, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details ,
- The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord: Nabokov and His Father, 2014, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, details ,
- This 'Burley Krestovski', no. 28, The Nabokovian, Spring 1992, details ,
- Two Notes on Pnin, no. 29, The Nabokovian, Fall 1992, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and Dr. Sineokov, no. 15, The Nabokovian, Fall 1985, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and Richard Muther, v. 11, no. 2, The Slavic Almanac, 2005, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and The World of Art, v. 6, no. 9, The Slavic Almanach, 2000, details ,
- Zorkost' Nabokova, v. 72, nos. 3-4, Revue des études slaves, 2000, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Some Observations on Nabokov’s Faith, v. 16, Nabokov Online Journal, 2022, details ,
- Nabokov at Cornell, 2003, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, details ,
- From the Critic's Workbench: Essays in Literature and Semiotics, 2005, New York: Peter Lang, details ,
- Introduction to Vladimir Nabokov, v. 12, no. 373, Literaturnaia Armeniia, December, 1989, Yerevan, details ,
- Natsional'nyi genii i puti russkoi kul'tury: Pushkin, Platonov, Nabokov v kontse XX veka: Materialy regional' nogo simpoziuma 8-10 iiunia 1999 goda, 2000, Omsk: Omskii gos. Pedagogicheskii universitet, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, Hodder Education Publishers, details ,
- On the prospects for reconstructing the manorial complex of the Vyra estate., v. 3, Nabokovskii vestnik, 1999, details ,
- Nabokov-McCrystal, no. 29, The Nabokovian, Fall 1992, details ,
- Motion and Stasis: Nabokov's 'Cloud, Castle, Lake', v. 27, no. 3, Studies in Short Fiction, 1990, details ,
- Reading Between the Lines and the Squares, v. 25, no. 3, Modern Fiction Studies, 1979, details ,
- Transposing Lolita: Virtual Emigration, v. 1, Nabokov Online Journal, 2007, details ,
- Autobiographic Rapture and Fictive Irony in Speak, Memory and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, v. 17, no. 1, The Iowa Review, Winter 1987, University of Iowa, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov, Ogata, Toshihiko, ed., America Bungaku no Shintenkai: Dai 2-ji Sekaitaisen go no Shosetsu, 1983, Kyoto: Yamaguchi, details ,
- Life/Story: Autobiographical Modes in the Fiction of Nabokov, Barth, and Frisch, 1981, PhD diss., University of Iowa, details ,
- Nabokov's Metanovel, 1980, Houston, details ,
- Speak, Memory: The Aristocracy of Art, Rivers, J. E., and Nicol, Charles, eds., Nabokov's Fifth Arc, 1982, Austin: University of Texas Press, details ,
- Chernyshevskii glazami Nabokova. K 170-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia kritika-demokrata, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 24-08-1998, Moscow, details ,
- A Dozen Notes to Nabokov's Short Stories, no. 40, The Nabokovian, Spring 1998, details ,
- After Rapture and Recapture: Transformations in the Drafts of Nabokov's Stories, v. 58, no. 4, The Russian Review, 1999, details ,
- Bunin's Tambourine: Echoes of the Old Master in His Disciple's Fourth Novel, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
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