Bibliographic entries by year: 2000
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (71 in total).
- “…Is he a parody?” (On the relationship of author and hero in the novel “Look at the Harlequins!”), v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- More on the name Pnin, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- "He Said—I Said": An Afternote, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- A View of a Room, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Kul'tura russkoi diaspory: Vladimir Nabokov-100: materialy nauchnoi konferentsii (Tallinn-Tartu, 14-17 ianvaria 1999), 2000, Tallinn: TPÜ Kirjastus, details ,
- Nabokov and the Anti-Apophatic Novel, Blackwell, Stephen H., et al., In Other Words: In Honor of Vadim Liapunov, 2000, Indiana University Press, details ,
- Zina's Paradox: The Figured Reader in Nabokov's The Gift, v. 23, Middlebury Studies in Russian Language and Literature, 2000, New York: Peter Lang, details ,
- Nabokov's Butterflies: Uncollected and Unpublished Writings, 2000, Boston: Beacon Press, details ,
- "The Expected Stress Did Not Come": A Note on "Father’s Butterflies", no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Afterword [to Ada], 2000, London: Penguin, details ,
- In Memoriam: Elena Vladimirovna Sikorski, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov, Literature, Lepidoptera, Boyd, Brian, and Robert Michael Pyle, eds., Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings, 2000, Boston: Beacon; London: Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, details ,
- “Pale Fire”: The magic of artistic discovery, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov and music: On one of the writer’s musical experiments, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov dans le miroir du XXe siècle, v. 72, no. 3-4, Revue des Études Slaves, 2000, Paris, details ,
- Worlds of Exile: Nabokov, Rushdie, Kingston, Roy, and Diaz, 2000, PhD diss., University of Virginia, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita: A Reader's Guide to Essential Criticism, 2000, Palgrave Macmillan, details ,
- Self-portrait in two moves: Vladimir Nabokov’s “Poem of Problem”, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Constructing Nabokov: Construction and the Early English Novels of Vladimir Nabokov, 2000, PhD diss., University of Kent at Canterbury, details ,
- The universe embraced by consciousness': Vladimir Nabokov’s Philosophical Domain, 2000, PhD diss., University of Toronto, details ,
- Maud: Wordplay and the Letter M, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Some Notes on the Variants in Pale Fire - Part I, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Folie, écriture et lecture dans l'oeuvre de Vladimir Nabokov, 2000, Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence, details ,
- "The Author is Dead— Long Live the Author!" The Puzzling Chronology in Nabokov’s Lolita, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Dar V. Nabokova: opyt sovmestnogo perevoda, v. 7, Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia: Slavica Helsingiensia 20, 2000, details ,
- O nekotoryh alliuziiakh u V. Nabokova, Belobrovsteva, Irina et al., eds., Kul'tura russkoi diaspory: Vladimir Nabokov-100: materialy nauchnoi konferentsii, 2000, Tallinn: TPÜ Kirjastus, details ,
- V. Nabokov’s Bend Sinister: a Social Message or an Experiment with Time?, v. 28, Sign Systems Studies, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov and British Literature: Rupert Brooke and Walter de la Mare, v. 72, nos. 3-4, Revue des Études Slaves, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov's Aviary in Ada, Dingley, John, and Leon Ferder, eds., In the Realm of Slavic Philology: To Honor the Teaching and Scholarship of Dean S. Worth from His UCLA Students, 2000, Bloomington: Slavica, details ,
- The sources of Nabokov’s “Despair”, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov, 2000, Amsterdam, Atlanta : Rodopi, details ,
- Models of Exile: Koestler, Nabokov, Kundera, 2000, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Note on Pnin, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- On a book from the Nabokovs’ library, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- The Pattern of Caïssa in the novel “The Defense”, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov and America, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- The Dialectical Process of Writing and Reading in Vladimir Nabokov and Juan Goytisolo, 2000, PhD diss., University of South Carolina, details ,
- V.V. Nabokov in Russian publications in 1999, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Klassik bez retushi: literaturnyi mir o tvorchestve Vladimira Nabokova, 2000, Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, details ,
- Egakareta ‘daiyon no kabe’: Nabokohu no gikyoku ‘jiken’ [Depicting the “Fourth Wall”: On Nabokov’s Play “The Event”], v. 32, Roshiago Roshia bungaku kenkyū, 2000, details ,
- In Memoriam - Elena Vladimirovna Sikorski, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Boundary-Crossings in Glory and Transparent Things, no. 28, Journal of Nanzan Junior College, 2000, details ,
- Wittgenstein Echoes in Transparent Things, no. 45, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- An Unsuspected Muse: Exploring the Influence of Zola on Nabokov’s King, Queen, Knave, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Between Climb and Cloud: Nabokov among the Lepidopterists, Boyd, Brian, and Robert Michael Pyle, eds., Nabokov’s Butterflies: Unpublished and Uncollected Writings, 2000, Boston: Beacon; London: Allen Lane/The Penguin Press, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: la poétique du masque, 2000, Paris: Belin, details ,
- Homo lepidopterist: Nabokov and the Pursuit of Memory, v. 29, no. 3, Clio, a Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov and Goethe, Barabtarlo, Gennady, ed., Cold Fusion, 2000, details ,
- Nine Notes to The Gift, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Top Hats, Toys, and Guillotines: Nabokov’s Methods for Triumphing over Mortality, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Self-Translation: Samuel Beckett and Vladimir Nabokov as Doubled Novelists, 2000, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- The Ghost in the Novel: André Chenier in Vladimir Nabokov, v. 78, no. 3, The Slavonic and East European Review, 2000, details ,
- The poetics and ethology of Vladimir Nabokov, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Podlets' Nabokova i 'Trus' Mopassana, v. 72, nos. 1-2, Revue des études slaves, 2000, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and The World of Art, v. 6, no. 9, The Slavic Almanach, 2000, details ,
- Zorkost' Nabokova, v. 72, nos. 3-4, Revue des études slaves, 2000, Institut d'études slaves, Paris, details ,
- Natsional'nyi genii i puti russkoi kul'tury: Pushkin, Platonov, Nabokov v kontse XX veka: Materialy regional' nogo simpoziuma 8-10 iiunia 1999 goda, 2000, Omsk: Omskii gos. Pedagogicheskii universitet, details ,
- Nabokov: temy i variatsii, 2000, St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, details ,
- Seksografiia Nabokova, Belobrovsteva, Irina et al., Kul'tura russkoi diaspory: Vladimir Nabokov-100: materialy nauchnoi konferentsii (Tallinn-Tartu, 14-17 ianvaria 1999), 2000, Tallinn: TPÜ Kirjastus, details ,
- Intriguing dates in Nabokov’s chronograph, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Les Genres Romanesques dans L'oeuvre de Vladimir Nabokov, 2000, PhD diss., New Sorbonne University Paris III, details ,
- The Narrative Authority and a Fantasized Pedophilia in Kubrick's and Lyne's Lolita: A Representation of Lolita's Sexuality, v. 34, no.2, Review of Arts and Sciences, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2000, Japan, details ,
- A captive of fantasy (on Nabokov’s novel “Invitation to a Beheading), v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Thomas Flatman in Pale Fire, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,
- V. Nabokov in the Russian guidebook to Berlin, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Lolita Loose Ends: Nabokov and the Boundless Novel, v. 46, no. 2, Twentieth Century Literature, 2000, details ,
- Pushkiniana in V.V. Nabokov’s archive, v. 5, Nabokovskii vestnik, 2000, details ,
- Narrative Mastery and Representational Violence in Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita", 2000, MA Thesis, College of William & Mary, details ,
- A Study of the work of Vladimir Nabokov in the Context of Contemporary American Fiction and Film, 2000, PhD diss., University of London, details ,
- Nabokov Family Web, 2000, details ,
- Nabokov’s ‘On Discovering a Butterfly’ and Pushkin’s ‘Exegi Monumentum’, no. 44, The Nabokovian, 2000, details ,