Barbara Wyllie is Managing Editor of the Slavonic and East European Review at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), University College London. She read English at Cambridge and then took a Master’s in Russian Literature at SSEES, where she went on to study for a PhD on Nabokov. Her first monograph, Nabokov at the Movies: Film Perspectives in Fiction, was published in 2003. She has also written for Liza Zunshine’s Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries (1999), Stephen Kellman and Irving Malin’s Torpid Smoke: The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (2000) and Yuri Leving’s Shades of Laura: Vladimir Nabokov’s Last Novel, ‘The Original of Laura’ (2013), as well as The Reference Guide to Russian Literature (1998), The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov (2005) and the Wiley/Blackwell Companion to Twentieth-Century United States Fiction (2009). Her most recent publications are an illustrated literary biography for Reaktion’s Critical Lives series (Vladimir Nabokov, 2010), an article on Charlie Chaplin and Lolita for the Nabokov Online Journal (NOJ), and an essay for David Bethea and Siggy Frank's collection for Cambridge University Press, Nabokov in Context (2018). In 2015 she was invited to join the Editorial Team of NOJ as an Associate Editor (