Nakata, Akiko is Professor of English at Nanzan University. She is a founding member of the Nabokov Society of Japan and a member of the Kyoto Reading Circle. She co-translated into Japanese and co-annotated, with Tadashi Wakashima, Transparent Things. Her publications in English on Nabokov include: “Wittgenstein Echoes in Transparent Things,” The Nabokovian 45 (2000), “Repetition and Ambiguity: Reconsidering Mary,” Translated by Jeff Edmunds, Zembla (2005), “A Failed Reader Redeemed: ‘Spring in Fialta’ and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight,” Nabokov Studies 11 (2007/2008), and “The Last Muse Escapes the Text,” Nabokov Online Journal V (2012). She has also written articles on American writers including William Gaddis, Thomas Pynchon, Bobbie Ann Mason, and Paul Auster, and on modern and contemporary film.