Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000789, Thu, 26 Oct 1995 16:33:59 -0700

Nabokov Archive at the Berg Collection (NYPL)
EDITORIAL NOTE. Stephen Crook <crook@nyplgate.nypl.org> reports the
following information on the Nabokov Archive at the Berg Collection of the
New York Public Library. With Mr. Crook's help, NABOKV-L hopes to provide
a description of the Archive in the near future.

Dear Professor Johnson:
Thank you for your message and query. I regret to say that there exists
no online list or guide to the Nabokov archive in the Berg Collection. As
cataloger of the archive, I have had all I can do over the last four years
just to provide a local finding aid (i.e., records for the card catalog), and
I am roughly three-quarters through the project. The great bulk of the
archive is therefore catalogued and available to scholars.

Stephen Crook, Librarian