Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000624, Sat, 17 Jun 1995 11:47:22 -0700

Problem of misprint in "The Vane Sisters" (fwd)
EDITOR'S NOTE: I have checked my two copies of "The Vane Sisters," --the
one in _Nabokov's Congeries_ ed. by Page Stegner in 1968, and in
_Nabokov's Quartet_ NY: Pyramid, 1968 (paper). Both give "examining." The
original 1959 _Hudson Review_ publication is not at hand, but might be
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I am a new member of this forum. I am a translator from
Russian to French. I have translated some Russian short stories of VN,
which have been published by Gallimard. I am now working under the
direction of M. Couturier for the Pleiade edition of complete novels of
I have a question about the "Vane Sisters". In the last paragraph
of part IV, 2nd sentence, VN writes : "An excentric librarian called
Porlock who in the last years of his dusty life had been engaged in
EXAMING old books for miraculous misprints"... Could you check whether VN
wrote EXAMING ou is it EXAMINING ? Is it a misprint of the editor or a
joke of VN ?

Thank you for reply.

Bernard Kreise