VN Bibliography: Les Papillons de Nabokov (fwd)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Robert Dirig, the author of the following item, had
extensive contact with Nabokov on matters lepidopteral and will be
talking about them at the MLA Nabokov session this December. I would
further call your attention to the fact that Brian Boyd offers a detailed
analysis of Dieter Zimmer's work in _Les Papillions de Nabokov_ in
NABOKOV STUDIES#2 which is now at the printers.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Musee cantonal de Zoologie, Lausanne, vol. 1, 1993] is a major new
reference on Nabokov's Lepidoptera. It may be obtained from Musee
Zoologique, Place Riponne 6, Case postale 448, CH-1000 Lausanne 17,
Switzerland. (telephone 021/312 83 36, fax 41.21.323 68 40). United States
persons may send US$27.00 (delivery by surface mail) or US$35.00 (air mail
delivery) by check or by transfer to the bank account below:
Account Nr. F9-358,587.0
Swiss Bank Corporation
1006 Lausanne/Ouchy.
(I made a check out exactly as written, all four lines.)
Payment by credit card is NOT possible. I sent an order (for air mail
delivery) on 10 April and received the book on 21 April at Ithaca, New York.
The book is paperback, with French and English text (not both, i.e.,
sections in French are not repeated in English translation, and
vice-versa). It contains a brief biography with photos, a list of VN's
fiction, correspondence, and scientific publications, and an annotated
multilingual checklist ("English-Latin-French/German/Italian/Spanish") of
Nabokov's Lepidoptera by Dieter E. Zimmer. This is a "comprehensive index
to all the real and imagined butterflies and moths found in Nabokov's
English writings, including the letters, the scientific articles and the
interviews,... and makes it possible to trace any particular insect
through his writings." There is also a catalogue of Nabokov's Lepidoptera
specimens deposited at the Musee cantonal de Zoologie a Lausanne, compiled
by Michel Sartori.
The new book is an invaluable adjunct to Joann Karges' 1985 book
NABOKOV'S LEPIDOPTERA: GENRES AND GENERA (Ardis, Ann Arbor), and may be of
interest to many Nabokov scholars and translators.
Robert Dirig
Bailey Hortorium Herbarium
462 Mann Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853, USA
607-255-7978, -7981; fax: 607-255-7979
extensive contact with Nabokov on matters lepidopteral and will be
talking about them at the MLA Nabokov session this December. I would
further call your attention to the fact that Brian Boyd offers a detailed
analysis of Dieter Zimmer's work in _Les Papillions de Nabokov_ in
NABOKOV STUDIES#2 which is now at the printers.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Musee cantonal de Zoologie, Lausanne, vol. 1, 1993] is a major new
reference on Nabokov's Lepidoptera. It may be obtained from Musee
Zoologique, Place Riponne 6, Case postale 448, CH-1000 Lausanne 17,
Switzerland. (telephone 021/312 83 36, fax 41.21.323 68 40). United States
persons may send US$27.00 (delivery by surface mail) or US$35.00 (air mail
delivery) by check or by transfer to the bank account below:
Account Nr. F9-358,587.0
Swiss Bank Corporation
1006 Lausanne/Ouchy.
(I made a check out exactly as written, all four lines.)
Payment by credit card is NOT possible. I sent an order (for air mail
delivery) on 10 April and received the book on 21 April at Ithaca, New York.
The book is paperback, with French and English text (not both, i.e.,
sections in French are not repeated in English translation, and
vice-versa). It contains a brief biography with photos, a list of VN's
fiction, correspondence, and scientific publications, and an annotated
multilingual checklist ("English-Latin-French/German/Italian/Spanish") of
Nabokov's Lepidoptera by Dieter E. Zimmer. This is a "comprehensive index
to all the real and imagined butterflies and moths found in Nabokov's
English writings, including the letters, the scientific articles and the
interviews,... and makes it possible to trace any particular insect
through his writings." There is also a catalogue of Nabokov's Lepidoptera
specimens deposited at the Musee cantonal de Zoologie a Lausanne, compiled
by Michel Sartori.
The new book is an invaluable adjunct to Joann Karges' 1985 book
NABOKOV'S LEPIDOPTERA: GENRES AND GENERA (Ardis, Ann Arbor), and may be of
interest to many Nabokov scholars and translators.
Robert Dirig
Bailey Hortorium Herbarium
462 Mann Library
Cornell University
Ithaca NY 14853, USA
607-255-7978, -7981; fax: 607-255-7979