Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0002147, Tue, 27 May 1997 20:06:38 -0700

Query: VN & Blok's _Balaganchik_
David M. Bethea discusses the ending of _Invitation to Beheading_
in his article on "Nabokov and Blok" in _The Garland Companion
to Vladimir Nabokov_ (cf. 380). In that context, he refers to
Blok's play _Balaganchik_ (_The Puppet Booth_, 1906). I would
be happy to know whether there is any evidence for Nabokov having
attended a performance of that play or of other shows related to
the "petrushka" tradition.

Nassim W. Berdjis
Department of English
University of California at Davis
Davis, CA 95616