Re: Police song (fwd)
From: "M. Cotugno" <>
"Don't Stand So Close To Me" is on Zenyatta Mondatta, I believe.
After the Police re-formed in 1986, they were going to re-record several of
their songs, but they only redid "Don't Stand So Close To Me." It's on the
Greatest Hits album.
I do not believe Sting ever did a solo version of it on one of his albums.
Marianne Cotugno,
Who was a Sting fan long before she became a Nabokov fan
At 12:03 PM 6/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>from: Karen Gelb <gelb@SOCIOLOGY1.SOC.NYU.EDU>
>In response to the request for the source of the Police song ( I know this
>a while ago, but I've been out of town):
>The song is "Don't Stand So Close to Me" and is (I think) on one of the
>albums. It was also remixed by Sting in his later solo career, so would be
>available on one of his albums as well. If you'd like to know the name of
>album, let me know, since I have it at home and can look it up if you
>The lyric is something to the effect of:
>"He starts to shake and cough
>Just like the old man from the book by Nabokov"
>Hope this helps.
>Karen Gelb...
"Don't Stand So Close To Me" is on Zenyatta Mondatta, I believe.
After the Police re-formed in 1986, they were going to re-record several of
their songs, but they only redid "Don't Stand So Close To Me." It's on the
Greatest Hits album.
I do not believe Sting ever did a solo version of it on one of his albums.
Marianne Cotugno,
Who was a Sting fan long before she became a Nabokov fan
At 12:03 PM 6/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>from: Karen Gelb <gelb@SOCIOLOGY1.SOC.NYU.EDU>
>In response to the request for the source of the Police song ( I know this
>a while ago, but I've been out of town):
>The song is "Don't Stand So Close to Me" and is (I think) on one of the
>albums. It was also remixed by Sting in his later solo career, so would be
>available on one of his albums as well. If you'd like to know the name of
>album, let me know, since I have it at home and can look it up if you
>The lyric is something to the effect of:
>"He starts to shake and cough
>Just like the old man from the book by Nabokov"
>Hope this helps.
>Karen Gelb...