Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011600, Fri, 8 Jul 2005 08:08:51 -0700

Fwd: [Tomasz] hypothesis about pale fire

----- Forwarded message from profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl -----
Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2005 14:25:25 +0200
From: profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl
Reply-To: profesor_kinbote@poczta.onet.pl
Subject: [Tomasz] hipotesis about pale fire

Very sorry for my very weak English.

(I had put my name in title of post because I think it is

I had some hipotesis about "Pale Fire" which were, as I know, not

mentioned (but maybe does, it does not matter). For example and
first: "Pale fire" is about life after death, about world beyond and some things
like that. (See for example this tunnel like in "near death experiences" or
poltergeist or Sherlock Holmes - all this you find probably in any popular book
about spiritualism). So - Zembla is this afterworld and Kinbote is a God.

(God-Kinbote is also a Nabokov OLD SCUFFER). Saying more about it,
Kinbote is a God-Joker (but I can't explain why I think so)

Kinbote - God Joker

Shade - God Creator

Gradus - Destructor (blockhead)

Goldsworth - God as a Judge conception

Balthazar - God Nature

Shade can be treated also as a God creator, God Poet - I find this
word "shade" "nuance" nice, like a rainbow, like a deepness
where "gray" is bad and gray. But I think Kinbote is supreme
and I think God-Joker beats even a God-Creator and Poet
(he is more cleaver). You know maybe are more afterworlds:

A B C ... Z

(places where consciousnes go after death)some Shade-like afterworlds ("no free
man needs a god") some like Kinbote-like afterworld (with God). Maybe I say yet
a little about Gradus, Gradation.

And things I was thinking about where I read "Pale Fire" You know what
consciousnes is? Consciousness is all what you see, this transparent ball you
were in. So for example human has a more consciousness than a mouse - so you
can see some gradation in this things. In some Eastern religion thay say that
Your consciousness can Jump to frog, for example consciousness (1)-> (1/2) it
is strange a little. But your consciousness can go also to some higher state
(1) -> (2) So I think this case about Gradus
(possibly Nabokov thinking about this things, and for sure my own thinking
about this today) is this that this Gradation never reach a Zero 1/2 -> 1/3 ->
1/10 ... but never zero. And if even Zero, You can Wake Up still to some
higher amount of consciousnes (maybe even more glorious than our glorious one)
Zero is only one number but there ale also other 1/2, 7 etc. . And possibly
gradation is gradation to Higher 1->2->3 etc.


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