Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0011346, Wed, 20 Apr 2005 07:59:20 -0700

Fwd: Re: Mick Glynn: Dissertation-A novelist of Delusion:
Vladimir Nabokov's Bergsonian and Russian
Formalist Affinities
Dmitri Nabokov commended my removal of "in effect a Symbolist
writer" from this sentence that I quoted from Mick Glynn's

"I shall preface my discussion of Nabokov's Bergsonian and
Shklovskyite affinities by countering the idea, now something of
a critical orthodoxy, that Nabokov was in effect a Symbolist
writer concerned with a transcendent, extra-mundane reality."

I was gratified to read Mr. Nabokov's comment, but I should make
it clear that I deleted those words to express my own view of
our author's concern with a transcendent, extra-mundane reality
(at least in _Pale Fire_) and not to criticize Dr. Glynn's
summary of critical orthodoxy, about which I know hardly
anything. I'd love to read something of how Dr. Glynn counters
that orthodoxy that I apparently share, though.

Jerry Friedman

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