Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0013450, Sat, 7 Oct 2006 18:16:15 -0400

Mica and Muscovites
[EDNOTE. Clarifications re: Muscovy glass in PF from Carolyn Kunin, Don
Johnson, and Victor Fet . -- SES]

Dear Jansy,

Victor Fet gave you the answer for mica/muscovite glass. For those more
familiar with the American musical, mica when used as a window was also
called "isinglass" as in the song "Surrey with the Fringe on Top."



Dear Jansy and all,
The English "muscovite" and Russian "muskovit" both refer to the
mineral potassium mica used, I gather, in glass-making.

Cheers, Don

>>>>(Why would "mica" be a synonim for "muscovite"? Is it some kind of
scientific name for the mineral?)

Yes, "muscovite", derived from Muscovy, is another name for mica.

See e.g.:

"A rare twin variety from Brazil forms yellow five pointed stars and is
called "Star Muscovite" - also called "Brazilianite" :)

Also, as another website asserts, "Muscovite stimulates the heart chakra
and allows the layers of insecurities and uncertainties to disperse. It
can be used to lesson self-doubt, and activate awareness of the higher


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