Vladimir Nabokov


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By Marie Bouchet, 23 June, 2020

Just published:

The Five Senses in Nabokov's Works, edited by Julie Loison-Charles, Isabelle Poulin and Marie Bouchet (Palgrave McMillan, 2020). Please find the table of contents below.


By dana_dragunoiu, 15 June, 2020

The French Vladimir Nabokov Society – Les Chercheurs Enchantés – regrets to inform you that Claude Nabokoff passed away on April 22, 2020.

By Brian_Boyd, 23 May, 2020

Shakeeb Arzoo in Kolkata, India, has done a selfless and heroic job of checking, regularizing and adding links and information to all the material in the existing secondary Nabokov bibliography.