Stephen Blackwell, Professor of Russian, University of Tennessee, is the author of Zina's Paradox: The Figured Reader in Nabokov's Gift and The Quill and the Scalpel: Nabokov and the Worlds of Science. With Kurt Johnson, he co-edited Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art, and also co-edited In Other Words: Studies In Honor of Vadim Liapunov, and he has published many articles and chapters on Nabokov in various journals and anthologies. He was the editor and publisher of the last three printed volumes of The Nabokovian (nos. 72-74). He was co-editor (with Susan Elizabeth Sweeney) of Nabokv-L from 2006-2015, and served as vice president and then president of the IVNS from 2010 through 2013, and has also served as Secretary and Treasurer. His most recent articles are “Calendar Anomalies, Pushkin, and Aesthetic Love in Nabokov,” Slavonic and East European Review (July 2018); “Science,” in David M. Bethea and Siggy Frank, eds, Nabokov in Context (2018); and “Nabokov's ‘The Gift,’ Dostoevskii, and the Tradition of Narratorial Ambiguity.” Slavic Review, Spring 2017. He is currently working on a book on Nabokov's use of tree imagery, and, with Dr. Tatyana Gershkovich, a translation of the essays of Yulii Aikhenvald, to be called In Praise of Idleness.