Yuri Leving is University Research Professor in the Department of Russian Studies, Dalhousie University, Canada. Leving is the founding editor of the Nabokov Online Journal (since 2007). Leving has published over a hundred scholarly articles, many of them devoted to Vladimir Nabokov. Leving is the author of six monographs and editor of six volumes of articles, including Train Station – Garage – Hangar (Vladimir Nabokov and Poetics of Russian Urbanism) [“Vokzal – Garazh – Angar. V. Nabokov i poetika russkogo urbanizma”](St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbakh,2004; Short-listed for the Andrey Bely Prize);Keys toThe Gift. A Guide to Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2011); Marketing Literature and Posthumous Legacies: The Symbolic Capital of Leonid Andreev and Vladimir Nabokov (Co-authored with Frederick H. White; New York: Lexington Books, 2013); A Revolution of the Visible: Images on the Retina[Revoliutsiia zrimogo. Obrazy na setchatke] (Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2018); Shades of Laura: Vladimir Nabokov’s Last Novel The Original of Laura (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013); Anatomy of a Short Story. Nabokov’s Puzzles, Codes, “Signs and Symbols” with an Afterword by John Banville (New York: Continuum, 2012); The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2010); Lolita: The Story of a Cover Girl – Vladimir Nabokov’s Novel in Art and Design(Co-edited with John Bertram; New York: Print, 2013); Empire N. Nabokov and his Heirs (Co-edited with Evgeny Soshkin; Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2006). Yuri Leving served as a commentator on the first authorized Russian edition of The Collected Works of Vladimir Nabokov in five volumes, and was the curator for the exhibition “Nabokov’s Lolita: 1955-2005” in Washington, D.C., which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the publication of Lolita. The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) has named Prof. Leving the 2017 recipient of the award for Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship.