Vladimir Nabokov

NabNotes: Notes and Brief Commentaries

NabNotes: Notes and Brief Commentaries (series continues from The Nabokovian's print edition)

NB: Articles published in this section should be listed in citations and CVs as follows: Author, Name. "Title of Article." The Nabokovian 99 (Spring 2029). www.thenabokovian.org/nabokovian-new-notes/[link-as-created-by-editor]

Edited by Eric Naiman. Peer-reviewed.

This material is available only to International Vladimir Nabokov Society members (but it is gradually becoming open-access). To join the IVNS, go to Membership tab.  For citation information, see bottom of this page.

Call for Papers for NabNotes: Notes and Brief Commentaries

Annotations should not exceed 3000 words.  All foreign-language  quotations should be translated into English, with the original language also retained if helpful to an appreciation of the point being made.  All submissions should follow the MLA format for citation.

The next edition of The Nabokovian's Notes and Brief Commentaries will be published on  April 1, 2025. The deadline for Spring 2025 submission is February 15, 2025.  Please send all submissions to me at naiman@berkeley.edu.  

We encourage scholars at all levels of their careers to contribute to the site.

Please note that your contribution may not have been previously published or posted elsewhere.  We may make editorial alterations to submissions or ask for revisions before publication.  References to Nabokov's English or Englished works should be given either to the first American (or British) edition or to the Vintage collected series.  Before submitting your note, please check the most recent edition of the notes and bring your submission into conformity with the formatting and style.

Revisionist perspectives rarely applied to Nabokov's work are particularly encouraged.

Current Issue of Notes and Brief Commentaries (No. 87)

Previous Issues:

No. 75 (Spring 2018)

No. 76 (Fall 2018)

No. 77 (Spring 2019)

No. 78 (Fall 2019)

No. 79 (Spring 2020)

No. 80 (Fall 2020)

No. 81 (Fall 2021)

No. 82 (Spring 2022)

No. 83 (Fall 2022)

No.84 (Spring 2023)

No.85  (Fall 2023) 

No.86 (Spring 2024)


Citation style: articles publishes here should be listed in CVs and bibliographies in this way, adjusted based on Stylebook (MLA, etc.): Kinbote, Charles. "Last Last Words on Pale Fire." The Nabokovian 99 (Fall 2031), 44-49.