Bibliographic entries by year: 2019
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (63 in total).
- Further Annotations to The Luzhin Defense, no. 78, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Edmund Wilson and Look at the Harlequins!, no. 77, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Prochtenie Nabokova: Izyskaniia i materialy, 2019, St. Petersburg: Ivan Limbakh, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov’s Ontological Aestheticism from the Renaissance to Transhumanism, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Review of Nabokov and Nietzsche: Problems and Perspectives by Michael Rodgers, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- A Flurry of Words about One Small Dot in The Gift, no. 78, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Nabokov's Cryptic Triptych: Grief and Joy in "Sounds", "Circles" and "Lantern Slides", Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- On A. Dolinin’s Commentary to V. Nabokov’s Novel The Gift: A Review-Essay, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Introduction: Thinker, Writer, Speaker, Person, 2019, London: Penguin; New York: Knopf, details ,
- The Transnational Vladimir Nabokov, Or, The Perils of Teaching Literature, Byford, Andy, Connor Doak, and Stephen Hutchings, eds., Transnational Russian Studies, 2019, Liverpool University Press, details ,
- Transparent Things, Visible Subjects, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- "We’re Just Putting It in Our Files": Lolita at the Cincinnati Public Library, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Review of Nabokov and Indeterminacy: The Case of The Real Life of Sebastian Knight by Priscilla Meyer, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Francisco Goya’s Caprichos as an Intermedial Source of Nabokov’s Invitation to a Beheading, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Reminiscence and Subconscious Sacralisation of the Kin in The Gift, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Kommentarii k romanu Vladimira Nabokova “Dar”, 2019, Moscow: Novoeizdatel’stvo, details ,
- Time, Memory, the General, and the Specific in Lolita and À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita?, Church Life Journal, 2019, details ,
- Nabokov: Le jeu baroque, 2019, CNRS Editions, details ,
- Nabokov's Formula of Fate, no. 77, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Frontières et limites dans l'oeuvre de Vladimir Nabokov, 2019, Éditions universitaires européennes, details ,
- The Pleasure of Translingual Punning: Homage to Nabokov in Olga Grushin's The Dream Life of Sukhanov, Hansen, Julie, Karen Evans-Romaine, and Herbert Eagle, eds., Living through Literature: Essays in Memory of Omry Ronen, 2019, Sweden, details ,
- "Nabokov was the Most Dazzling of Them All. .": Conversation with Fred Hills, Vladimir Nabokov’s Last Editor, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Introduction to Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Biographer as Impostor: Banville and Nabokov, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Time, History, and Other Phantoms in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Wellsian Twist' in Nabokov’s Terra Incognita', Diment, Galya, ed., H. G. Wells and All Things Russian, 2019, London: Anthem Press, details ,
- A Tribute to Priscilla Meyer, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Nabokov, Grief, and Repetition, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Memory, Image, and Compassion: Nabokov and Benjamin on Childhood, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Bloodied Eyes, Dancing Dolls, and Other Hoffmannian Motifs in Nabokov’s King, Queen, Knave, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Dark Chambers: Nabokov and the Second Sense, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Traduzioni pericolose (Saggi 1941-1969), 2019, Mucchi Editore, Modena, details ,
- Nabokov and the Puritans: Echoes of Early American Crime Literature in Lolita, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- That Other World: Nabokov and the Puzzle of Exile, 2019, Yale University Press, details ,
- Memories Trick - Memories Mix: Transparent Things, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- The Tragic Game of Bend Sinister, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Kinbote's Remorse, Hansen, Julie, Karen Evans-Romaine, and Herbert Eagle, eds., Living through Literature: Essays in Memory of Omry Ronen, 2019, Upsalla University, details ,
- Epilogue: The Reality of Fiction in the Vladimir Nabokov Museum, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- On One of the Biographical Sources of Pale Fire, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Paramnesia, Anticipatory Memory, and Future Recollection in Ada, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Nabokov's First English Language Novel in the Context of the Anglo-American Prose of His Contemporaries, Hansen, Julie, Karen Evans-Romaine, and Herbert Eagle, eds., Living through Literature: Essays in Memory of Omry Ronen, 2019, Upsalla University, details ,
- The Man in Green and The Man in Brown: The Trickster and Shadow Archetypes in Nabokov’s Pale Fire, no. 77, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Sorties d’exil. Walter Benjamin, Stefan Zweig, Vladimir Nabokov, Virginia Woolf, 2019, Paris: Edilivre, details ,
- Review of Vladimir Nabokov’s Lectures on Literature: Portraits of the Artist As Reader and Teacher edited by Ben Dhooge and Jürgen Pieters, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Goryainov — A Fleeting Character in the Gift, no. 78, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- The Beneficial Role of Jews in Vladimir Nabokov’s Life and Career, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Bunin's Tambourine: Echoes of the Old Master in His Disciple's Fourth Novel, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Between Rhyme and Reason: Vladimir Nabokov, Translation, and Dialogue, 2019, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, details ,
- Review of Vladimir Nabokov and the Ideological Aesthetics: A Study of His Novels and Plays by Udith Dematagoda, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- The Absence of Justice in Nabokov's Pale Fire, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Vision and Memory in Nabokov’s “A Forgotten Poet”, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Nabokov’s Factography, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- "My Scheme was a Marvel of Primitive Art": Durable Pigments in Lolita, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Remarks on Priscilla Meyer's Retirement, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,
- Review of Commentary to V. Nabokov’s Novel The Gift by Alexander Dolinin, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- The Outskirts of Dreamland: Gennady Barabtarlo’s Insomniac Dreams, v. 13, Nabokov Online Journal, 2019, details ,
- Memory and Fiction in Nabokov's Speak Memory, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Three Notes on Ada, no. 77, The Nabokovian, 2019, details ,
- Fighting the ‘Freudian Farce’: Vladimir Nabokov’s Portrayal of America’s Post-War Infatuation with Psychoanalysis, Bachleitner, Norbert, Hölter, Achim, and John A. McCarthy, eds., Taking Stock – Twenty-Five Years of Comparative Literary Research, 2019, details ,
- Memory’s Invisible Managers: The Case of Luzhin, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details ,
- Review of That Other World: Nabokov and the Puzzle of Exile by Azar Nafisi, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details ,