Bibliographic entries by year: 1997
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (79 in total).
- Time and Web, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Bezumnyi mir Priglasheniia na kazn' V.V. Nabokova ili istoriia bolezni Tsintsinnata TS, v. 51, nos. 168-170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Pro et Contra. Lichnost' i tvorchestvo Vladimira Nabokova v otsenke russkikh i zarubezhnykh myslitelei i issledovatelei. Antologiia, 1997, St. Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo Khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta, details ,
- "... Parodiia li on?': O sootnoshenii avtora i geroia v romane 'Smotri na arlekinov!", Russkii Put', 1997, details ,
- IAsnost' bessiliia, Zembla, 1997, details ,
- Adam Krug's Parrot, Zembla, 1997, details ,
- The role of Literature in The Gift, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Fated Freedoms: Textual Form and Metaphysical Texture in Nabokov, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Skifskii roman, 1997, Moscow: ROSSPEN, details ,
- Burgess and the Butterfly, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Nabokov and Humor, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Shade and Shape in Pale Fire, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- ‘Welcome to the Block’: Priglashenie na kazn’/Invitation to a Beheading: A Documentary Record, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading: A Critical Companion, 1997, New York: Garland, details ,
- Homosexuality and the Aesthetic of Nabokov's Dar, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Nabokov's Dialogue with Dostoevsky: Lolita and "The Gentle Creature", v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- To See or Be Seen: The Function of the Gaze in Nabokov's Russian Fiction, Rollberg, Peter, ed., And Meaning for a Life Entire: Festschrift for Charles A. Moser on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1997, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Invitation to a Beheading: A Critical Companion, 1997, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details ,
- Pniniad: Vladimir Nabokov and Marc Szeftel, 1997, Seattle: University of Washington Press, details ,
- Life after Beheading: Nabokov and Charles Nodier, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Thriller Square and the Place De La Révolution, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Zagadka nedopisannogo romana [The Enigma of the Unfinished Novel], no. 12, Zvezda, 1997, St. Petersburg, details ,
- Beauty of Distance: A Study of the Landscape Descriptions in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita, 1997, PhD diss., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, details ,
- Habitat Quality and Utilization Analysis in a Spatial Context: The Case of L. Lupinus perennis and Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), 1997, PhD diss., Michigan State University, details ,
- A Reply to Amy Spungen, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Literature as Commentary in Andrei Bitov's Prose: The Nabokov Link, 1997, PhD diss., Florida State University, details ,
- Le Ton Beau de Marot: In Praise of the Music of Language, 1997, New York: Basic Books, details ,
- The Modern Ascent of the Soul: Spiritual Progress in the Novels of Joyce, Beckett, and Nabokov, 1997, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- On Nabokov's Poem "Pale Fire", 1997, San Francisco: Arion Press, details ,
- Iz nabliudenii ob opytakh 'retrogradnogo analiza' i 'zagadkakh perekrestnykh slov' Vladimira Nabokova, no. 23, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details ,
- Ganin no kessin -- Mashen'ka no ketsumatsu o megutte, no. 76, Doshisha daigaku gaikoku bungaku kenkyu, 1997, Doshisha University, details ,
- Tsuvetaewa hakubutsukan to zassi Kazu ["The House-Museum of Tsvetaeva and Numbers"], no. 75, Doshisha daigaku gaikoku bungaku kenkyu, 1997, Doshisha University, details ,
- Stanley Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation: Three Novels, Three Films, 1997, Jefferson: McFarland, details ,
- Nabokov in Ashland, Oregon: An Illustrated Guide, Edmunds, Jeff, ed., Zembla, 1997, Penn State University, details ,
- Lolita iz Limberlost? VN i Gene Stratton-Porter, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Nabokov's Golliwoggs: Lodi Reads English 1899-1909, Edmunds, Jeff, ed., Zembla, 1997, Penn State University, details ,
- That Butterfly in Nabokov's Eye, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Review of Mir i Dar Nabokova: Pervaia Russkaia Biografiia Pisatelia by Boris Nosik, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Taking Liberties: Vladimir Nabokov and Autobiography, 1997, PhD diss., National University of Ireland Galway, details ,
- E. Zamiatin, A.N. Tolstoi, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov: v pomoshch' prepodavateliam, starsheklassnikam i abiturientam, Krasukhin, G. G., ed., E. Zamiatin, A.N. Tolstoi, A. Platonov, V. Nabokov: v pomoshch' prepodavateliam, starsheklassnikam i abiturientam, 1997, Moscow: Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov, no. 40, Literaturmagazin, 1997, Reinbek: Rowohlt, details ,
- V. Nabokov (special issue), v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Infinite Reflections in Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Danish Connection (Hans Andersen and Isak Dinesen), v. 41, no. 2, Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature, 1997, details ,
- Black and Violet Words: Despair and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight as Doubles, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Review of Imagery in Vladimir Nabokov's Last Russian Novel (Dar), Its English Translation (The Gift), and Other Prose Works by Nassim Winnie Berdjis, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Review of Smert' i bessmertie v russkikh rasskazakh Vladimira Nabokova by Svetlana Polsky, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Going Nowhere Fast: The Car, The Highway and American Identity in Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita" and Robert Frank's "The Americans", 1997, PhD diss., The College of William and Mary, details ,
- Russkaia proza Vladimira Nabokova, 1997, Moscow State University, details ,
- The Nature of Textual Binarity: Nabokov's "Christmas", v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- "Signs and Symbols" as Symbols and Signs, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Zembla: A to Z, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- An Agent Narrating: Nabokov's 'A Slice of Life', no. 24, Journal of Nanzan Junior College, 1997, details ,
- Nabokov i smrt, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Gutaci blede vatre: americki roman Vladimira Nabokova, 1997, Beograd: Prosveta, details ,
- Nabokovljevo kazaliste, Nabokovljev svijet, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Osudena na film: Lolita unoci svoje poslednje metamorfoze, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov's Short Story "Easter Rain", v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Les masques du traducteur chez Vladimir Nabokov, Lérat, Christian, and Yves-Charles Grandjeat, ed., Masques et mascarades dans la littérature nord-américaine, 1997, Talence: Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine, details ,
- "I believe You've met Percy", no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Beyond the Book: Vladimir Nabokov's Metaphysics and Literary Structures, 1997, PhD diss., Case Western Reserve University, details ,
- V. V. Nabokov -- russkii pisatel', The Saint George Journal (Moscow Literary Edition), 1997, details ,
- Game, Set, Mismatch: On the Role of Tennis and Other Sports in Nabokov's Fiction, Rollberg, Peter, eds., And Meaning for a Life Entire: Festschrift for Charles A. Moser on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1997, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Nameless Existence, Intangible Substance: John the Baptist in Vladimir Nabokov, nos. 168-170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details ,
- Verbnaia shtuchka. Nabokov i populiarnaia kul'tura. Stat'ia pervaia, no. 24, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details ,
- Sorbonnisty' i 'arkhivisty', ili eshche raz ob avtorstve Romana s kokainom, no. 24, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1997, Moscow, details ,
- Decoding Vladimir Nabokov's 'The Return of Chorb', v. 51, no. 168/170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details ,
- Mapping Narrative Space in Nabokov's Short Fiction, v. 75, no. 4, The Slavonic and East European Review, 1997, details ,
- Nabokovljeva tekstobiografija, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- The-hunter-has-become-a-butterfly': Textual Connections in the Works of W.G. Sebald, Franz Kafka and Vladimir Nabokov, v. 29, nos. 3-4, Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach und Literaturwissenschaft, 1997, details ,
- The Wreath of Wild Olive: Play, Liminality, and the Study of Literature, 1997, State University of New York Press, details ,
- A Response to Sarah Herbold, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Nabokov kak ikona popularne kulture, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- Nabokovljeva refleksije unutar i onkraj romana Uznaku neznakonito rodenih, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details ,
- VN, Agheyev and the Novel with Cocaine, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- Nabokov, Pushkin and Scott, v. 3, Revue de littérature comparée, 1997, details ,
- Review of Pniniad: Vladimir Nabokov and Marc Szeftel by Galya Diment, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details ,
- Swedish Echoes in Pale Fire, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- The Author as Hero: Self and Tradition in Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita", Boris Pasternak's "Doctor Zhivago" and Vladimir Nabokov's "The Gift", 1997, PhD diss., Northwestern University, details ,
- Samuel Izrailevich: Pnin’s Character, Nabokov’s Friend, no. 39, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,
- The Origins of a Double Monster, no. 38, The Nabokovian, 1997, details ,