Bibliographic entries by year: 1996
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (65 in total).
- Nabokov's Genocidal and Nuclear Holocausts in Lolita, v. 29, no. 2, Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, 1996, details ,
- Art for Art's Sake and Literary Life: How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology and Culture of Aestheticism, 1790-1990, 1996, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, details ,
- "Krasavitsa" Vladimira Nabokova: "vechno letiashchaia strela, popavshaia v tsel'", v. 38, Wiener slawistishcher Almanach, 1996, details ,
- Nabokov et sa Lolita, 1996, Arles: Actes Sud, details ,
- Review of Der Tod im Werk Vladimir Nabokovs: Terra Incognita by Christopher HĂĽllen, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- William T. Stead’s Paper Crimes, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Review of Nabokov’s Art of Memory and European Modernism by John Burt Foster, Jr., v. 42, no. 1, Modern Fiction Studies, 1996, details ,
- Love and Death in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita: A Fantasy Analysis of an Obsession, 1996, Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, details ,
- Zvuki i zapakhi: O romane V. Nabokova Mashen'ka, no. 17, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1996, Moscow, details ,
- Authorial Authority: Johnson's Life of Savage and Nabokov's Nikolai Gogol, v. 19, no. 1, Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 1996, details ,
- Computing Lolita, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- On the Origins of Nabokov’s Neuralgia, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Dédoublement et doublures dans Despair, Léevy-Bertherat, Déborah, ed., Le Double, l'ombre, le reflet, 1996, Paris: Opéra Editions, details ,
- Review of The Magician's Doubts by Michael Wood, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Roman et censure, ou la mauvaise foi d'Eros, 1996, Seyssel: Champ Vallon, details ,
- Peterburgskaia tema v romane Nabokova Dar, Danilevsky, A., ed., v. 13, Russkaia kul'tura XX veka: metropoliia i diaspora, 1996, Tartu: Tartu University Press, details ,
- Timofey Pnin, Vladimir Nabokov, and Marc Szeftel, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Nabokov, no. 13, Americana, 1996, Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne, details ,
- Nabokov, ou le vrai et l'invraisemblable, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Memuary i tema pamiati v literature russkogo zarubezh'ia, Blokovskii sbornik 8: Russkaia kul'tura XX veka: metropoliia i diaspora, 1996, details ,
- On Exiles and Regicides, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Review of The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov edited by Vladimir E. Alexandrov, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Les anagrammes cosmopolites de l’auteur dans son oeuvre, ou l’identité renversée de Vladimir Nabokov, v. 37, no. 3, Cahiers du monde russe, 1996, details ,
- Film/Literature interface and the status of the scenario: A consideration of film texts by J. M. Barrie, Eugene O'Neill, H. G. Wells, and Vladimir Nabokov, 1996, PhD diss., New York University, details ,
- Reflections on Modernism: Lolita and Political Engagement or How the Left and the Right Both Have It Wrong, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Nabokov as Lepidopterist: An Informed Appraisal, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Uzh esli nastraivat' muzu na pushkinskii lad..: O vozmozhnom istochnike 'Universitetskoi poemy' Vladimira Sirina-Nabokova, no. 17, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1996, Moscow, details ,
- V. Nabokov v otzyvakh sovremennikov: Slukhi, spletni, rugan': K biografii literaturnoi epokhi, no. 3, Literaturnoe obozrenie, 1996, Moscow, details ,
- Poetika odnoi shakhmatnoi zadachi V. Nabokova, Blokovskii sbornik 8: Russkaia kul'tura XX veka: metropoliia i diaspora, 1996, details ,
- Memory in Nabokov's Mary, v. 55, no. 1, The Russian Review, 1996, details ,
- The Mechanism of the Production of Ambiguity: Freud's Dora and Nabokov's Lolita, v. 23, no. 2, Canadian Reivew of Comparative Literature, 1996, details ,
- Magistr igry Vivian Van Bok: Igra slov v proze Vladimira Nabokova v svete teorii kalambura, 1996, Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo instituta massovykh kommunikatsii, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov, 1996, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij, details ,
- Slava' Vladimira Nabokova: O funkciji autometaopisa u ruskoj emigrantskoj poeziji, Medaric, Magdalena, ed., Autotematizacija u knjiĹľevnosti, 1996, Zagreb: Zavod za znanost o knjiĹľevnosti, details ,
- Les écrits lépidopterologiques de Vladimir Nabokov, v. 19, no. 3, Alexanor, 1996, details ,
- "Druge obale" Vladimira Nabokova kao autometapoetski tekst: S posebnim obzirom na ulogu igre u nego stvaralastu, Medaric, Magdalena, ed., Autotematizacija u knjiĹľevnosti, 1996, Zavod za znanost o knjiĹľevnosti, Zagreb, details ,
- Do poslednei kapli chernil...': Vladimir Nabokov i Chisla, no. 2, Literaturnoe obozrenie, 1996, Moscow, details ,
- Parody in Pale Fire: A Re-Reading of Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1996, PhD diss., University of North Carolina, details ,
- Chukovski and the Nabokovs, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- The Lolita Legacy: Life with Nabokov's Art, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Why Darwin slid into the Ditch: An Embedded Text in Glory, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Review of Vadim Linetski, "Anti-Bakhtin": luchshaia kniga o Vladimire Nabokove, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- The Hawk of Genius, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- The Role of Biography and Literary Allusions in Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, v. 2, no. 1, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 1996, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov as a Literary Model: A Creative Writing Study with Supporting Critical Commentary and Analysis, 1996, PhD diss., University of Wolverhampton, details ,
- Nabokov’s Discovery of America: From Russia to Lolita, Materassi, Mario, and Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos, eds., The American Columbiad: “Discovering” America, Inventing the United States, 1996, Amsterdam: VU University Press, details ,
- Lolita: un royaume au-delĂ des mers, 1996, Bordeaux: Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, details ,
- Speak, Mnemosyne: A Secondary Annotated Bibliography of Vladimir Nabokov 1980-1985, 1996, PhD diss., University of South Carolina, details ,
- Witnesses to the Cold War: A Literary and Cultural Analysis of Containments in 1950s Narratives by Hitchcock, Mailer, Kerouac, Ellison, Arnow, and Nabokov, 1996, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Inventing Nabokov, v. 22, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1996, details ,
- Chtoby rech' stala tvoei rech'iu, no. 17, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1996, Moscow, details ,
- Nabokov's Poetics of Vision, or What Anna Karenina is Doing in Kamera obskura, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Dickens in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beaheading: A Figure of Concealment, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Hermann Lande's Possible Prototypes in The Gift, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Lolita Class List, v. 37, no. 3, Cahiers du Monde russe, 1996, details ,
- The Salome Motif in Nabokov's Invitation to a Beheading, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Souls of the Dead': Reflections on Nabokov's Jewish Themes, Brinkhuis, Frank, and Sascha Talmor, eds., Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, 1996, Utrecht: University for Humanist Studies, details ,
- Pilgrimage, Memory and Death in Vladimir Nabokov's Short Story 'The Aurelian', v. 40, no. 4, The Slavic and East European Journal, 1996, details ,
- People of the Moonlight': Silver Age Parodies in Nabokov's The Eye and The Gift, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Nabokovs Version von Puškins "Evgenij Onegin." Zwischen Version und Fiktion: Eine übersetzungs - und fiktionstheoretische Untersuchung (Review of Michael Eskin), v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Ten’ razlichii: Blednyi ogon' i Maiatnik Fuko, no. 17, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie (New Literary Review), 1996, Moscow, details ,
- The Origin of "The Proustian Theme in a Letter from Keats to Benjamin Bailey", no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Lolita's Riddle, no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,
- Many a Pleasant Tussle: Edmund Wilson and the Nabokovian Aesthetic, v. 3, Nabokov Studies, 1996, details ,
- Phantom in Jerusalem, or the History of an Unrealized Visit, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details ,