Bibliographic entries by year: 1992
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (35 in total).
- Fenomen Nabokova, 1992, Moskva: Sovetskii pisatel', details ,
- The Tower and Around: A View of Vladimir Nabokov, Chakovsky, Sergei, ed., Russian Eyes on American Literature, 1992, Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, details ,
- Review of Nabokov’s Otherworld by Vladimir Alexandrov, v. 38, no. 2, Modern Fiction Studies, 1992, details ,
- The Nabokov Biography and the Nabokov Archive, v. 1, Biblion, 1992, details ,
- VĂ©ra Nabokov, Dictionary of Literary Biography: 1991, 1992, Detroit: Gale Research, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov. I. Les Années russes, 1992, Paris: Gallimard, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Los años rusos, 1992, Barcelona: Anagrama, details ,
- Erotika literaturnykh alliuzii v romane V. Nabokova Dar, Heller, Leonid, ed., Amour et érotisme dans la littérature russe du XXe siècle, 1992, Bern: Peter Lang, details ,
- Traduit de l'américain, v. 28, nos. 2-3, Études françaises, 1992, Montréal University Press, details ,
- Green Eggs and Ham, no. 28, The Nabokovian, 1992, details ,
- Query: The Color of Sneezes in Pale Fire, no. 28, The Nabokovian, 1992, details ,
- Weighing Nabokov's Gift on Pushkin's Scales, Gasparov, Boris, et al., Cultural Mythologies of Russian Modernism: From the Golden Age to the Silver Age, 1992, Berkeley: University of California Press, details ,
- Rusalka and the Person from Porlock, McMillian, Arnold, ed., Symbolism and After: Essays on Russian Poetry in Honor of Georgette Conchin, 1992, Worcester: Bristol Classical Press, details ,
- Doubling and the Despair of Artistic Creation: Nabokov's Version of Freud's 'Splitting of the Ego', Pereira, Frederico, ed., Eighth International Conference on Literature and Psychoanalysis, 1992, Lisbon: Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, details ,
- Figures proustiennes chez Nabokov, v. 66, no. 4, Revue de littérature comparée, 1992, Editions Klincksieck, details ,
- L'inconnue de la Seine' and Nabokov's Naiads, v. 44, no. 3, Comparative Literature, 1992, details ,
- Utopiia odinochestva: Vladimir Nabokov i metafizika, v. 10, no. 810, Novyi Mir, 1992, Moscow, details ,
- Explorations of a 'Sorry Genre': Andrew Field's Biographies of Vladimir Nabokov, v. 15, no. 2, Biography, 1992, details ,
- Lolita, ili Stavrogin i Beatriche, v. 1, Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 1992, Moscow, details ,
- Bend Sinister de Vladimir Nabokov: 'A Pool's Two Circles', Rougé, Bertrand, ed., Ellipses, blancs, silences, 1992, Université de Pau, details ,
- El narrador como critico, no. 510, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 1992, Madrid, Instituto de CooperaciĂłn Iberoamericana, details ,
- Nabokov's Third-Person Selves, v. 71, no. 4, Philological Quarterly, 1992, details ,
- Postmodernist Fiction: Theological Language and Moral Vision in Borges, Nabokov, and Pynchon, 1992, PhD diss., University of Virginia, details ,
- How Nabokov's Gift is Made, v. 4, no. 2, Stanford Slavic Studies, 1992, details ,
- La corrispondenza fra V.V.N. e Edmund Wilson. Due culture a confronto, v. 39-40, Ricerche Slavistiche, 1992, details ,
- Opisanie mira romana Vladimira Nabokova, v. 31, Rossica Olomucensia, 1992, details ,
- Between Text and Paratext: Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, v. 26, no. 1, Style, 1992, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Po lichnym vospominaniiam, dokumentam i perepiske, no. 186, Novyi Zhurnal (The New Review), 1992, details ,
- Pouvoir, tyrannie et création littéraire chez Valdimir Nabokov: L'Exemple de Bend Sinsiter, no. 2-3, Alizés: Revue Angliciste de la Réunion, 1992, details ,
- Sens et essence du texte de Vladimir Nabokov, v. 15, Les Années trente, 1992, details ,
- From Solipsism to Dialogue: A Bakhtinian Approach to Nabokov's Lolita and Kharms's Starukha, 1992, PhD diss., Washington University, details ,
- Postscript to a Purloined Letter, no. 29, The Nabokovian, 1992, details ,
- Nabokov's Pale Fire, Bend Sinister, 'Terror,' 'Lance', v. 50, no. 2, The Explicator, 1992, Heldref Publications, details ,
- Sputnik iasnokrylyi', Russkaia Literatura, 1992, St. Petersburg, details ,
- The Politics of Reception: Vladimir Nabokov's Images of the 1940s, 1992, PhD diss., Purdue University, details ,