Bibliographic entries by year: 1990
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (42 in total).
- Nabokov's Alchemical Pale Fire, v. 20, no. 2, Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters, 1990, details ,
- Interpretacijas problema: Maza apologija Nabokovam, v. 3, Karogs, 1990, details ,
- Suprugi Komarovy: Zametki na polakh Pnina, v. 31, no. 4, Cahiers du Monde Russe, 1990, details ,
- Fictions of the Go-Between Child, 1990, PhD diss., Brown University, details ,
- First-Person Third-Party Narration: Lord Jim, The Good Soldier, and Pale Fire, 1990, PhD diss., Boston University, details ,
- Das russische Theater in Berlin, 1990, Munich: Sagner, details ,
- Review of Phantom of Fact: A Guide to Nabokov’s Pnin by Gennady Barabtarlo, v. 36, no. 4, Modern Fiction Studies, 1990, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years, 1990, Princeton: Princeton University Press; London: Chatto & Windus, details ,
- Death's Liminality: With Reference to Nabokov's Prose, Bauer, Roger, ed., v. 1, Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, 1990, Munich: Iudicum, details ,
- Roman-oboroten': O Dare V. Nabokova, v. 31. no. 4, Cahiers du Monde Russe, 1990, EHESS, Montrouge, France, details ,
- Lethean and Fenugreek: Fictitious Language in Nabokov's Pnin, v. 3, no. 1, ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, 1990, University of Kentucky, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov and the Fiction of Self-Begetting, Bevan, David ed., v. 4, Literature and Exile: Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature, 1990, Amsterdam: Rodopi, details ,
- Textual Communication: A Print-Based Theory of the Novel, 1990, London, New York: Routledge, details ,
- Nabokov and Strachey, v. 27, no. 4, Comparative Literature Studies, 1990, details ,
- Don't Ride by, Re-reader, no. 25, The Nabokovian, 1990, details ,
- Au delà du fantastique: La Naissance douloureuse à l'écriture: 'Cloud, Castle, Lake' de Vladimir Nabokov, Duperray, Max ed., Du fantastique en littérature: Figures et figurations: Eléments pour une poétique du fantastique sur quelques exemples anglophones, 1990, Aix-en-Provence: University of Provence, details ,
- Conspicuous Construction: Or, Kristeva, Nabokov, and the Anti-Realist Critique, Spilka, Mark, and Caroline Flesher, eds., Why the Novel Matters: A Postmodern Perplex, 1990, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, details ,
- Nabokov et la langue américaine, v. 68, no. 733, Europe, 1990, details ,
- Art and Ardor in the Poetry and Prose of Vladimir Nabokov, 1990, PhD diss., St. John's University, New York, details ,
- Double Bill: Nabokov and Olesha, McMillin, Arnold, ed., From Pushkin to Palisandriia: Essays on the Russian Novel in Honor of Richard Freeborn, 1990, Palgrave Macmillan, details ,
- Der Tod im Werk Vladimir Nabokovs: Terra Incognita, 1990, Munich: Otto Sagner, details ,
- Zwischen zwei Ufern: Vladimir Nabokov in der Sowjetunion (1986-1988), Reissner, Eberhard, ed., Perestrojka und Literatur, 1990, Berlin: Berlin Verlag, details ,
- Lolita's 'John Ray, Jr.', v. 28, no. 1, English Language Notes, 1990, Boulder, details ,
- Nabokov ou le don de la transcendence, v. 19, Dalhousie French Studies, 1990, details ,
- Bispatsial'nost' kak invariant poeticheskogo mira V. Nabokova, v. 28, no. 1, Russian, Croatian and Serbian, Czech and Slovak, Polish Literature, 1990, details ,
- How Not to Read Zemblan, no. 25, The Nabokovian, 1990, details ,
- Nabokov, il bilinguismo e il problema della traduzione letteraria, Problemi di morfosintassi delle lingue slave, 1990, Bologna: Unipress, details ,
- Nabokov's Russian Professor: Pnin, v. 14-15, Studia Russica, 1990, details ,
- Voskreshenie korolia Ofiokha: E. T. A. Gofman v rasskaze Nabokova 'Oblako, ozero, bashnia', no. 36, Scando-Slavica, 1990, Copenhagen, details ,
- Aspects of Nabokov's Transition to English Prose in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, no. 40, Studies in English Language and Literature, 1990, Fukuoka, details ,
- The Real Life of Conrad Brenner, no. 24, The Nabokovian, 1990, details ,
- Klaustrophilie: Das Experiment mit dem engen Raum oder zur poetischen Integration sozialer Raume, Bauer, Roger, et al., Space and Boundaries in Literature: Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, 1990, Munich: Iudicium Verlag, details ,
- Language Deficiency as Luzhin's Defense and Vladimir Nabokov's Metaphor for Exile, v. 15, no. 45, Revue Française d'Etudes Américaines, 1990, Editions Belin, details ,
- Field Investigations of a Facultative Mutualism Between Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov (Lycaenidae), the Karner Blue Butterfly, and Attendant Ants, 1990, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- Motion and Stasis: Nabokov's 'Cloud, Castle, Lake', v. 27, no. 3, Studies in Short Fiction, 1990, details ,
- Modern Narrative Technique in Heart of Darkness, The Good Soldier, and Lolita, 1990, PhD diss., University of Michigan, details ,
- Sosakusuru katarite - V. Nabokofu no 'Bahhaman' o megutte (The Creative Narrators in Some Works of V. Nabokov), v. 22, Roshiago Roshia bungaku kenkyū, 1990, details ,
- Nabokov’s Borrowed Trampoline, no. 25, The Nabokovian, 1990, details ,
- Seventeen Remarks on Poligeneticnost' in Nabokov's Prose, v. 7, Studia Slavica Finlandensia, 1990, Helsinki, details ,
- The True Batch Outboys the Riot, no. 24, The Nabokovian, 1990, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: Aspects d'une stéréo-graphie, no. 10, Roman 20-50: Revue d'Etude du Roman du XXe Siècle, 1990, University of Lille, details ,
- Character Worlds in Pale Fire, v. 23, no. 1, Studies in the Literary Imagination, 1990, details ,