Bibliographic entries by year: 1980
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected year (28 in total).
- Ada, or the Perils of Paradise, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- The Sublime and the Ridiculous: Nabokov's Black Farces, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- Time and Memory in Nabokov’s Lolita, v. 24, The Centennial Review, 1980, details ,
- Remembering Nabokov, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- Fiction, Biography, History: Nabokov's The Gift, v. 10, Journal of Narrative Technique, 1980, details ,
- The Real Life of Zhorzhik Uranski, no. 4, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1980, details ,
- Elphinstoned Again, no. 5, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1980, details ,
- The Intimacy of Imagination: A Study of the Self in Nabokov's English Novels, 1980, PhD diss., State University of New York at Buffalo, details ,
- Mister Nabokov, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- Nabokov's Uses of Pattern, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- The Three Voices of Nabokov's Despair, v. 34, no. 119, Russian Language Journal, 1980, details ,
- Nabokov: Homo Ludens, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- "The Incomplete Text and the Ardent Core": The Role of Unfulfillment in the Work of Vladimir Nabokov, 1980, PhD diss., University of Nottingham, details ,
- The Use of Female Characters in the Fiction of Vladimir Nabokov, 1980, PhD diss., University of Wales, details ,
- On Revisiting Father's Room, Quennell, Peter, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: William Morrow, details ,
- Wrestling with Time: Some Tendencies in Nabokov's and Eliade's Later Works, v. 7, no. 1, Southeastern Europe, 1980, details ,
- Flaubert's Understudy, no. 5, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1980, details ,
- The Tamara Theme, 1980, details ,
- Nabokov and the Novel, 1980, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, details ,
- The Speech Ritual as an Element of Structure in Nabokov's Lolita, v. 60, no. 4, Dalhousie Review, 1980, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov: A Tribute, 1980, New York: Morrow and Company, details ,
- Zur Thematik der Dichtung Vladimir Nabokovs: Aus Anlass des Erscheinens seiner gesammelten Gedichte, v. 25, no. 1, Die Welt der Slaven, 1980, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, details ,
- Nabokov in Trinity, The Trinity Review, 1980, Cambridge, details ,
- Nabokov's Metanovel, 1980, Houston, details ,
- Was N. A. Bokowilson een dichter? [Was N. A. Bokowilson a Poet?], v. 28, no. 3, Maatstaf, 1980, Amsterdam, details ,
- Jijitsu to Kyoko no Aida: Nabokov Dokeshi o Goran! [Between Technique and Memory: Nabokov's Look at the Harlequins!], v. 2, Bungaki to America: Ohashi Kenzaburo Kyoju Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshu, 1980, Nanundo, Tokyo, details ,
- Introduction, Bowers, Fredson, ed., Vladimir Nabokov: Lectures on Literature, 1980, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich/Bruccoli Clark, details ,
- Vladimir Nabokov's Comic Quest for Reality, 1980, PhD diss., University of Nottingham, details ,