Bibliographic entries by publisher: Stanford University: Stanford Slavic Studies
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected publisher (2 in total).
- A Field Guide to Nabokov’s Pale Fire: Waxwings and the Red Admiral, Bethea, David M., Fleishman, Lazar and Ospovat, Alexander, eds., v. 2, The Real Life of Pierre Delalande: Studies in Russian and Comparative Literature to Honor Alexander Dolinin, 2007, Stanford University: Stanford Slavic Studies, details ,
- Anglophilia and Optimistics: Sebastian Knight’s Bookshelves, Dolinin, Alexander, Lazar Fleishman, and Leonid Livak, eds., Russian Literature and the West: A Tribute for David M. Bethea, 2008, Stanford University: Stanford Slavic Studies, details ,