Bibliographic entries by publisher: PhD diss., University of Texas
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected publisher (6 in total).
- The Memory Artistry of Vladimir Nabokov (Russia), 1984, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- The Modern Ascent of the Soul: Spiritual Progress in the Novels of Joyce, Beckett, and Nabokov, 1997, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- The Rogue's Eye: Epistemology and Ontology in Subversive Narration (Chaucer, Browning, Laclos, Mann, Nabokov; Europe), 1983, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- Twentieth-Century Writers in the Poe Tradition: Wells, Bowles, Nabokov, 1982, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- An Application of Erving Goffman's Frame Analysis to Literature and Performance: A Study of Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, 1986, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,
- Field Investigations of a Facultative Mutualism Between Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov (Lycaenidae), the Karner Blue Butterfly, and Attendant Ants, 1990, PhD diss., University of Texas, details ,