Bibliographic entries by publisher: PhD diss., University of Chicago
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected publisher (9 in total).
- Folding the Patterned Carpet: Form and Theme in the novels of Vladimir Nabokov, 1966, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Self-Transcendance and the Language of Subjectivity: A Reading of Nabokov's Lolita and Speak, Memory, Woolf's The Waves and Barthe's Roland Barthes, 1985, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- The Theatre of Privacy: Vision, Self, and Narrative in Nabokov's Russian Language Novels, 1999, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Models of Exile: Koestler, Nabokov, Kundera, 2000, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- The Comedy of Terrors: Vladimir Nabokov as Philosophic Novelist, 1972, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Witnesses to the Cold War: A Literary and Cultural Analysis of Containments in 1950s Narratives by Hitchcock, Mailer, Kerouac, Ellison, Arnow, and Nabokov, 1996, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Self-Translation: Samuel Beckett and Vladimir Nabokov as Doubled Novelists, 2000, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Art Displaying Art: Self-consciousness in Novels of Joyce, Nabokov, Gaddis, and Pynchon, 1978, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,
- Visions and Re-visions: Nabokov as Self-Translating Author, 2005, PhD diss., University of Chicago, details ,