Bibliographic entries by publisher: Fukuoka
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected publisher (4 in total).
- Aspects of Nabokov's Transition to English Prose in The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, no. 40, Studies in English Language and Literature, 1990, Fukuoka, details ,
- Memory as Reality in Nabokov's World, no. 30, Kyuushuu Amerika Bungaku, 1989, Fukuoka, details ,
- The Occurence [sic] of French Idiomatic Phrases in Nabokov's Lolita, no. 39, Studies in English Language and Literature, 1989, Fukuoka, details ,
- The Role of Ghostly Influences in Nabokov's Transparent Things, no. 43, Studies in English Language, 1993, Fukuoka, details ,