Bibliographic entries by publisher: Columbus: Slavica Publishers
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected publisher (7 in total).
- Nabokov, Kuzmin, Chekhov, and Gogol: Systems of Reference in 'Lips to Lips', Connolly, Julian W., and Sonia I. Ketchian, eds., Studies in Russian Literature in Honor of Vsevolod Setchkarev, 1986, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Delusions or Clairvoyance?: A Second Look at Madness in V. Nabokov's Fiction, McMillin, Arnold, ed., Aspects of Modern Russian and Czech Literature: Third World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, 1989, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- To See or Be Seen: The Function of the Gaze in Nabokov's Russian Fiction, Rollberg, Peter, ed., And Meaning for a Life Entire: Festschrift for Charles A. Moser on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1997, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Game, Set, Mismatch: On the Role of Tennis and Other Sports in Nabokov's Fiction, Rollberg, Peter, eds., And Meaning for a Life Entire: Festschrift for Charles A. Moser on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, 1997, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Nabokov's Orange Night, Crone, Anna Lisa, and Catherine V. Chvany, eds., New Studies in Russian Language and Literature, 1986, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- The Long-Drawn Sunset of Fialta, Connolly, Julian W., and Sonia I. Ketchian, eds., Studies in Russian Literature in Honor of Vsevolod Setchkarev, 1986, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,
- Nabokov and Bunin: The Comparative Poetics of Rivalry, Maguire, Robert A., and Alan Timberlake, eds., American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists: Literature, Linguistics, Poetics, 1998, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details ,