Bibliographic entries by author: Vries, Gerard de
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (30 in total).
- Vries, Gerard de, "Frost at Midnight": Shades of Coleridge’s Poetry in Pale Fire, no. 73, The Nabokovian, 2014, details
- Vries, Gerard de, "Mountain, not Fountain": Pale Fire’s Saving Grace, no. 63, The Nabokovian, 2009, details
- Vries, Gerard de, "Perplex'd in the Extreme": Moral Facets of Vladimir Nabokov's Work, v. 2, Nabokov Studies, 1995, details
- Vries, Gerard de, A Trip to Solliès-Pont, alias Molignac, Zembla, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Fanning the Poet's Fire: Some Remarks on Nabokov's Pale Fire, v. 24, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1991, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Hazel Shade’s “Pale Spectres” and “Purple Fires”, v. 12, Nabokov Online Journal, 2018, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Leonardo and 'Spring in Fialta', Vries, Gerard de, and D. Barton Johnson, Nabokov and the Art of Painting, 2006, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Memory and Fiction in Nabokov's Speak Memory, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta hr. Cieszkowskiego, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Nabokov and George du Maurier, no. 75, The Nabokovian, 2018, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Nabokov's Pale Fire and the Romantic Movement (with special reference to the Brocken, Scott and Goethe), Zembla, 2008, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Nabokov, Pushkin and Scott, v. 3, Revue de littérature comparée, 1997, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Nabokov’s Pale Fire and Alexander Pope, Leving, Yuri, ed., The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac, 2010, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Nabokov’s Pale Fire and the Last Works of J. S. Bach, v. 24, no. 1, Cycnos, 2006, Nice, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Pale Fire and Doctor Johnson, no. 66, The Nabokovian, 2011, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Pale Fire and The Life of Johnson: The Case of Hodge and Mystery Lodge, no. 26, The Nabokovian, Spring 1991, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Pnin: Mirrors and Doubles, no. 18, The Nabokovian, Spring 1987, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Review of Pniniad: Vladimir Nabokov and Marc Szeftel by Galya Diment, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Review of The Tender Friendship and the Charm of Perfect Accord: Nabokov and His Father by Gavriel Shapiro, v. 11, Nabokov Online Journal, 2017, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Sandro Botticelli and Hazel Shade, no. 49, The Nabokovian, 2002, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Shoes, no. 24, The Nabokovian, Spring 1990, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Silent Love: The Annotation and Interpretation of Vladimir Nabokov’s The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, 2016, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Squirrels, no. 19, The Nabokovian, Fall 1987, details
- Vries, Gerard de, The Fourth Chapter of The Gift: Inserted or Concerted?, no. 40, The Nabokovian, 1998, details
- Vries, Gerard de, The Origin of "The Proustian Theme in a Letter from Keats to Benjamin Bailey", no. 36, The Nabokovian, 1996, details
- Vries, Gerard de, The True Life of Sebastian Knight, Zembla, 2011, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Three Notes on Ada, no. 77, The Nabokovian, 2019, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Tiaras and Triads in Speak, Memory, no. 43, The Nabokovian, 1999, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Two Notes on Hazel Shade, no. 79, The Nabokovian, 2020, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Vladimir Nabokov and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, Dhooge, Ben, and Jürgen Pieters, eds., Vladimir Nabokov’s Lectures on Literature: Portraits of the Artist as Reader and Teacher, 2018, Leiden: Brill Rodopi, details
- Vries, Gerard de, Wheels in the Low Sun, no. 31, The Nabokovian, 1993, details