Bibliographic entries by author: Shrayer, Maxim D.
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (31 in total).
- Shrayer, Maxim D., "We Must Live, But We Must Not Remember…": The Vertinsky-Blokh Polemical Code in and around Nabokov's Pnin, v. 16, Nabokov Online Journal, 2022, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Cloud, Castle, Lake' and the Problem of Entering Nabokov's Otherworld, v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Souls of the Dead': Reflections on Nabokov's Jewish Themes, Brinkhuis, Frank, and Sascha Talmor, eds., Memory, History and Critique: European Identity at the Millennium. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, 1996, Utrecht: University for Humanist Studies, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., A Dozen Notes to Nabokov's Short Stories, no. 40, The Nabokovian, Spring 1998, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., After Rapture and Recapture: Transformations in the Drafts of Nabokov's Stories, v. 58, no. 4, The Russian Review, 1999, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Bunin's Tambourine: Echoes of the Old Master in His Disciple's Fourth Novel, v. 16, Nabokov Studies, 2019, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Crimean Style – 2013: A Sentimental Journey to the Peninsula of Nabokov’s Youth, v. 9, Nabokov Online Journal, 2015, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Death, Immortality and Nabokov's Jewish Theme, no. 38, The Nabokovian, Spring 1997, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Decoding Vladimir Nabokov's 'The Return of Chorb', v. 51, no. 168/170, Russian Language Journal, 1997, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Dmitri Nabokov: Unfinished Photographs, v. 6, Nabokov Online Journal, 2012, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Evreiskie voprosy v zhizni i tvorchestve Nabokova, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, no. 43, 1999, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Ivan Bunin i Vladimir Nabokov: poetika sopernichestva, I. A. Bunin i russkaia literatura XX veka, 1995, Moscow: Nasledie, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Jewish Questions in Nabokov's Art and Life, Connolly, Julian W., ed., Nabokov and His Fiction: New Perspectives, 1999, Cambridge University Press, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Mapping Narrative Space in Nabokov's Short Fiction, v. 75, no. 4, The Slavonic and East European Review, 1997, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokov and Bunin: The Comparative Poetics of Rivalry, Maguire, Robert A., and Alan Timberlake, eds., American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists: Literature, Linguistics, Poetics, 1998, Columbus: Slavica Publishers, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokov and Women Writers, no. 44, The Nabokovian, Spring 2000, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokov, Religion, and the Holocaust, Tablet Magazine, 08-09-2023, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokov: temy i variatsii, 2000, St. Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokovljeva tekstobiografija, v. 29, no. 106, Knjizneva Smotra (Book Survey: The Journal for World Literature), 1997, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Nabokov’s use of Hebrew in “Easter Rain”, v. 4, Nabokov Online Journal, 2010, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Pilgrimage, Memory and Death in Vladimir Nabokov's Short Story 'The Aurelian', v. 40, no. 4, The Slavic and East European Journal, 1996, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Poetry, Exile, and Prophetic Mystification in 'Vasiliy Shishkov' (1939), Zembla, 1999, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Poslednii russkii klassik na poroge stoletiia. Predsmertnyi portret Leonida Leonova, v. 4, no. 270, Literaturnoe obozrenie, 1998, Moscow, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Review of A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction edited by Charles Nicol and Gennady Barabtarlo, v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Saving Jewish-Russian Emigres, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Seksografiia Nabokova, Belobrovsteva, Irina et al., Kul'tura russkoi diaspory: Vladimir Nabokov-100: materialy nauchnoi konferentsii (Tallinn-Tartu, 14-17 ianvaria 1999), 2000, Tallinn: TPÜ Kirjastus, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Sites and Sounds of Pomerania in Nabokov’s World, v. 7, Nabokov Online Journal, 2013, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., The Perfect Glory of Nabokov's Exploit, v. 35, no. 4, Russian Studies in Literature, Fall 2000, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., The Poetics of Vladimir Nabokov's Short Stories, with Reference to Anton Chekhov and Ivan Bunin, 1995, PhD diss., Yale University, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., The World of Nabokov's Stories, 1999, Austin: University of Texas Press, details
- Shrayer, Maxim D., Vladimir Nabokov and Ivan Bunin: A Reconstruction, v. 43, no. 3, Russian Literature, 1998, details