Bibliographic entries by author: Schuman, Samuel
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (27 in total).
- Schuman, Samuel, Comment dit-on 'mourir' en anglaise?: Translating Shakespeare in Nabokov's Pale Fire, Hoenselaars, Ton, and Marius Buning, eds., English Literature and the Other Languages, 1999, Amsterdam: Rodopi, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Despair and Die': A Note on Nabokov and Shakespeare's Tragedies, v. 12, no. 1, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1982, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Red Rocks' in Laughter in the Dark and Lolita, v. 18, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1988, details
- Schuman, Samuel, And One More Shakespeare for the Road, no. 32, The Nabokovian, 1994, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Another 'Nova Zembla', no. 6, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1981, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Beautiful Gate: Vladimir Nabokov and Orthodox Iconography, v. 32, no. 1, Religion & Literature, Spring 2000, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Criticism of Vladimir Nabokov: A Selected Checklist, v. 25, no. 3, Modern Fiction Studies, 1979, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Curious Conjunctions in Nabokov’s Collected Stories, no. 40, The Nabokovian, 1998, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Donald Barton Johnson: The Man and His Works, v. 10, Nabokov Studies, 2006, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Hyperlinks, Chiasmus, Vermeer and St. Augustine: Models of Reading Ada, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Inventing Nabokov, v. 22, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1996, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Laughter in the Dark and Othello, no. 20, The Nabokovian, Spring 1988, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Monsieur Nabokov and Mademoiselle O, Chupin, Yannicke, Agnes Edel-Roy, Monica Manolescu, and Lara Delage-Toriel, eds., Vladimir Nabokov et la France, 2017, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov and Shakespeare's Trees, v. 18, no. 3, Notes on Contemporary Literature, 1988, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov and Shakespeare: The Russian Works, Alexandrov, Vladimir E., ed., The Garland Companion to Vladimir Nabokov, 1995, New York: Garland, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov On Tour -- Part I, no. 68, The Nabokovian, 2012, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov On Tour -- Part II, no. 69, The Nabokovian, 2012, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov On Tour -- Part III, no. 70, The Nabokovian, 2013, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov's God; God's Nabokov, Rodgers, Michael, and Susan Elizabeth Sweeney, eds., Nabokov and the Question of Morality: Aesthetics, Metaphysics, and the Ethics of Fiction, 2016, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Nabokov's Shakespeare, 2014, Bloomsbury Academic, details
- Schuman, Samuel, On the Road to Canterbury, Liliput and Elphinstone - The Rough Guide: Satiric Travel Narratives in Chaucer, Swift and Nabokov, Zembla, August, 1996, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov edited by Julian W. Connolly, v. 9, Nabokov Studies, 2005, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Review of Vladimir Nabokov by Tony Sharpe, v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Something Rotten in the State: Hamlet and Bend Sinister, v. 24, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1991, details
- Schuman, Samuel, Vladimir Nabokov: A Reference Guide, 1979, Boston: G. K. Hall, details
- Schuman, Samuel, “The Sun’s a Thief”: Nabokov and Shakespeare ― A Quantitative Approach, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
- Schuman, Samuel, “Which is Sebastian?” What’s in a (Shakespearean and Nabokovian) Name?, Leving, Yuri, ed., The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac, 2010, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details