Bibliographic entries by author: Nicol, Charles
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (23 in total).
- Nicol, Charles, Ghastly Rich Glass': A Double Essay on 'Spring in Fialta', v. 24, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1991, Ann Arbors: Ardis, details
- Nicol, Charles, Abraham Milton, no. 11, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1983, details
- Nicol, Charles, Ada or Disorder, Rivers, J. E., and Charles Nicol, eds., Nabokov's Fifth Arc, 1982, University of Texas Press, details
- Nicol, Charles, Advice to the Emigration: Didacticism in Mary and Glory, no. 13, The Nabokovian, 1984, details
- Nicol, Charles, Buzzwords and Dorophonemes: How Words proliferate and Things decay in Ada, Shapiro, Gavriel, ed., Nabokov at Cornell, 2003, Cornell University Press, details
- Nicol, Charles, Dating Problems in 'The Circle', no. 22, The Nabokovian, 1989, details
- Nicol, Charles, Did Luzhin Have Chess Fever?, no. 27, The Nabokovian, 1991, details
- Nicol, Charles, Early Buchan, Late Nabokov, no. 27, The Nabokovian, 1991, details
- Nicol, Charles, Finding the 'Assistant Producer', Nicol, Charles, and Gennady Barabtarlo, eds., A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction, 1993, New York: Garland, details
- Nicol, Charles, Flaubert's Understudy, no. 5, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1980, details
- Nicol, Charles, Martin, Darwin, Malory and Pushkin: The Anglo-Russian Culture of Glory, Grayson, Jane, Arnold McMillin, and Priscilla Meyer, eds., v. 1, Nabokov's World: The Shape of Nabokov's World, 2002, New York: Palgrave, details
- Nicol, Charles, Music in the Theater of the Mind: Opera and Vladimir Nabokov, Zunshine, Lisa, ed., Nabokov at the Limits: Redrawing Critical Boundaries, 1999, New York: Garland, details
- Nicol, Charles, Nabokov and Science Fiction: 'Lance', v. 14, no. 1, Science Fiction Studies, 1987, details
- Nicol, Charles, Necessary Introduction or Fatal Fatuity: Nabokov's Introductions and Bend Sinister, v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details
- Nicol, Charles, Pnin's History, v. 4, no. 3, Novel: A Forum on Fiction, Spring 1971, details
- Nicol, Charles, Review of Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery by Brian Boyd, v. 6, Nabokov Studies, 2000/01, details
- Nicol, Charles, Review of The Art of Celebration: Twentieth-Century Painting Literature, Sculpture, Photography and Jazz by Alfred Appel, Jr., v. 1, Nabokov Studies, 1994, details
- Nicol, Charles, The Cantrip Review, no. 2, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1979, details
- Nicol, Charles, The Mirrors of Sebastian Knight, Dembo, L. S., ed., Nabokov: The Man and His Work, 1967, University of Wisconsin Press, details
- Nicol, Charles, The Mysterious Dozen Revisited, no. 2, The Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, 1979, details
- Nicol, Charles, Two Poems by Pushkin in Nabokov's “Glory”, Stark, V. P., ed., A. S. Pushkin i V. V. Nabokov, 1999, St. Petersburg: Dorn, details
- Nicol, Charles, Types of Formal Structure in Selected Novels of Vladimir Nabokov, 1970, PhD diss., Bowling Green State University, details
- Nicol, Charles, Why Darwin slid into the Ditch: An Embedded Text in Glory, no. 37, The Nabokovian, 1996, details