Bibliographic entries by author: Meyer, Priscilla
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (22 in total).
- Meyer, Priscilla, Anglophilia and Optimistics: Sebastian Knight’s Bookshelves, Dolinin, Alexander, Lazar Fleishman, and Leonid Livak, eds., Russian Literature and the West: A Tribute for David M. Bethea, 2008, Stanford University: Stanford Slavic Studies, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Black and Violet Words: Despair and The Real Life of Sebastian Knight as Doubles, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Dolorous Haze, Hazel Shade: Nabokov and the Spirits, Grayson, Jane, Arnold McMillin, and Priscilla Meyer, eds., v. 1, Nabokov's World: The Shape of Nabokov's World, 2002, New York: Palgrave, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Etymology and Heraldry: Nabokov's Zemblan Translations: A bot on the Nabokov Escutcheon, v. 29, no. 4, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, 1987, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Find What the Sailor Has Hidden: Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire, 1988, Middleton: Wesleyan University Press, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Igor, Ossian, and Kinbote: Nabokov's Nonfiction as Reference Library, v. 47, no. 1, Slavic Review, 1988, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Life as Annotation: Sebastian Knight, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Vladimir Nabokov, v. 24, no. 1, Cycnos, 2006, Nice, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Lolita and the Genre of Literary Doubles: Does Quilty Exist?, Martiny, Erik, eds., Lolita: From Nabokov to Kubrick and Lyne, 2009, Paris: Sedes/Armand Colin, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Morris Bishop, His Wife, and the Mural in Pnin, no. 72, The Nabokovian, 2014, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov and Indeterminacy: The Case of The Real Life of Sebastian Knight, 2018, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov's Biographers, Annotators, and Interpreters, v. 91, no. 3, Modern Philology, 1994, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov's Lolita and Pushkin's Onegin: McAdam, McEve, and McFate, Gibian, George, and Stephen Jan Parker, eds., The Achievements of Vladimir Nabokov, 1984, Ithaca: Cornell Center for International Studies, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov's Short Fiction, Connolly, Julian W., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Nabokov, 2005, Cambridge University Press, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov: Sintez kul’tur, v. 15, Obozrenie, 1985, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Nabokov’s Lecture at Wesleyan University, no. 70, The Nabokovian, 2013, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Pale Fire as Cultural Astrolabe: The Sagas of the North, v. 47, no. 1, The Russian Review, 1988, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Reflections of Shakespeare: Pale Fire and Cultural Synthesis, v. 22, Russian Literature TriQuarterly, 1989, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Review of Imagery in Vladimir Nabokov's Last Russian Novel (Dar), Its English Translation (The Gift), and Other Prose Works by Nassim Winnie Berdjis, v. 4, Nabokov Studies, 1997, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, Teaching Lolita through Pushkin’s Lens, Kuzmanovich, Zoran, and Galya Diment, eds. , Approaches to Teaching Nabokov’s Lolita, 2008, New York: MLA, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, The German Theme in Nabokov's Work of the 1920s, Nicol, Charles, and Gennady Barabtarlo, eds., A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov's Short Fiction, 1993, New York: Garland, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, The Real Hound, The Real Knight: Tom Stoppard reads Nabokov, Grayson, Jane, Arnold McMillin, and Priscilla Meyer, eds., v. 2, Nabokov's World: Reading Nabokov, 2002, New York: Palgrave, details
- Meyer, Priscilla, The Spirit of Cynthia Vane, no. 61, The Nabokovian, Fall 2008, details