Bibliographic entries by author: Dragunoiu, Dana
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (14 in total).
- Dragunoiu, Dana, The universe embraced by consciousness': Vladimir Nabokov’s Philosophical Domain, 2000, PhD diss., University of Toronto, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Dialogues with Berkeley: Idealist Metaphysics and Epistemology in Nabokov's Bend Sinister, v. 5, Nabokov Studies, 1998/99, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Hazel Shade's Russian Sisterhood, or Is Pale Fire a Feminist Novel? In memory of Gennady Barabtarlo, v. 18, Nabokov Studies, 2022/2023, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Liberalism, Bethea, David M., and Siggy Frank, eds., Vladimir Nabokov in Context, 2018, Cambridge University Press, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Lolita: Law, Ethics, Politics, Kuzmanovich, Zoran, and Galya Diment, eds., Approaches to Teaching Nabokov’s Lolita, 2008, New York: MLA, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Lolita: Nabokov’s Rewriting of Dostoevski’s The Brothers Karamazov, v. 13, Nabokov Studies, 2014/2015, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Making History from the Future: Lolita and Proust’s Cahier 36, v. 15, Nabokov Online Journal, 2021, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, On Pity and Courtesy in Nabokov’s Ethics, Brian, Boyd, and Marijeta Bozovic, eds., Nabokov Upside Down, 2017, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, The Afterlives of Odette and Albertine in Lolita’s Final Chapters, v. 72, no. 3, Comparative Literature, 2020, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Time, Memory, the General, and the Specific in Lolita and À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, Księżopolska, Irena, and Mikołaj Wiśniewski, eds., Vladimir Nabokov and the Fictions of Memory, 2019, Warsaw: Fundacja Augusta Hr. Cieszkowskiego, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Vladimir Nabokov and the Art of Moral Acts, 2021, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Vladimir Nabokov and the Poetics of Liberalism, 2012, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Vladimir Nabokov’s Ada: Art, Deception, Ethics, v. 46, no. 2, Contemporary Literature, 2005, details
- Dragunoiu, Dana, Vladimir Nabokov’s Invitation to a Beheading and the Russian Radical Tradition, v. 25, no. 1, Journal of Modern Literature, 2001, details