Bibliographic entries by author: Bouchet, Marie
This is a list of Bibliography Items for the selected author (23 in total).
- Bouchet, Marie, "Revising Nabokov Revising” Nabokov Conference in Kyoto, Leving, Yuri, ed., The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Alamanac, 2010, Boston: Academic Studies Press, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Focalization and Narration in Lolita, Novel and Film, Machu, D., and T. Tuhkunen, eds., Lolita, 2009, Paris: Ellipses, details
- Bouchet, Marie, From Dolores on the Dotted Line to Dotted Dolores, v. 9, Nabokov Studies, 2005, details
- Bouchet, Marie, From Dolores, CO, to Lolita, TX: DĂ©tours et retours Ă travers 'the crazy quilt of forty-eight states', Anglophonia/Caliban, 2006, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Holding that wisp of iridescence: l’irisation sensuelle des blancs du texte nabokovien, no. 4, Transatlantica, 2005, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Image and Word Crossbreeding: Nabokov’s Subversive Use of the Ekphrasis, v. 2, Moveable Type: 'The Mind's Eye', 2006, details
- Bouchet, Marie, La technique ekphrastique chez Vladimir Nabokov: Cadrages et recadrages de l’image textuelle, Grandjeat, Y. C., ed., Cadres et limites, 2007, Bordeaux: Annales du CRAA, details
- Bouchet, Marie, La traduction des objets du quotidien dans Ada: révéler les potentialités créatrices de la « banale réalité », Loison-Charles, Julie, and Stanislav Shvabrin, ed., Vladimir Nabokov et la traduction, 2021, Arras: Artois Presses Université, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Les métamorphoses de la beauté ou la jeune fille nabokovienne, Zembla, 2003, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Lolita, a Novel by Vladimir Nabokov, a Film by Stanley Kubrick, 2009, Paris: Atlande, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Lolita, the Secret of/in Lolita: 'Poerotics' of Secrecy, Barros-Grela, Eduardo, and José Liste-Noya, eds., American Secrets: The Politics and Poetics of Secrecy in the Literature and Culture of the United States, 2011, Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, details
- Bouchet, Marie, L’ image-mouvement’ nabokovienne: paradoxes de l’écriture cinématique à travers l’étude des œuvres de Vladimir Nabokov, Nacache, Jacqueline, and Jean-Loup Bourget, eds., Cinématismes: La littérature au prisme du cinéma, 2012, Bern: Peter Lang, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Migrations of Signifiers in Lolita and Pnin, or The Two Faces of Vladimir Nabokov’s Exile, Gibault, M., ed., Exils, migrations, créations, 2008, Paris: Indigo, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Music and Songs in Lolita, Novel and Film, no. 3, Miranda, 2010, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Nabokov's Text under the Microscope: Textual Practices of Detail in his Lepidopterological and Fictional Writings, Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence, and Marie Bouchet, eds., Insects in Literature and the Arts, 2014, Bern: Peter Lang, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Nabokov’s Poerotics of Dancing: From Word to Movement, Kaleidoscopic Nabokov, 2009, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Neurological Synesthesia vs Literary Synesthesia: Can Nabokov Help Bridge the Gap?, Bouchet, Marie, Julie Loison-Charles, and Isabelle Poulin, eds., The Five Senses in Nabokov's Works, 2020, Palgrave Macmillan, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Popular Culture as an Intermedial Source: ​Nabokov’s subversive use of the Ut Pictura Poesis Topos in Lolita, Novel and Screenplay, v. 10, Nabokov Online Journal, 2016, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Rythme et descriptions de jeunes filles chez Vladimir Nabokov: pulsations poétiques du désir, no. 11, Imaginaires: Le rythme dans les littératures de langue anglaise, 2005, details
- Bouchet, Marie, The Enchanted Hunters and the Hunted Enchanters: the dizzying effects of embedded structures and meta-artistic devices in Lolita, novel and film, no. 11, Sillages Critiques, 2010, details
- Bouchet, Marie, The Text(ure) of Desire: The Garments and Ornaments of Nabokov’s Maidens, Rakhimova-Sommers, Elena, ed., Nabokov's Women: The Silent Sisterhood of Textual Nomads, 2017, Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Vladimir Nabokov, or How to Turn Exile into Art, Numano, Mitsuyoshi, and Tadashi Wakashima, eds., Revising Nabokov Revising: Proceedings of the International Nabokov Conference, 2010, Kyoto: Nabokov Society of Japan, details
- Bouchet, Marie, Vladimir Nabokov, un exemple d’aliénation créatrice, v. 7, no. 2, La Revue LISA, 2009, details