Vladimir Nabokov

NABOKV-L post 0000967, Thu, 15 Feb 1996 14:38:09 -0800

Re: VN Audio and Video (fwd)
EDITOR'S NOTE. Describing some VN film footage, Joseph Piercy just in
passing mentioned Camile Paglia. Galya Diment's rapid-fire response below
prompts me to wonder whether Ms. Paglia has actually said anything about
VN. Can someone perhaps inform us on this?
From: Galya Diment <galya@u.washington.edu>

"scholars interested in feminist critiques of Lolita or in the novel's
influence on cultural history may find what Paglia has to say of some use"

I suspect only people interested in Paglia herself may find anything she says
of any interest or use. She is, one may say, Joan Collins of literary
criticism (fresh in our minds because of the trial that just ended in New
York). I also am not sure one should call what she does a "feminist critique"
-- that's the case where both Paglia and feminists may be equally insulted by
such a labeling. My personal opinion, of course, but, as Nabokov would say,
a strong one!

Galya Diment