"To have touched Violin for so many years
And not recognize the Strings in light!"
Are these lines from Annenski's "The Bow and the Strings" a clue
to LATH? The first three of Vadim's three or four
successive wives (Iris Black, Annette Blagovo, Louise Adamson) are
really his sisters (see D. B. Johnson's article "The Ambidextrous Universe
of LATH"), but Vadim never realizes it! According to Hodasevich, Andrey
Bely's tragedy was that he was in love with Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok
(Shch. in Bely's memoirs) who reciprocated his feelings
but refused to leave her husband saying, in a letter to
Bely, that she loved her husband with a sister's love. On the other
hand, in his poem Angel-khranitel' ("The Guardian Angel",
1906) Blok calls his wife sestra, i nevesta, i doch' (my
sister, and bride, and daughter):
Люблю Тебя, Ангел-Хранитель во мгле.
Во мгле, что со
мною всегда на земле.
За то, что ты светлой невестой была,
За то, что
ты тайну мою отняла.
За то, что связала нас тайна и ночь,
Что ты мне
сестра, и невеста, и дочь.
За то, что нам долгая жизнь суждена,
О, даже за то,
что мы - муж и жена!
I love You, My Guardian Angel, in gloom.
In gloom, that has followed me
out of the womb.
Because you were once my fair gorgeous bride.
you have seen all the secrets I hide.
Because we are bound by secrets and
Because you’re my sister, my daughter, my bride.
Because we are
destined to live a long life,
And more so, because we are - husband and
Vadim's second wife, Annette Blagovo, is the mother of Bel,
Vadim's daughter with whom he almost falls in love.
Lyubov Dmitrievna Blok was Mendeleev's daughter. Kalikakov (a Soviet spy
mentioned in my previous post) also reminds one of kaliy
(potassium, a metallic element in Mendeleev's periodic system). In one of his
pallid poems the critic Georgiy Adamovich (VN's faithful Zoilus) famously
mentions tsianistyi kaliy (potassium cyanide):
Куртку потёртую с беличьим мехом
Как мне
Голос ленивый небесным ли эхом
Мне заглушить?
настойчиво бьётся ненастье
В шаткую дверь,
Гасит свечу... Мое бедное
Где ты теперь?
Имя тебе непонятное дали,
Ты -
Или, точнее, цианистый калий -
Имя твоё.
(...You were given an unintelligible name,
you are the oblivion.
Or, rather, your name is
potassium cyanide.)
In LATH Adamovich's personality is split between two critics: Basilevski
(Vadim Vadimovich's faithful Zoilus who follows him to America) and Adam
Atropovich (the unforgettable leader of the talented, illiterate, intuitive new
critics). While Basilevski hints at Vasiliev (in The Gift, a fat old
journalist who writes in Gazeta), Atropovich comes from Atropos,
the Fate who cuts the thread of life.
Alexey Sklyarenko