Why is the architect to blame in the Tolstoy family? never heard that before.
Dear Jansy,
I misread your "the key to PF" as "in the key of PF" which I like a lot better.
Oh, dear. Nobody remembers what I say - except for Matt Roth. Well, that's life
I guess. No point in reiterating the re-re-reinterated. I mean iterated. Just
inter my ideas and say good night, Gracie.
By Hamlet's love-making hoax, I assume you refer to his misleading of the poor
darling Ophelia. She must have been one of Nabokov's favorite Shakespearean
characters, don't you think?
Speaking of 'erotic geography' -- do you remember the lovely 'Popsicle Toes'* by
Michael Frank? on his album The Art of Tea. Why it's called that, I have no
idea. In the song, he loves to feel her warm Brazil and touch her 'Panama.'
Well, it is geographic -- and graphic too! and poetic needless to say. Another
great song is 'Eggplant.' It's culinary.
*but your 'Tierra del Fuegos' are nearly always froze