3. "He never tired of illustrating by means of these examples the
extraordinary blend of Canadian Zone and Austral Zone that "obtained," as he put
it, in that particular spot of Appalachia where at our altitude of about
4. John Shade’s wife, née Irondell [ ] was a few months his senior. I understand she came of Canadian stock, as did Shade’s maternal grandmother (a first cousin of Sybil’s grandfather, if I am not greatly mistaken).
5.CK on line 678: "Two of these translations appeared in the August number of the Nouvelle Revue Canadienne [ ] I have no space here to list a number of other blurrings and blunders in this Canadian version of the Dean of St. Paul’s denouncement of Death, that slave — not only to "fate" and "chance" — but also to us ("kings and desperate men")".
6. "