Jansy Mello: I wish Carolyn Kunin
could acknowlegde her mistaken attribution to me of the link bt. Cinderella and
incest, seeing that she's read Matt Roth's posting and my answer to him.
For clarification, here it is reproduced:
Matt Roth:"I have just finished Michael Marr's Speak,
Nabokov, and, like Carolyn Kunin (who gets a nice mention in the book, btw), I
very much enjoyed it. One regret is that...Maar goes on at some length
about the Cinderella motif, but he doesn't seem to know, or thinks it
irrelevant, that Cinderella is at root an incest tale."
JM: There are outstanding books on the origins
of fairy-tales... And yet, perhaps Nabokov's interest in "Cinderella" was
uninformed about these purported links bt "Aschenbr�del" and incest theories.
Why would the incest theme... in Nabokov, necessarily demand this kind of
"psychological" background information ( which he was clearly aware of, anyway)
and its material lack be something strong enough to spoil Maar's the breadth in
his book? (VN-L: July 2010)