Dorothy Vinelander to Van Veen: "And how many bereavements we've gone through since the new century started! Her [Ada's] mother and my mother, the Archbishop of Ivankover and Dr Swissair of Lumbago (where mother and I reverently visited him in 1888); three distinguished uncles (whom, fortunately, I hardly knew); and your father, who, I've always maintained, resembled a Russian aristocrat much more than he did an Irish Baron. " (Ada, 3.8)
Demon Veen visited Ardis (and told Van that the stab of a sunset, especially from under a thunderhead, was not for his poor eyes, or poor ventricles) in the summer of 1888, the year Dasha and her late mother paid a visit Dr Swissair of Lumbago. Lumbago rhymes with Zhivago and Mertvago (on Demonia, Pasternak's novel is known as Les Amours du Docteur Mertvago, a mystical romance by a pastor, and Mertvago Forever).
"Памяти Демона" (In Memory of Demon) is the opening poem in Pasternak's book "Сестра моя жизнь" (My Sister Life) subtitled Summer of 1917 and dedicated to Lermontov (the author of interesting "Предсказание", Prediction, 1830).
As he reads Van's palm, Demon tells him: "What puzzles me as a palmist is the strange condition of the Sister of your Life." (1.38) 
In his essay on Lermontov Merezhkovski speaks of the poet's early death and quotes the philosopher Vladimir Soloviov who hints, in his own article on the author of Demon, that the poet is now mertv (dead) forever:
Конец Лермонтова у Вл. Соловьева напоминает конец Фауста. Потомок шотландского чернокнижника Фомы Лермонта и предок немецкого антихриста Ницше не мог иметь иного конца.
"Конец Лермонтова и им самим и нами называется гибелью, -- заключает Вл. Соловьев. -- Выражаясь так, мы не представляем себе, конечно, театрального провала в какую-то преисподнюю, где пляшут красные черти". Оговорка дела не меняет: какого бы цвета ни были черти, нет сомнения, что Вл. Соловьев Лермонтова отправил к чертям. Он дает понять, что конец его не только временная, но и вечная гибель.
Alexey Sklyarenko
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