Dear NABOKV-L subscribers,
"Nabokov Online Journal" has announced a number of exciting initiatives
in its new issue, including the award of new prizes for excellence in
research. The Editorial Board hopes that all of you will take an active
part in the decision making. The subscribers will ultimately decide
whom to award the annual Best Scholarly Contribution in the area of
Nabokov studies.
Best Book for the 2012 Award can be any work
published between 2000 and 2011. We invite your nominations to be
submitted to the Editor of the "Nabokov Online Journal" at, by Friday, 16
March, 2012.
This Editorial Board of NOJ will serve as a
special expert committee and will make its recommendation after
reviewing the list of nominations. The three short-listed titles will
be announced on 23 March on the NABOKV-L.
The final selection will be made by you,
the listserv subscribers: you will be
casting a virtual ballot to the NABOKV-L editors. Professors Susan
Elizabeth Sweeney and Stephen Blackwell have kindly agreed to make the
final calculations to ensure the transparency of the process.
The winner will be announced on 23 April, 2012.
Yuri Leving
All private editorial communications are
read by both co-editors.