Re: [NABOKV-L] [NABOKOV-L] [TRIVIA] Ramsdale and a road sign to
cities in fic...
Mon, 5 Sep 2011 16:34:31 -0400
Re Lolita, USA. Climax is not imaginary. It is in Greene County, New
York. RHB (Robert H. Boyle)
In a message dated 9/4/2011 7:09:01 P.M. Eastern Daylight
Time, jansy@AETERN.US writes:
Absently staring at the Nicki-channel for "Sponge Bob" and "Fairly
Good Parents," I had the impression I saw "Ramsdale" and a road-sign
indicating "Nabokovia." Although in this cartoon there are citations of
Stallone, Schwarznegger and George Bush, I must have dreamed the whole
episode - for I got nowhere in my search. [. . .]
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