*- Adamastor is the name that has been attributed to one of the giants born to Terra and who fought against Zeus. He was fulminated by Zeus's rays and his stony massiveness was fragmented and took the shapes of islands and promontories. His name appears for the first time in Sidonius Apolinarius. He was later mentioned by Rabelais in "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Camões reappropriation and fusion of African legends and myths recreated Adamastor and attributed to him a particular weakness ( he harbors the pains of an impossible love).
Bocage wrote a sonnet about Adamastor's prophecies and the ills he caused to the Portuguese:
He is mentioned by Voltaire in a chapter dedicated to Camões in "Essai sur la poésie épique." He is also present in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables (Tome III, Marius, cap III) and in a poem dedicated to Lamartine (Les Feuilles d'automne, cap IX). Alexander Dumas speaks of Adamastor six times [in The Count of Montecristo, Georges (cap I), Bontekoe, Les drames de la mer, (cap I), Causeries (cap. IX) e Mes Mémoires (cap. CCXVIII)].More recently he is remembered by the Portuguese Fernando Pessoa ( "O Monstrengo") and Saramago Here are excerpts in Portuguese from Camões Adamastor episode in Os Lusíadas:
Não acabava, quando
uma figura
Se nos mostra no ar, robusta e válida,
De disforme e
grandíssima estatura,
O rosto carregado, a barba esquálida,
Os olhos
encovados, e a postura
Medonha e má, e a cor terrena e
Cheios de terra e crespos os cabelos,
A boca negra, os
dentes amarelos.
C'um tom de voz nos fala horrendo e grosso,
pareceu sair do mar profundo.
Arrepiam-se as carnes e o cabelo
A mim
e a todos, só de ouvi-lo e vê-lo.
Aqui espero tomar, se não me engano,
De quem me
descobriu suma vingança;
E não se acabará só nisto o
Naufrágios, perdições de toda a sorte,
Que o menor mal
de todos seja a morte.
Eu sou aquele oculto e grande cabo
A quem
chamais vós outros